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    Bearofdistinction reacted to Stormy in Ever Do Karaoke?   
    It is nerve wracking but I've never been to Karaoke where the audience was rude. So I do karaoke from time to time even though I'm not a good singer. I really bombed one night while visiting a Russian River bar trying to sing the Beatles "Revolution". I do better with the oldies like Otis Redding's. "Sittin on the Dock of the Bay".
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    Bearofdistinction reacted to + Travis69 in How Much Cash Should One Carry?   
    So if he had drunk all the coffee, ate all the maple bar and come up and thanked you afterwards you would feel differently about personally giving to others?
  3. Like
    Bearofdistinction reacted to + Travis69 in How Much Cash Should One Carry?   
    Which is?
  4. Like
    Bearofdistinction reacted to + Travis69 in How Much Cash Should One Carry?   
    I know many see my giving money to them as promoting them staying on the street and perhaps that is true but I can't walk back to my warm home without trying to help them right that minute to get some food or a warm place to stay. Many know of the shelters and charities but some aren't of the right mind to take those steps they need to help themselves. Too many personal and private stories I need not share with the world which back up my actions but in my mind I know I am doing what I need to do.
  5. Like
    Bearofdistinction reacted to + Travis69 in How Much Cash Should One Carry?   
    Also $10.00 in ones in your front pocket for the homeless as you walk down the streets.
  6. Like
    Bearofdistinction got a reaction from + WilliamM in Couples - Would Weight Be An Issue For You?   
    Due to other health issues Steroids Impose major long term weight swings upon me - then the fight to free myself -- And all that time I am still fun fantastic kinky cuddly loving loyal
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    Bearofdistinction got a reaction from + easygoingpal in Hello to all... (new around here)   
    Do you prefer Tupperware or Rubberware?
  8. Like
    Bearofdistinction reacted to TruHart1 in This gay couple’s mindblowing first dance at their wedding   
    By Bil Browning on Thursday, November 1, 2018 for LGBTQ NATION:

    Noah and PJ are married now, but they shocked their wedding guests when it was time to take the floor for the traditional “first dance” as a couple.
    What they didn’t tell celebrants was that they had a surprise in store – complete with a smorgasbord of gay anthems and an ending that brought down the house.
    The two start out with a traditional slow dance to Morgana King’s “It’s A Quiet Thing,” and then… magic happens.
    “We seriously did have ‘the time of our lives’,” the couple wrote when they uploaded the video to YouTube.

    The couple credit Nieves Latin Dance Studio for the choreography and the movie Ex Machina for the disco inspiration.

  9. Like
    Bearofdistinction reacted to fedssocr1 in RIP - Gone Too Soon.   
    The Europeans are on the verge of ending this madness. We should too. It's only going to happen if enough people agitate for it. I guess California has a measure on the ballot to start the process of permanent DST
  10. Like
    Bearofdistinction reacted to samhexum in Top Two Reasons People Kill?   
    The husband left the toilet seat up, or the wife used his prized autographed baseball to play fetch with their rottweiler.

    Too obvious.
  11. Like
    Bearofdistinction reacted to Gvtire in Top Two Reasons People Kill?   
    In my experience it’s someone getting on my last nerve. Only an amateur uses bleach to remove blood evidence, those of us with experience know you use Hydrogen Peroxide, more efficient.
  12. Like
    Bearofdistinction reacted to + Travis69 in What Is Your Favorite Nut?   
    I like full smooth nuts.
  13. Like
    Bearofdistinction reacted to samhexum in Adorable panda cub refuses to let go of his favourite toy   
    You mean Beary White. Right? :D:p:D:p:D:cool::):):):)
  14. Like
    Bearofdistinction reacted to samhexum in Adorable panda cub refuses to let go of his favourite toy   
    Scientists discover pandas sing to each other for sex

