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Posts posted by BigRic

  1. The site's technical mechanics are of course incidentally interesting. It's the tone of that "10 visits" comment that made me say "Ouch."


    I don't think it's practically feasible to monitor whomever visits my profile how many times. If someone is jacking off to my pics instead of booking me, that's kinda beyond my control. I'd rather focus on client service. It almost seems to me like one of those fussy things that an escort says that's perhaps worthy of mention in that thread highlighting such oddities.

  2. @BigRic because I believe he is pretty much West Coast while I am in Atlanta. I probably need to visit CA this year


    Hey, @Cee Jay. I'm only quasi-"unreachable." ;)


    Inspired by some very successful escort buds, I'm upping my travels. I'm just back from a trip to Houston, NYC and D.C. I posted advance word in "Escort Travels" on this site, my RM ad and MSS. (You may not wanna hear this but I even laid over briefly in ATL on my way back to Cali from D.C.) :)


    Tentatively planning on Dallas, ATL and Chicago for mid-March. :D

  3. Some gems here (including a few from the client side).


    After I sucked his dick and ate his ass, I try to kiss him. But "sorry, I don't kiss after oral sex".


    That's surprising to me - a shower beforehand usually makes things... palatable (for kissing, before and after)


    Yes, I always insist on a shower right before I do any rimming. shower.gifIt's not only hygenic but I usually get to do the soaping up (yay!).


    So, often the escort is perfectly happy to kiss afterwards. http://www.ourgtn.org/public/style_emoticons/default/asskiss.gif


    But I respect them if they aren't into it.


    Yeah, it seems to me that an escort who refuses to make out after getting eaten out is tacitly expressing a lack of confidence in his pre-session nether region hygiene. Rather than a blanket 'I don't kiss after gettin' rimmed,' I'd hope escorts who are not comfortable with that prospect would find the politesse to bring up in advance whether a client they are otherwise cool mackin' with post-buttmunch would mind freshening up their lips/mouth/tongue post-rim and pre-muggin'.


    A wee bit awkward to broach with a first-time client perhaps, but IMO preferable to the buzz kill of either asking a client to do so after he's been rimming me or saying a flat no.


    I think Austin Powers' thoughts on the subject apply all around: "I know before I'm on the job I like to give my undercarriage a little, "How's your father?"" :p

  4. Why are so many of the muscle/bodybuilder type escorts into trans women? It's an epidemic ...


    Body and face of a hot chick, slutty libido of a dude, probably not gonna complain that the dude is a hooker for men. Most standard women don't really go for that type of thing with their guy. Also most straight body builder escorts for men are working out some of their own desires so it's the best of both worlds.


    LOL, @BaronArtz. Good answer, @30somethingsexybear. LOL. :)

  5. I'm not NYC-based (but will be visiting there again later this month) but hope it's not too off-topic/self-promotional to post word of my long-time LA Phil (front row, Orchestra West) and Hollywood Bowl jazz series (in a box seat, natch) subscriptions for those gentlemen looking for a Left Coast companion. Was at Disney Hall last night for Haydn's "Creation."


    Have thoroughly enjoyed seeing various productions/concerts over the years on my travels . . . Don Giovanni at La Scala . . . Cosi Fan Tutte at Sydney Opera House . . . Mahler 1 at the Musikverein (one of my goals is a "Neujahrskonzert" here). Enjoyed hearing an LA Opera cellist friend of mine perform in the LAO production of La Boheme earlier this year.

  6. I've talked to him many times at a few clubs including Adonis Lounge in NYC, so I've known him a few years. Never asked him to do anything outside the club until I recently saw his ad on RM, so thanks for the heads up RexB!


    Funny how that sometimes works, huh? A perhaps similar anecdote involving online info and, um, @RexB:


    Have talked to the Big V many times. I misunderstood his 'no oral' policy as meaning front and rear and I didn't wanna pry. Some of my "co-workers" are skittish about such things, seemingly especially if it's another young-ish muscle dude and not a duo situation. So I have to thank RexB also but for a different reason: It was a freakin' hot post in a thread on either here or MSS in which Rex you were mentioning some of the guys you've, um, offered a place to sit down (an impressive list: Ryan S. of course, Buffalari . . . and the Big V). Incredible how far a little titillation motivation can go.


    I had an Austin Powers moment: "Wait a tick!" The Big V gets rimmed.


  7. @BigRic




    Did this guy ever dance at Adonis using the name "Renegade"?


    ~Boomer ~


    Thanks for asking, Boomer.


    I don't want to hold myself out as some authority but I neither recognize him nor find him mentioned in over two years of Adonis e-mail after an admittedly quick search. I will get James Comey and his team on it though. ;)


    There is a (I think East Coast-based) dude named Tornado who does Adonis in NYC though. If you really wanna get a more definitive answer, maybe e-mail Tim?


    And may I just say that my fellow mixed bruhs continue to represent and be some of the finest men out there?!

