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Posts posted by paulsf

  1. I’ve been in Bangkok for the last several months.   Masks aren’t mandatory now but I’d say 3/4 of the Asian population wear masks.    I only do in my condo building and public transportation.   Most Westerners aren’t wearing them now.  

  2. I also hope Ft.Lauderdale passes on it.   Or passes on the costs to tourists instead of local tax payers.  City Commissioners have been trying to get some sort of light rail but residents finally won out after years of back and forth.   So now they are going to try to push this tunnel system that will only be used by tourists.   Residents are already forming opposition groups. 
    time will tell.   

  3. I live in Ft. Lauderdale. Tourism is way down. No snowbirds. I haven’t seen a Canadian license plate in months. Same with cars from the Northeast. A few New Yorkers around. Beaches very quiet. Restaurants open but with limited capacity.

    There are mask issues but it seems to be an age thing. During daytime lots of mask wearing, but when sun goes down and younger crowd heads out for evening entertainment, masks seem to disappear. I stay pretty close to home so not up on what’s going on in the gay venues in the evening. I got the vaccine but I’m still avoiding crowds for awhile.

    Ive flown to Boston a couple of times and all my flights were full, so there are some people coming down.

  4. I’m living in Bangkok right now and you’d barely know anything is going on without going online. Tourism is noticeably down. No big tour buses. Shopping malls full of locals just not tourist.

    not as many face masks as you would expect. Air pollution has been very bad recently. More masks for that.

    Online Apps full of working guys. Adult entertainment zones doing ok business on weekends, bit slower on weekdays. People are aware, but no signs of panic. I read about lots more nervousness in the US than I see here. I’m going to Vietnam next week for a few days, before coming back to Thailand . Friends there say they aren’t that concerned. But we are avoiding Hong Kong and China. They do quick temperature checks in the airports. So for now we are just living are normal day to day life.

  5. I have been lucky in the jet lag dept. I live in Bangkok half the year. I take midnight flights over and get to my condo about noon. Just go on with my day and go to bed about 9pm, sleep all night and fine next day.

    Coming back, I go either Cathay thru Hong Kong, or Qatar thru Doha. l leave about 9am and get home about 10pm. Just go to bed and have no issues next day. I know jet lag is an issue for a lot of people, but I also think some people obsess about it so much before trip it’s just worse than it needs to be. I used to fly to Bangkok about 6 times a year so got used to it. Now that I spend 6 months there, I only do it a couple of times a year. I came back last Thursday and the Hong Kong Boston leg was only 14 hours because of winds. Got in 1-1/2 hours early.

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