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Kody S

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Posts posted by Kody S

  1. In my case, he literally said 2 or 3 words the entire session including "hello". I don't expect or want much conversation, but he just seemed like he was going through the motions and was not very much interested in what he was doing.

    And for this we pay money? Uh... pass.

  2. No connection here either. Very weird. I set up an appointment with him last year and an hour before I texted to confirm his address. No response. Another try and no response. I found his IG through some internet sleuthing and found out he was in Galveston that day with what looked like a friend or BF. He never bothered to respond to my query about what happened. Will not try again. My guess is he is interested in only what’s “Fun” for him.

  3. I have not seen him but have seen others who have these massive up charges. Even when discussed ahead of time, and on rare occasions when I have agreed, I have usually wound up feeling it was an expensive indulgence for something that wasn’t all that amazing. I have hand memorable and OMG amazing with others who charge less than half the rate and who are dependable, more local. and I never have to worry. So it’s like everything else, it depends on what you want and what risk you are willing to take.

  4. I have mostly had excellent experiences with guys vetted through this site. So thank you all. However features of some early massages that made me wise up are: masseurs who promised 90minutes and gave me only 40, music that was Inappropriate (one guy tried to massage me to the sound track to a war movie), a guy who talked too much as if I was his therapist (is it my job to make him not feel lonely?), someone who massages me with one hand and texted with the other, a guy that really turned me on and who massaged nude but made it clear—do not touch! a masseur who wanted to talk to me about breaking up with his fiancée after the massage was over (including too many détails about their sex life), a guy whose pictures were at best from a former life that has long since past, and a couple of guys who assumed I was there for their gratification and had no real skill or intention of massaging me at all. All of these are actually quite funny now because they taught me to what’s out there... and be very selective about who I hired with my hard earned money. Fortunately, these have been in the minority.

  5. Everyone’s risk calculation and tolerance is different. It’s safest not to because you don’t know who the masseur has seen even if you think the masseur is otherwise safe and healthy. Yet we are social creatures who need touch and human contact and there in lies the drama. For me it’s a clear “no” on travelers or unknown masseurs. Too risky. Someone you know extremely well and both recently tested negative... and facedown only outside or a well ventilated space... Maybe? Know the risks and the science.

  6. Saw him a while back for a legit massage. He was shirtless but kept his shorts on. We stuck to a therapeutic massage but I could tell he wanted to do more as he was poking out of his shorts, but I wasn’t into it. Good massage work and nice quiet guy but a heavy smoker which is a huge turn off for me.


    Don’t you just hate that when there is something that turns off what could otherwise be a more fulfilling time? I’ve had everything from dogs to drop by visitors spoil the mood.

  7. Anyone know about Shangri-la? That was my go to in pre-covid days. I agree 100% it is t worth taking the risk. One might get away with it, but if not then there is hell to pay. And that would not make it anywhere close to worth it. I just feel bad for all the guys who aren’t employed as a result. Can you imagine the day when it is safe to go back? Maybe now is the time to book a year in advance just to save your spot on your favorite masseurs table. Lol

  8. I’ve seen him twice (it’s been a while), watched his movie, and connected with him via IG on occasion. He is all that people say on this site. He is delightful and personable. Don’t assume anything with him, just ask and let him know what you are looking for. He is a very good masseur all around and has skill.

  9. All of these are good responses and I agree with being uncomfortable with details for all the reasons mentioned. I have always gotten very good recommendations from guys on this message board and more than a few times steered away from a bad experience and a waste of money. So honest feedback is very important and I always welcome that and try to provide it when asked. But... honest feedback is often very different than over-sharing on other things that may happens during a massage. That should be between provider and client.

  10. I appreciate the perspectives shared here. For me, it is about safety and risk assessment. The reality: the virus is still new, unpredictable, potentially very dangerous, and testing is not completely reliable. All of this argues on the one hand for caution and the ability to wait until we know more about how to better assess risks. On the other hand, life cannot become unlivable. One cannot become incapacitated by an over-abundance of fear and caution. Life does go on. If it gets to the point of really needing a massage (for whatever reason), it seems reasonable to choose a very trusted provider and discuss needs and modalities and come to an agreeable arrangement of how to proceed with risks fully on the table. Those risks have been shared in multiple posts here so won’t repeat. For now, the days of “just pick a new guy and take the plunge to see what happens” are, at best, suspended. Not smart. Honest communication, high respect for boundaries and hygiene are the keys here. It just takes one bad exposure to get the virus, And, has been said multiple times here, it’s Russian Roulette.

  11. Really? My friend booked him and said he had zero technique. Just touched his body lol.

    Wow. I’ve never experienced that with him. I wonder if he was just having a bad day or something. I remember a year ago I made an appointment with him and when I got there he had remembered my birthday and welcomed me like a friend and gave me quite the massage full of technique and loads of energy all the way to the end.

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