  8. Maybe it's better seen as a negotiating tactic. That way, it allows you not to take it personally.


    LOL. Naw, counselor, I think you're giving far too much credit for purported strategy where it's not due. (And I think a speculation objection is warranted. Or are you having "ex parte" communications?) :)


    I would opine that it's more about titillation over this whole "scene" in general. And, in this specific case, being cheap.

  9. I haven't seen anyone suggest that just because masseur X had full-on sex with client Y that client Y then expected any other masseur to do the same thing.


    Regardless of his statements to the contrary (methinks he doth protest too much), this is precisely what a certain participant herein is suggesting based upon past (negative) experience with that individual. He's come into this thread to "re-litigate" the incident. He knows precisely who he is. Thankfully, the site has "Ignore" functionality.


    The only "rules" about what that massage will entail are those of that specific masseur and that specific client.


    Agreed. (This is the point of the last paragraph of my last post. And this is exactly where the disrespect I also mention in that post became an issue with the prospective client.)

  10. Of course there are "rules."


    If you're defining the term as 'precepts that apply to all people at all times in all circumstances,' then no. But that would be a problematic definition. The rules may vary from venue to venue, provider to provider but they exist within those venues and amongst those providers even if not reduced to writing. Just because some choose not to acknowledge or follow them doesn't mean they don't exist. Generally speaking, I'd characterize them as flowing from respect for boundaries and rates.


    For instance, Burke Williams has rules. Although there are exceptions and perhaps some guys in this thread alone have gotten their full service swerve on at a BW location, a masseur who does so is jeopardizing his job and the member his membership in the process. Even The Zone sex club here in L.A. (not to mention other such places I've either heard of or been to) has rules--violate them and you can be ejected and banned.


    Closer to what we're discussing here regarding the "private sector," many providers have rules regarding what they do (and don't do) and for what rate. I think, speaking as both an escort and client, it's important to respect those "rules." IMO it's a form of disrespect to cite a full service experience one received from a different provider as a supposed rationale for why a provider who is declining to do the same with you should change his mind/practices/rates.

  11. Don't assume everything in NYC is UPMARKET just because the rent is high. There is also a LOT of competition. $250 is the going rate for most services from most worthy providers. The numbers beyond are all hype and sensation...an orgasm is an orgasm. $ 150 more doesn't make it last any longer or make it any better.


    Thanks for your comments.


    But my remarks--especially the last sentence--aren't based on assumption. I'd respectfully demur regarding the notion that anything higher than $250 is "all hype"--partly, yes, but not all--or that all one might be paying for is an orgasm.


    To paraphrase the MasterCard ads: 'Having an orgasm from a 'worthy provider'? $250. Getting off on getting a worthy provider to cum? Priceless (. . . and worth paying more than $250 for).' :D

  12. That rate sounds reasonable to me (especially for your market, NYC) but obviously YMMV, especially if you're one of these clients who--even as a first-timer--expects package deals for a (low) price and has a problem with the "menu system" (thank you, OP: "It's ok if there is an upsell. After all it's a totally different service"). I've paid $400/hour for "less" from a high quality provider.

  13. IMO such providers cloud the distinctions between massage and full service.


    This is part of the reason I stopped advertising on massage sites: There are too many (gay) providers who will offer full (bottom) service because that is what they personally like irrespective of more "professional" modus operandi. They are monetizing their recreational sex life and their clients get acclimated to that. I recall a debate I regrettably got into with a prospective client who tacitly expected this level of service from me, citing as rationale some guy in NY who he topped for massage rates. No, sir.

  14. I texted TopHungJock on two occasions earlier this year in advance of my trip to L.A., but he never replied. His ad has varied between listing his home location as San Diego, Orange County, Los Angeles, and, now, Long Beach, while also listing some of these as travel locations. I couldn't figure out if he ignored my queries b/c he wasn't where I was going to be, he wasn't interested in me specifically, or just poor business habits. Good luck!



  15. I recently saw these nine inches in person: http://media1.rentmen.com/public/photos/main/3/112715_1441934635_5gnqz2xx2a.jpg


    The owner is straight but not narrow. http://rentmen.com/simonsays


    I randomly note that this guy is also on Backpage in addition to Rentmen. Interesting that he chooses to use both instead of two more "professional" sites. I know some of us associate BP with less professional/lower quality providers. Was it a good experience, VeryHappyCustomer?


    FWIW this guy's attitude could use a makeover IMO.

  16. I've posted two negative reviews on RM and both stayed up. One was for he who changes his screen name every 20 minutes and he badgered me to take it down. Finally after 5 days of constant email and text, I did.


    I understand it must have been tedious and annoying to have someone "blowing up" your phone and in box. But if your comments were "the whole truth, nothing but the truth . . ." why not stand by them, and perhaps let RM know that you were being contacted (read: harassed?) by the escort.


    IMO, guys who 'stage manage' their reviews like that give both the review system and better escorts a bad name.

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