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Posts posted by BigRic

  1. After a couple of not so good experiences, I've taken the threads to understand what exactly an escort's limitations are. I'm all into muscle worship but I also enjoy giving blowjobs..Does anyone know if this is something RyanSteel accommodates?

    *Pls pm if too personal on here. I'm planning to hire him and don't want to waste too much time with trying to figure him out.


    Welcome to the forum, @Sean Silver. Everybody be nice: His profile says he's 29! :D


    Sent you a PM.

  2. For the sake of context, I think the David Geffen-esque/hedge fund manager clientele ballpark might be closer to 20k+ per month.


    Two new reviews today alone. Jedi.

  3. you're not paying him enough, he does everything, i mean, everything. anything you can and cannot think of.


    LOL. @nebula, man, you just likely blew up your in box and assured the long life of this thread.


    Here I go again . . . I'm reminded of the terrific scene in the achingly beautiful, sad Road To Perdition after Tom Hanks' character's son finds out not only . . .

    what dad does for a living but starts participating in some of the criminality to exact revenge on the Paul Newman character (Rooney).



    Sitting at a diner counter after . . .

    one of their robberies of Rooney's banks,

    . . . the son (Tyler Hoechlin) asks dad Hanks if he can have $200. Dad easily and casually replies, "Sure." Son thinks it over and then asks, "Could I have gotten more?" Hanks replies . . .

    "You'll never know."

  4. Per BaronArtz requests , R.S. current state :




    If one knows the source of most of these photos (and, given that it's my understanding it's been made less accessible in recent times, I'd hope that one would extend Ryan the courtesy of first asking if he'd mind their being presented here), then one knows they are not all "current."

  5. (P.S. re the vid: Gotta love the "in for a dime, in for a dollar" attitude of some of the truly straight guys. Cut to around the 25:40 mark wherein he says he's open to both topping and bottoming when he maybe does an "action scene." He'll "flip a coin." Rich.)

  6. Back to the subject at hand, Ryan has been absolutely killing it lately adding huge slabs of massive muscle everywhere.





    BTW, thanks for the pic post @lkbreth.


    Holy freakin' hamstrings, Batman!

  7. have not met him directly, but saw him several feet away at an Adonis NY nude party last summer...the 5-10 height might be just a little optimistic??? (I may be wrong)....was evidently very popular (and very late arriving) at that event.....


    here's a video of him from about 2013 or earlier if interested in his voice, mannerisms, and, well, you know.......not bad!




    FWIW the last time I was working around Brad in person at Adonis LA he was so much more JACKED than in this vid.

  8. Love the way RS' 5-star reviews continue to flow in during the pendency of these recurring thread contretemps. "And the hits just keep onnnn comin'." --Daniel Kaffee, A Few Good Men


    Speaking of . . . I'm reminded in some ways of my man Tom Cruise (ironic, given some of what I've heard about his behind-closed-doors proclivities): Popular for years; legions of fans; even before Scientology controversies you couldn't swing a cat by its tail without hitting a vocal detractor (including the rich and powerful; love the way TC was ignominiously "dismissed" from the Paramount lot by Sumner Redstone . . . and then promptly turned around, for the first time became a full producer on an M: I pic . . . and Ghost Protocol became the highest grossing movie of his career); yet his movies continue to make bank (yes, even Never Go Back grossed just over $100M foreign).


    Right up there with Hitchcock and Harrison Ford on the list of guys who didn't know/blow the right guy(s) to win a damn Oscar but the industry wouldn't be the same without 'em.

  9. I appreciate the threads (which I had seen) but was looking for RECENT sighting. Thx anyway.


    Roberto et al.:


    It just occured to me since your post from last Thursday that the RM reviews can sometimes be a source of information when you want some intel that's maybe more recent than a thread on these pages. Specifically, I note that a RM client left RS a review on February 11 (just six days before you started this thread). You can click on that client's name and send him an e-mail with your inquiries directly; hopefully he'd get back to you. This isn't always gonna be available but with RS, he's so popular, solid and professional that he has consistent, frequent, good reviews.


    (I'm kinda in professional awe. LOL. I asked him if he asks these clients to leave reviews and he said clients often just do it without his having to ask. I'm reminded of that classic As Good As It Gets line Jack Nicholson says to Helen Hunt: "You make me wanna be a better man." RS def makes me wanna be a better escort . . . and client.)


    Random additional hosannas: At the risk of seeming like I'm doing too much tubthumping . . . Another recent thread is about escorts with good feet. I'm not even into feet . . . allegedly. But last session with RS I randomly reached out while we were talking (me sitting in a chair next to him sitting on the bed) and felt his foot. Whoa. Nice and soft. This is on top of the manicure I later noticed outside of the session. I ended up doing some foot service and dug the way he responded while kicked back up there on the bed. So it's not just the muscle, looks and demeanor with this guy. He makes me wanna do a lotta stuff I hadn't even thought I'd be into before . . . and pay for it. LOL. Like Carmine Falcone says to Bruce Wayne in Batman Begins, "That's power you can't buy!" ;)

  10. Glad you've joined the fraternity of those who've had the pleasure, @Roberto. :)


    Yeah, he's bigger than ever (as I've posted elsewhere, I saw him both at and separate from Fit Expo last month) but I'd respectfully push back a bit on the idea that there's no other muscle like him (especially in L.A.). What IMO distinguishes RS the most is what you don't see from his photos. No, that's not a salacious reference to his privates. It refers to another important "p": Personality. We've likely all crossed paths with crazy handsome guys who are arrogant d-bags partly because of their looks. As you also mention, RS is a nice dude (despite years in a biz I know firsthand from both a client and escort perspective can be toxic). That's what keeps me comin' back.


    I'm seeing clients in Atlanta now and will be back in L.A. next week . . . right before he leaves Cali for North Carolina. Might have to spend some of the money I'm makin' in Georgia. LOL.

  11. Welcome to the forum, @Roberto.


    Especially with the uber popular guys, there are usually many already-existing threads to be found from even a brief search. You never know when bumping one of those discussions might turn up someone who may have seen one of the rock stars even more recently than two weeks ago. LOL.

  12. I think "what happened to him" was (and should be) kept out of public discussion threads. But generally speaking, what you heard sounds familiar to me.


    And if you're still posting word of his purported hotness if even half of the negative intel you just read is accurate, I'd simply repeat . . . in bold for emphasis: "Danger, Will Robinson!" :)


    Why even titillate over giving a guy "like that" your dinero when there are other just as, if not more, hot providers available?

  13. You're kidding right? Surely you've seen the pics you posted on December 15th? Your body is impressive and worthy of praise.

    A lot of people would like to work on your abs. :p


    Thanks, gents. Anyone who wants to work on my abs has my number in my ad. :)


    Jus' sayin' that some of these guys are ABSolutely incredible. Duos, gents, duos. ;)

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