    Scientists from China and the US have released their findings from a study of the mating rituals of giant pandas today and the results are quite extraordinary and very romantic.
    The study, conducted over the course of two years, found that giant pandas have the best and possibly only, sex of their lives when their partners sing them a love song beforehand.
    These love songs are even whispered into the panda’s fluffy ears during intercourse.
    Lurking scientists then recorded these sexy panda vocalizations and analyzed them back in their lab, concluding that the sweet songs are “crucial for achieving behavioral synchrony and signaling intention to mate.”
    The study examined 23 adult giant pandas during the 2016 and 2018 breeding seasons in Sichuan, China. Their findings were published in Royal Society Open Science.
    All the subjects were sexually active, responsible adult pandas. The scientists clearly had no time for bedroom rookies.
    The subjects were kept in a sort of tawdry sex enclosure, where they were introduced to their one night stand and observed by researchers from afar.
    Each session recorded sounds that were described in the study as “bleats, chirps, moans, barks and roars.”
    Apparently, some of these sounds indicate that sex is about to get violent and could leave one of the pandas with serious or life-threatening injuries.
    As a result, the study recommended that animal caretakers should be trained to recognize the different vocal behaviors of their pandas in order to predict “successful copulation versus…likely failure.”
    “This could also provide a valuable tool for breeding programs,” the study found.

  15. Like
    Bearofdistinction got a reaction from + Avalon in Couples - Would Weight Be An Issue For You?   
    Due to other health issues Steroids Impose major long term weight swings upon me - then the fight to free myself -- And all that time I am still fun fantastic kinky cuddly loving loyal
  16. Like
    Bearofdistinction got a reaction from + Travis69 in Couples - Would Weight Be An Issue For You?   
    Due to other health issues Steroids Impose major long term weight swings upon me - then the fight to free myself -- And all that time I am still fun fantastic kinky cuddly loving loyal
  17. Like
    Bearofdistinction got a reaction from Gvtire in Couples - Would Weight Be An Issue For You?   
    Due to other health issues Steroids Impose major long term weight swings upon me - then the fight to free myself -- And all that time I am still fun fantastic kinky cuddly loving loyal
  18. Like
    Bearofdistinction got a reaction from + Avalon in Do You Wake Your Partner Up When You Get Home?   
    I use a thatch rake or a garden trovel -- Honey Im home -- TIme to plant the seeds
  19. Like
    Bearofdistinction got a reaction from marylander1940 in Public School/College Nude Swimming Required (No Porn)   
    A Brief, Humiliating History Of Swimming In Gym Class
    The only thing worse than swimming at school is swimming naked.

    LIFE Magazine
    High school gym class can be mortifying. Unless you’re the punk who gets off on pelting volleyballs into pretty girls’ faces, the experience promises unlimited opportunities for humiliation. For many students, the only place more anxiety-inducing than the gymnasium is the pool.
    If you were lucky, you went to a high school without swimming facilities. If you were unlucky, you were forced into participating in the most hated gym unit. Swim season meant weeks of sitting in academic classes with skin clogged with chlorine and crispy hair that dampened the back of your shirt. It meant too much time spent in a musty locker room and swimsuits that never really dried, but molded by the end of the semester.
    Has school-mandated physical fitness always been this annoying? Suit up and let’s take a deep dive into the history of swimming in gym class.

    Janesville Daily Gazette, 1967
    A “naked in public” nightmare come to life
    In 1885, the Brooklyn YMCA opened America’s first recreational indoor pool and required men to swim nude. Wool swimsuits were potential traps for disease and bacteria, and fibers clogged the pool’s simple filtration system. At the time, nude swimming seemed like the most sensible option (even though incorrect proportions of chlorine had a tendency to burn swimmers’ bare skin).
    It wasn’t long before school administrators followed suit. Per their pool management guidelines, The American Public Health Association (APHA) required male public school students to swim nude between 1926 and 1962.

    cutanduncut.tumblr.com | Ines Vuckovic for Dose
    After pools installed more advanced filtration systems, swimming nude became redundant. The YMCA and public schools phased the practice out in the 60s and 70s, but it lived on longer than was strictly necessary. It’s possible these administrators thought nude swimming built cohesion between young men, fostering a bond through mutual chagrin.
    The negative emotional consequences of swimming nude
    Unsurprisingly, mandatory nude swimming had a lasting impact on its unwilling participants. “Could there be a more frightening scenario on Earth than forced skinny dipping at school against your will?” Bill Flanigin blogged in The Huffington Post.
    Apparently not: participants remain haunted by the memories and many still write or post on chat threads, seeking comfort from fellow sufferers. NPR commentator, Robin Washington, attended a Chicago public high school in the 70s. His story of swimming naked at school sounds like a scene ripped from an 80s comedy:
    “The school’s folklore included the tale of Coach Valentine using a lifesaving pole to remedy an embarrassing moment of a backstroking swimmer. The coach swatted him on the midsection and shouted, ‘Get that periscope down!’”

