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Everything posted by IronMaus

  1. I've booked my room for the week - so excited to see y'all!
  2. Aside from the Pandemic, another reason I'm not working is because I'm out of shape after a year of not exercising, eating things like gluten and sugar, drinking and smoking cigarettes. I'll pretend to be blonde and pretty via social media until I can get my body back to working order
  3. A regular client can cancel on me without consequence if they have something come up and are willing to reschedule - you offering a little compensation for cancelling, regardless of your reasoning, would mean a lot to me. You did what you could and he's the one that ruined the moment... Do you really think he was asleep sending that long text with no mistakes? At best, he thought he was replying to someone else - that would have been a reasonable excuse. His text was awful and uncalled for and simply not nice. His apology helped until "It was truthful, but it doesn't even apply to you at all." If he really feels the way his text made it sound, he sounds like an asshole with psychological issues I don't want to waste money on.
  4. Love Never Dies - the sequel to Phantom of the Opera. Phantom of the Opera was bad enough.
  5. Yes, which he could have done in prison lol But I would rather he grown old in prison.
  6. Yes! Gay bars don't hold the same significance or purpose as before, but bars will never go away and gays prefer to drink among their own. Bar closings from the past year have left a vacuum but to what degree we have to see - and I feel Philadelphia could use a resurgence in gay culture/community.
  7. I feel it's important to include Harvey Milk's death as a stark reminder of what the Black Lives Matter seeks to accomplish and shed light on. Dan White was an ex cop who intended to murder 4 people and succeeded with 2: the Mayor and Harvey Milk. Because of his association with and support from the police, Dan got a slap on the wrist with 7 years for "voluntary mansluaghter" - then released on parole after 5 years.
  8. So basically it's back to the "hope your county isn't governed by idiots - bring the whole family to dinner if so!" plan. Because THAT worked so well before.
  9. In California we are upset with Gavin for this bullshit. You don't relax when a curve flattens - you maintain in order to point that sucker down. We are going to just keep riding this goddamn wave if we don't stick with orders for longer. I spend time in LA, and it's sad to see so many million entitled people get frustrated by something that they claim they can't see - they can't see it because they don't live in black and brown neighborhoods, most their friends are under 40, and they don't hang out at hospitals.
  10. “America has only three cities: New York, San Francisco, and New Orleans. Everywhere else is Cleveland.” -Tennessee Williams.
  11. I feel it's important to get tested before a trip and abstain from sex between the test and the trip. In the same vein, I feel responsible for taking a COVID test before sexual encounters and am even more serious about isolating and abstaining between those results and the occasion. Risking exposure to STI's and COVID is not worth the sex or contribution it provides - especially in comparison to a trip. Besides, I'm getting laid on the trip so what is the rush? My COVID results are ready typically within 12 hours, and in order to feel safe before a trip I pay for Talent Testing Services to have my results in under 24 hours - or a free clinic with fast results, if available. Which, BTW, aren't very available right now. It is not easy to get tested right now, and results are often taking longer than usual. I've barely worked this year, but I took a trip that made me uncomfortable because the other participants didn't follow the same guidelines. They'd been tested, but it turned out some had sexual encounters and ignored COVID guidelines between the test and the trip - as well as during the trip. One thought because he'd had COVID he had nothing to worry. I find this selfish and negligent. They thought they were being careful enough, and I felt like I was putting myself and the at risk. In the end, I had not been clear or adamant enough about how important these guidelines are to me. So when I expressed concern, it was already too late. In the future I will be more clear and diligent in maintaining and advocating for these standards.
  12. David Attenborough's A Life On Earth is a must see! It's only 90 minutes, but I had to watch it in 3 parts because its pretty grim stuff; David laments his 94 years of observing life on earth amidst the decline of nature with a self-imposed mass extinction. It's a beautiful and sad summation of life on earth. Stick with it to the end because he offers clear roadmap to reversing our effect on the environment - how we can do it, who can do it, and why it will work.
  13. Trump took credit for this vaccine then blamed Pfizer for delaying the announcement until after the election - but they actually denied help from Trump to develop the vaccine and are more interested in getting it out there than making Trump happy. He can take credit all he wants as long as he's doing SOMETHING to get it out there. Please don't let his involvement from this point forward sway you from taking it ? ?
  14. ☝ This makes me feel comfortable. I'm determined to make it to Palm Springs next Spring. Time will tell as to how safe I will feel working or engaging sexually, but having the company and the setting of Palm Springs is enough motivation for me. Miss y'all bunches! ??
  15. When having trouble determining how legit a client is a picture can settle my concerns quickly. Some clients first message gives me enough to work with and I don't need a photo - but I at least need basic stats because I need to know what to expect. I have a reputation for seeing beyond the physical aspects of people I sleep with, but the last thing I want is a bad situation because I was in a hurry to get a paycheck. Most (more than 1/2) have provided a pic by request, and if they don't I understand and try to develop trust otherwise - their are various reasons a client doesn't feel comfortable with this and I don't want to jeopardize what could grow to be a great connection so a tread softly. Sometimes they'll agree to a short video chat to establish a first impression. Either way, I usually insist on a phone call from a 1st time client before meeting. This goes a long way in establishing trust and a good relationship. Many of my regular clients sent me a picture before we met. If someone is interested in spending a large amount (especially for extended occasions) I'd like to feel like we trust each other enough to both share photos. I can't expect them to feel the same way, but I can at least explain to them how I feel so they understand why I ask and we can continue from there.
