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    + bashful got a reaction from bigvalboy in A New Way to Combat "Manspreading"   
    I really hope you mean you're tired of women being sexually harassed. I can't speak for them, but I think they're tired of this shit too.
  2. Like
    + bashful got a reaction from Levi Stone in Escorts too avoid   
    On the flip / flip side, do escorts ever tell other escorts about clients they should welcome? I doubt it, but thought I'd throw it out there.
  3. Like
    + bashful reacted to + poolboy48220 in Lucasstrom 411   
    HAHAHAHA. When I was in my 20's, I was working Sunday in the office (a technology company), and with no switchboard operator on duty, whoever was there would pick up the phone (there was an overhead tone indicating the main switchboard number was ringing). This call was from a woman who'd seen our "help wanted" ad in the Sunday paper and was calling about a job for her son. :-? Then she asked (swear to God) "My daughter is also looking, do you have any jobs for young ladies?" I couldn't help myself, I asked "What is the young lady good at?"
  4. Like
    + bashful got a reaction from bigvalboy in A New Way to Combat "Manspreading"   
    I don't read or speak Spanish, but from watching the video, I don't think it was created to curb normal, everyday innocuous "manspreading" at all. Rather, what I got from the video was the "men only seat" was intended to let a man know what it would feel like to be subjected to male genitalia pressed up against them (just only one form of sexual harassment women have experienced on the subway).
  5. Like
    + bashful reacted to rvwnsd in Escorts too avoid   
    When afterglow conversation with a regular hire turned to "so what do you have planned for the summer" I mentioned that I was traveling to a particular city and was having trouble lining up a suitable companion. My regular hire said he knew a guy in the same city who occasionally escorted and asked if I wanted him to mention me to his friend. When I hired the friend he mentioned that my regular guy was very complimentary in his comments.

    Yes, it is. The Forum is not the escort review site.
    Speaking of sites does anyone still submit reviews to the site of whose name we do not speak?

    Based on what he wrote on the main page of the review site, it seems like there is less of a sabbatical than a review of all the reviews for explicit content (i.e., content that could get him in trouble) and a redesign of the site.
    By the way - you can still view reviews posted prior to Daddy's pause in publishing new reviews.
  6. Like
    + bashful reacted to BasketBaller in It's laundry day again?   
    Nope, it was "the jock dorm," mostly varsity athletes. I can still mentally summon up the aroma...
  7. Like
    + bashful got a reaction from hornytwells in A New Way to Combat "Manspreading"   
    I don't read or speak Spanish, but from watching the video, I don't think it was created to curb normal, everyday innocuous "manspreading" at all. Rather, what I got from the video was the "men only seat" was intended to let a man know what it would feel like to be subjected to male genitalia pressed up against them (just only one form of sexual harassment women have experienced on the subway).
  8. Like
    + bashful got a reaction from + Just Sayin in A New Way to Combat "Manspreading"   
    I really hope you mean you're tired of women being sexually harassed. I can't speak for them, but I think they're tired of this shit too.
  9. Like
    + bashful reacted to + BigRic in Escorts too avoid   
    I'd sure like to think that something of your bolded variety would be exactly the kind of serious matter that leads to the creation of an already-existing dedicated thread?
    Also, forgive me if it's discussed in a site FAQ somewhere but what determines the moniker a member gets, which shows up just below the screen name to the left of our posts and that changes over time ("Baron," "Knight," "Master," etc.)? Is it length of membership, number of posts or something else?
    Where I may be going with this is that, if it's a function of how active someone is on the site, the "Newbie" designation might not necessarily be a "giveaway" of anything/an indication that that member should be taken less seriously. (Heck, this whole conversation we're having right now is in response to an OP by a "Novice.") One of the things I mention (read: prattle on at length about) in a 411 thread about me is that I have numerous clients, especially from Adonis Lounge, who don't know about this site or its reviews component. Just because they have no tenure here doesn't mean they could accurately be described as "newbies" as far as experience in hiring goes.
    Similarly, "everyone" knows I dig Ryan Steel. Controversies which he says keep him off these discussion pages aside, it's also become clear (to me at least) that another reason he doesn't come on here is because he's so busy putting smiles on clients' faces and earning 5-star review after 5-star review. He's classified as a "Newbie." This particular "Master" looks forward to kneeling before that "Newbie" again soon.
  10. Like
    + bashful reacted to LivingnLA in A New Way to Combat "Manspreading"   
    I too enjoy the view of a nice "mansprend," but it's not relevant to the sexual harassment and assault women frequently face daily on public transportation in Mexico City and elsewhere around the world.
  11. Like
    + bashful got a reaction from Dave in A New Way to Combat "Manspreading"   
    I really hope you mean you're tired of women being sexually harassed. I can't speak for them, but I think they're tired of this shit too.
