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Kody S

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Posts posted by Kody S

  1. I prepare for a massage the way I would want some to prepare for me if I were meeting up with them for massage or play: always shower with aromatic body wash/gel, brush teeth, breath mint, trim facial hair (and other parts as needed), plus my best underwear :) I want the masseur to have a good first impression and know that I’m respecting him and what he does. I would not want a stranger coming into my home or place if business smelling and looking like a swamp and expecting me to enjoy working in less than a hygienic situation. Lol

  2. This is a very interesting conversation, one reason I appreciate this site. The “will they or wont they” is part of the game. My only issue now with all this (aside from out and out false advertising) is that the game can be expensive and frankly hurtful to some people who don’t get what they thought (hoped?). I see this forum as providing probably one of best guardrails out there for making an assessment on one’s own personal tolerance for risk before hiring.

  3. I’ve been getting massages for about ten years now and I love the experience of meeting new guys most of whom (in my experience) want to please and make you feel amazing. Yes there is the occasional “ridiculously bad” experience but the vast majority are acceptable to amazing, with the mind blower OMG experience thrown in there. It’s those surprises that can be exhilarating. But I will say that I have met some of the nicest and most genuine guys on this journey and made some good friends, ones I keep up with and, guys I enjoy seeing when I can. When you can connect physically, emotionally, and even psychically through touch with a masseur it’s amazing, definitely worth the price if admission. The power and necessity of touch in a world that is increasingly electronic and detached makes the whole experience of massage that much more necessary.

  4. I think this subject has been discussed before, but what is your experience with booking a masseur and when you get there he asks for the money up front? I have been getting massages for sometime now and rarely if ever has this happened to me. It seemed weird even though the massage was in every other respect just fine and as per advertised.

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