    The only two people to ever have fun in a high school pool. | It’s A Wonderful Life
    Nude swimming also left room for hijinks. Tilmon Brown attended school in Mobile, AL during the late 1960s and he has positive memories of swimming in the buff. “I can remember one day the girls’ P.E. teacher was out sick and they had a substitute that didn’t know the routine. We boys got naked, rinsed off and skipped roll,” he said in an email to dose.
    “We jumped in only to find the girls were already in the pool swimming. You can imagine the mayhem that ensued.”
    Pool-related pranks were not gender-specific: my mom attended a public high school in Chicago during the 60s and according to her, girls did their fair share of peeking through the pool door cracks to spy on the boys.
    Douglass College, 1970 | New Jersey Digital Highway
    A maroon one-piece in a world full of green one-pieces
    Unlike their male counterparts, women were always required to cover their bodies during swim lessons. The 1948 State of Illinois Public Health Association pool management guidelines stated that ladies had to don plain tank suits to preserve their modesty. Even so, women experienced their own unique forms of humiliation.
    The Chicago public school my mom and aunt attended in the late 60s required them to wear swimsuits color-coded by bust size. Women with 32-inch chests wore maroon, 34-inch chests wore navy, 36-inch chests wore red and women with 38-inch chests wore green. Our family is historically flat-chested and my mom and aunt always wore maroon.
    “Even though you’re with peers, when you’re 14 and have to wear a suit that reflects bust size when you’re flat chested and look like a 12-year-old boy, it’s embarrassing,” my mom said. She added:
    “We all had to wear the same sack of polyester, but I was still self-conscious. The girls who were more shapely still looked good in their red and green suits — and they were the ones with boyfriends.”
    I can empathize. I didn’t have it as rough as my older relatives, but no one escapes the swim unit unscathed. My insecurities began in the locker room where I changed in front of more developed girls. The decaying one-piece I borrowed from my older sister did little to cover my nipples, and I dreaded the walk from the locker room to the pool where the boys sat on bleachers, waiting.
    For women, self-esteem takes a hit during the swim unit. Body image issues aside, female biology makes swimming complicated. If you didn’t swim for a few days and sat on the bleachers instead, everyone knew you were on your period. And period stigma is no joke, folks.
    Just keep swimming
    Today, the idea of students swimming nude is unfathomable, thanks largely to our society’s obsession with modesty and sexualizing young bodies. Still, swim gym continues to provide fodder for high school horror stories.
    Maybe you escaped slightly disgruntled and celebrated the day you could finally return to curling your hair. Maybe school swimming is a memory that stuck with you for well over forty years, chafing you like an ill-fitting suit. Regardless of your swim experience, we are all united by our mutual distaste for this odious — but necessary — physical fitness unit.
  20. Like
    Bearofdistinction got a reaction from + azdr0710 in Have You Ever Called The Police On A Neighbor?   
    Sometimes just for fun!
  21. Like
    Bearofdistinction got a reaction from + Avalon in Have You Ever Called The Police On A Neighbor?   
    Sometimes just for fun!
  22. Like
    Bearofdistinction got a reaction from + g56whiz in Did Your Parents Give You Condoms?   
    As kid my parents only gave us condoms when they were out of Halloween candy
  23. Like
    Bearofdistinction reacted to desertguy1954 in Did Your Parents Give You Condoms?   
    My parents never bought me condoms, we always bought ours at the restroom at the local Shell Service station. There was also a truck stop in Louisiana that in the restroom, there had to be at least 50 condom machines. That was the first time I ever knew that condoms came in so many different colors
  24. Like
    Bearofdistinction got a reaction from MRJJ in Did Your Parents Give You Condoms?   
    As kid my parents only gave us condoms when they were out of Halloween candy
  25. Like
    Bearofdistinction got a reaction from + Avalon in Did Your Parents Give You Condoms?   
    As kid my parents only gave us condoms when they were out of Halloween candy
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