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Posts posted by Merboy

  1. Jerome Robbins' Broadway. I went with 2 friends. I left the theater at intermission, telling them I'd meet them afterwards for dinner. They left 1 or 2 numbers into the second act.




    Rose: “Oh I thought she was terrific last year in 'The Diary of Anne Frank.'”

    Dorothy: "Oh Rose please, during the entire second act the audience kept yelling, 'She's in the attic! She's in the attic!'”

    That won the Best Musical Tony right? 1989 I believe?

  2. Dicks and ass will get a man far in life. Never underestimate the power of male libido....

    LOL.... I love that show and that song. I asked my high school chorus teacher if we could do A Chorus Line and he said "No, not with that song." Ironically he objected to the overall subject matter. He was gay, but closeted... carrying on like a fool that he was in love with another female teacher when the guy literally flew across the room...

  3. Ryan Steel was handsome and the body- yes was incredible - unfortunately I only met him briefly and did not get the chance to really get to know him better. I would have loved to have had a weekend but alas... I wish him and all the other escorts the very best in life after they retire for good.

  4. In the 1970's so-called "gay villages" sprang up in major cities in North America. These were neighborhoods where gays could live, work and play in a sympathetic and supportive environment. At the same time they were surrounded by a major metropolis which could provide all the amenities that weren't available in the gay village itself.


    The ones I remember the best were the Castro District in San Francisco, the West Village in New York City, Church and Wellesley in Toronto and Le Village in Montreal.


    I ended up living in Le Village for 13 years during its heyday around the turn of the century.


    As time went by, many things changed in the gay life in urban centers and without going into all the changes, the idea of a gay centric place to live became less attractive or necessary. I think access to all the cultural, social and recreational amenities is important but they don't have to be all within 20 blocks of where you live. The ones you don't use every day can be a little further away. Of course, which ones you want close by will probably determine where you want to live ideally. I just think you have to be willing to compromise a little in choosing.


    A part of me has always wanted that gay village back... it's not realistic today, and not going to happen anymore in the future, but it kinda was a little magical <3

  5. I also think she was robbed of the Oscar that year. It went to Luise Rainer a second (!) time for The Good Earth. Maybe Stella was too much of a "woman's picture" or a soap opera for the Academy voters, but did Luise really deserve to win after just winning the year before for The Great Ziegfeld?

  6. I have an idea for a movie - it requires a big budget, a very beautiful soundtrack (which in my opinion is as important as anything else in the movie).


    It's going to be an old-fashioned romance (between two men) and a "period piece" in a sense (set in the 1940s). I'm doing research for it now.


    I just wanted to ask if anyone here on the forum has ever had any experience working in the movie industry or known anyone that was. I understand it's an EXTREMELY difficult industry to get into and it's based on connections, connections, connections...


    Any one have any thoughts at all on moviemaking and what makes a movie very memorable to the audience? Thanks ?


    I think the essential great movie needs to have three things off the top of my head:

    you have to feel something and I believe a lot of that comes from subliminal feelings related to the soundtrack of the movie,

    it has to make you talk about it after you see it,

    and it has to make you really think in general.


    Any insight here would be greatly appreciated! ;)

  7. My list is probably different than most, as I dont know what a gay town should include, but my ideal town would be a place that has:


    Excellent architecture spanning many styles and eras,

    As many cuisines as possible represented within walking/bus distance from home,

    A weekly market for fresh produce, fish and meat, and a variety of international food stores and cook shops,

    Antique stores and auction houses,

    Vibrant churches that welcome everyone, and lovingly support those less fortunate in society both locally and abroad,

    A collection of interesting gymns and spas that are priced according to income level,

    A breeding program and centre for endangered animals,

    Proximity to both ocean and forest,

    Quality health care and staggered levels of seniors care depending on level of care needed,

    Efficient and clean public transportation,

    Free but time-limited public parking,

    Annual community fairs and festivals,

    Good and reliable wifi,

    Movie theaters with reclining seats, including a theater for Silent Film with a Wurlitzer organ to accompany.

    Four climate seasons, none of which are exteme.

    Lots of public plantings and gardens,

    Big box stores outside of town but within commuter distance,

    A cemetary that allows standing headstones,

    An international airport within a one hour commute,

    Public vegetable gardens and acces to heirloom seeds,

    Ample coffee shops that sell delicious tortes like Cafe Demel in Vienna,

    Quality all-you-can eat sushi and dim sum,

    Roads, paths and buildings that accomodate those with special needs,

    A facility where elderly parents and their aging disabled children can live together and not have to be separated at the ends of their lives,

    A place where the town motto is to love your neightbour as yourself, and wanting the very best for your neighbour at all times.

    We could call it 'Agapeville'.


    This is wonderful!!!!

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