  16. I feel like this article supports what I was saying. Caitlyn insists that her being a woman has nothing to do with her genitals when she says, “Transitioning is about nothing else but your soul. You are no more a woman the day after [the surgery] than the day before, okay?”
  17. I'm traveling very little this year. Drove to LA a couple times to see my boyfriend, flew to DC for the commitment march last month, then to Atlanta to isolate/mourn/safely catch up with chosen family. Next month I'm going on a work trip that I've already been paid for, and FINALLY visiting Hawaii to see my parents. It makes me anxious but I'm doing what I can to stay safe and keep those around me safe. I rarely have sex or take my mask off. I'm really really really horny on the inside lol
  18. If you've met before, and they flake without response, I make note of it. If they want to hire again I politely ask them to pay in full before we meet. If they flake but give me notice and can't reschedule right away, I make note of it so I can plan around the chance of a 2nd flaking.
  19. I'm flattered by your inclination to call me young Don't tell anybody, but I'm not a real millennial - I just play one in porn!
  20. The thought of traveling makes me anxious, but being outside in the sun with y'all would be a scenario I'm comfortable with. If it seems safe and enough are y'all are going, count me in!
  21. I wear a thong or jockstrap with a long t-shirt pajama, no underwear with pajama pants, or just a furry tail butt plug when I sleep naked.
  22. This past flu season was a double barrel flu season - where two strains overlap, making it easier to get it twice, or the vaccine less effective - and around 62,000 died. Covid-19 has killed some of my clients, and a lot of the 200,000 people that have died so far are in the age range of my clients. And my parents, for that matter. Getting my flu shot next week. I didn't use to get one because I'd never had the flu and I had a lot of friends who got sick every year when they get it, so I shrugged it off. But I think that was selfish of me because getting the flu shot is more about protecting others than protecting myself - like wearing a mask, or not j-walking in front of children, or not punching people in the face. I do not feel inconvenienced by the possibility of getting sick from the shot, or getting the flu anyways, because I can survive either and I hope that when I feel comfortable to start working again my clients and parents are still alive.
  23. I have both psoriasis and eczema and its a constant struggle. I hate my skin and it makes me very insecure. I've had clients and hookups turn me away because they thought I had Syphilis. Smoking makes it worse. Stress makes it worse. Not drinking enough water makes it worse. Honestly, if it weren't for my skin problems I wouldn't have spent so much time developing a healthier lifestyle and habits... Topical prescription steroids are the best. Spray for easy application, or an ointment you can mix into lotion for larger areas. Using too much soap or the wrong soap can perpetuate the problem. For Psoriasis, T-Gel from Neutrogena (with Tar Oil) shampoo works on your scalp but just as well on problem skin area. Body wash with Salicylic acid works as well. I wash my elbows, lower legs, and scap with these. Depending on their water, a filter in their shower and kitchen (not just Britta) can make a difference. Intermittent fasting does wonders for Psoriasis, inflammatory, and autoimmune disorders. If their skin is dry or combo (not oily) I recommend more organic and super-rich products like shea butter and products marketed towards "ethnic" skin and hair. It's best to moisturize your entire body - not just the problem areas. This will also keep them looking younger longer. The women in our life were never joking about that. The single best OTC remedy and moisturizer I have found for psoriasis is Organic Olive Oil. You'll smell like a salad, but you'll shine like gold and it really calms your skin.
  24. This year I've been reminiscing on all my bathhouse experiences - wondering when I'll ever make it back to one, or if my older friends may have seen their last moment at a bathhouse already. Knowing SF is ready to make these happen again is music to my ears! Bathhouses are an important part of our culture, they can be a legitimately relaxing environments, and when I'm in the mood to have sex with a variety of people but don't have 3 days of Grindr and Scruff the bathhouse is the way to go! SF hit a record low of new HIV cases in 2019: 166. PrEP is working great and the reasons the city didn't allow bathhouses before will not be forgotten while moving forward. The population of SF would not let these establishments mishandle or misrepresent their best interests. I think the younger generation is about ready for some classic bathhouse action! And they way things are moving we'll see a wider variety of genders accepted into these establishments - I'm on PrEP, but I might need birth control at the 21st century bathhouse!
  25. I would date a trans man. But I feel like my type is human and over 18. I haven't had sex with any trans men post surgery - but I don't know any that want the surgery. Guys with a pussy. It's simple. More holes to play with, they can top just as well as cis-men, they make for great fisting tops especially if you are new to it, and because of the boxes they live outside of their perspective is keen and valuable. Gender is a spectrum, and as society continues to learn and accept that the only reason we are a man or woman is because we say so, I think people are more comfortable in the skin they were born with. Honestly, it bugs me that as a species humans have been stalling on progress since men took over - as the idea of gender is removed from the existence of or desire for genitalia, I see a more Star Trek future...but hopefully not run by a mostly white male congress like Star Trek or America so far ?
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