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Everything posted by NJF

  1. I ordered 4 tests and received two box containing 2 tests each. It would be fun to see how they deliver 3 tests to you. One and a half?
  2. Was that a review for Knockout or his Ex Fame?
  3. I got mine on January 30. The tests were the one that is iffy for omicron.
  4. You are right. I just can’t recall the name anymore. He used to be based in NJ/NYC area
  5. The phone number is linked to a lady who works at McDonalds as a cashier lol.
  6. The ticket price ranges from around 800 to 3000 dollars, about on par with Hamilton ticket prices.
  7. He is one of the collaborators of rhyheim Shabazz. You can find videos of him on rhyheim’s twitter.
  8. https://www.the-sun.com/entertainment/4492986/what-andre-leon-talley-cause-of-death/ the initial report was in Houston Chronicle, sourced to a personal friend of ALT.
  9. The long-term financial burden is only going to get bigger as there is no end insight for this pandemic. There should be a public debate about whether insurance should cover long-covid if one refuses to be vaccinated and then contracted the disease. The cost of care for long covid is going to be enormous.
  10. After the constant stress of the last two years, is it really a surprise that we have a shortage in hospital staffs now? Here is a fun fact: the most acute crisis we have right now is the lack of adequate cleaning staff.
  11. There is no way to predict what is in the store for the future. One thing is certain: the more people are infected, the chances of new virulent strains emerging get greater. So it is in everyone’s interest to end this pandemic sooner rather than later. Immunization of the rest of the globe is also very important.
  12. Covid accumulates one mutation every two weeks. So there are 50 mutations on average by now for each strains. A lot of these mutations are inconsequential but some of them do change the virulence and infectious abilities. Alpha, delta and now omicron are some of the more notable strains.
  13. The difference this time is that 50-60 % of the population will be infected after this current wave. There will be far fewer fresh bodies to infect.
  14. The good news is it will be over eventually in a couple weeks.
  15. Our hospital is overwhelmed and we have no beds or personnel to provide timely care for medical emergency due to omicron. Please take care of yourself and stay away from the hospitals.
  16. A new study suggests that rapid antigen tests may miss the early days of omicron infection and documented real world transmission of omicron by rapid antigen negative but PCR-positive people. Here is the link to it: https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2022.01.04.22268770v1
  17. Pictures with different faces and an one star review. Enough 🚩
  18. If you look the covid admission number in NYC hospitals, there is a 3 fold increase in December (up to 2400 roughly). It is driven by the current omicron wave.
  19. Israeli government is contemplating 4th covid shots for older people. They have been right about the need for a 3rd shot to crash the delta wave. They will probably have solid evidence if they decide to go for the 4th.
  20. The beta version offers more info than their regular app. But the filter settings are kind of weird.
  21. A quick way to differentiate a true N95 mask from a lesser KN95 mask is whether the straps go over to the back of your head or just loop around your ears. The ones ear-loop straps will not fit tight enough to meet the N95 standards. A true N95 fitted properly is uncomfortable and I doubt that anyone can wear it over an extended period. There are good reasons that people suited up for level 3 and 4 works only work for a relative short shifts. However, there is another side about masking that people don’t talk about. It is really about reducing what comes out of a person’s mouth and nose. Preventing virus or bacteria coming out of a sick person certainly reduces the transmission of the disease to other people.
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