  12. Like
    + bashful reacted to MrMattBig in Escorts too avoid   
    Absolutely! Exactly why good behavior by all is always the best course.
  13. Like
    + bashful reacted to + BigRic in Escorts too avoid   
    Of course. I do.
    And on the flip flip flip, I recommend escorts to clients when I'm asked about friends/recommendations/duos. That's part of what I'm up to when I talk up another escort on these pages and/or on MSS, especially if it's someone who doesn't advertise (like a Justin Philly or James Denver).
    The idea being that paying it forward also reflects positively on me, perhaps generates duo business, enhances my status/raises my profile and helps puts smiles on more client faces (and, yes, more dollars in escort wallets). It's part of good client/business development.
  14. Like
    + bashful reacted to + deej in A New Way to Combat "Manspreading"   
    I am in favor of manspreading. I often enjoy the view.
  15. Like
    + bashful got a reaction from Dave in A New Way to Combat "Manspreading"   
    I don't read or speak Spanish, but from watching the video, I don't think it was created to curb normal, everyday innocuous "manspreading" at all. Rather, what I got from the video was the "men only seat" was intended to let a man know what it would feel like to be subjected to male genitalia pressed up against them (just only one form of sexual harassment women have experienced on the subway).
  16. Like
    + bashful reacted to Irtwo in 411 on Eddie in NYC   
    He's a good example of why more masseurs should use videos to market themselves. When I just looked at the pics, he didn't appeal to me that much, but watching the video, he did.
  17. Like
    + bashful got a reaction from + Eric Hassan in A New Way to Combat "Manspreading"   
    I don't read or speak Spanish, but from watching the video, I don't think it was created to curb normal, everyday innocuous "manspreading" at all. Rather, what I got from the video was the "men only seat" was intended to let a man know what it would feel like to be subjected to male genitalia pressed up against them (just only one form of sexual harassment women have experienced on the subway).
  18. Like
    + bashful reacted to + tristanbaldwin in Tristan Baldwin   
    @body2body , you were in fact the first person to review me and someone who had been there throughout these years as a friend farrrrr more than a client and one who even gave freely of HIS time to help me help a friend out who had particular problems that I wasn't as experienced in dealing with! Your advice and expertise were pivotal, and will forever be remembered.
    That's one of the things that I truly love about this forum, is that the guys on it all have something to offer that is FAR GREATER then sex, Money, or support. A lot of these escorts who only engage their clients on that superficial level and are afraid to open up to them, never get opened up to back...and that's where things are much more symbiotic. Don't get me wrong- there's some 'wham bam thank you ma'am's' that you only want to be on the physical level- but those are the type of people who just grab phone Numbers and emails off Rentmen or back page or Craigslist or whatever source; and haven't ever HEARD of daddys. The guys that put the time into researching / hiring or are in this community/discussion board are the BEST clients, bar none....they just have that added depth to them. #mytwocents
  19. Like
    + bashful reacted to marylander1940 in A New Way to Combat "Manspreading"   
    We should put seats like that in our headquarters, Military Academies and colleges.
  20. Like
    + bashful reacted to MikeyGMin in A New Way to Combat "Manspreading"   
    That at least makes some sense. As long as it's clear to people of Mexico City, I guess it doesn't really matter that it's confusing as hell to some of us.
  21. Like
    + bashful got a reaction from + pitman in A New Way to Combat "Manspreading"   
    I don't read or speak Spanish, but from watching the video, I don't think it was created to curb normal, everyday innocuous "manspreading" at all. Rather, what I got from the video was the "men only seat" was intended to let a man know what it would feel like to be subjected to male genitalia pressed up against them (just only one form of sexual harassment women have experienced on the subway).
  22. Like
    + bashful got a reaction from MikeyGMin in A New Way to Combat "Manspreading"   
    I don't read or speak Spanish, but from watching the video, I don't think it was created to curb normal, everyday innocuous "manspreading" at all. Rather, what I got from the video was the "men only seat" was intended to let a man know what it would feel like to be subjected to male genitalia pressed up against them (just only one form of sexual harassment women have experienced on the subway).
  23. Like
    + bashful got a reaction from LivingnLA in A New Way to Combat "Manspreading"   
    I really hope you mean you're tired of women being sexually harassed. I can't speak for them, but I think they're tired of this shit too.
  24. Like
    + bashful got a reaction from TruHart1 in A New Way to Combat "Manspreading"   
    I really hope you mean you're tired of women being sexually harassed. I can't speak for them, but I think they're tired of this shit too.
  25. Like
    + bashful got a reaction from liubit in A New Way to Combat "Manspreading"   
    I really hope you mean you're tired of women being sexually harassed. I can't speak for them, but I think they're tired of this shit too.
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