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Kody S

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Posts posted by Kody S

  1. It’s too bad. But he isn’t the only advertiser who has buff pictures but the current reality it’s quite different... maybe they used to be buff and a muscle stud but no more. Pictures are old and the massage is really sub par. I’ve run into that more than once and it’s unfortunate.

  2. My experience with masseurs has been so wildly varied over the years that claims of years of experience on websites such as MF and RM ring hollow. However, I’ve wondered how seriously the websites themselves vet applicants’ claims of experience or licensing they agree to advertise. Different states have different requirements for advertising massage and I suppose different websites hosted in different countries are variously permissive or restrictive. Have had a string of “less-than” massages lately and can’t imagine any of these guys had training of any kind and if they did it was abysmal or they should have failed the class. On the other hand, it is very clear when some of the very best massages I’ve had come from those who have superb training and experience. So my question, is “buyer beware” our best shot at a good experience made more secure by consulting shared experiences on this site?

  3. I remember seeing this ad sometime ago, did some research and found the pictures (not the current ones on RentMasseur but the ones formerly associated with the ad) were of someone else, a male model whose name I don’t remember. Not sure about current photos but enough to make me very cautious without further verification.

  4. There was a discussion thread on here about Axil at one time. I presume it's still here. I don't remember every detail of it, but it was enough to keep me away.


    I remember also reading it and had the same reaction. Stay away!

  5. I agree. And it is so hard to normalize any of this. And the matter is further complicated by providers who offer more sensual services at therapeutic prices (or less). Or those who say they are only therapeutic and then offer more either by choice, design, happenstance or just ‘cuz. And everything in between. What bothers me more than anything are those providers who advertise one thing and then deliver something completely different, are not the people in pictures, or worse try to upsell during the massage. Having said that, I greatly appreciate those who deliver what they advertise and do so in an excellent way.

  6. My word... what a horror show. I’m surprised he has any clients at all with all these bad experiences. Story after story. There are others out there that also should not be practicing. Yikes.

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