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Reluctant Daddy

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  1. Like
    Reluctant Daddy got a reaction from Ichabod in Escorts asking for Personal Information and Pics?   
    I texted him to let him know that I wasn't interested since there were so many conditions and uncertainties on his rate. I told him that I could find another escort willing to travel and that they'd be happy to accept the business without such a hassle. Three hours later I get a text back quoting $130 an hour, no stipulations, no pic required and a first name was sufficient.
    @MikeyGMin - buying a new car was so much easier.
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    Reluctant Daddy got a reaction from steed8 in For all you Hot-Wired guys!   
    My newfound hot-wiring has led me to purchase a pair of these magnetic marvels.
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    Reluctant Daddy got a reaction from + g56whiz in To Reach That Unreachable Star   
    Kevin Warhol. I don't think he escorts, and if he does it's most likely in Europe.
  4. Like
    Reluctant Daddy got a reaction from + Eric Hassan in A series of unfortunate events   
    I took the leap and met with a counselor today. While I didn't expect any answers, I didn't expect so many questions.
    The one question that I can't seem to answer or deal with is "how important is sex vs relationship to me". With my first hire, I rediscovered the joy of sex. While I'm not very good at it, I enjoy it immensely. At this stage of my life I think that any continuing encounters I might have would be with hires.
    I've not spoken in detail to my husband about what happened, but it's clear that he's not keen on sex outside of our sexless relationship in any form.
    Some general questions - if you were in a similar situation, could/would you completely give up sex to keep the relationship going? Would it lead to frustration and resentment on your part?
  5. Like
    Reluctant Daddy got a reaction from liubit in A series of unfortunate events   
    I took the leap and met with a counselor today. While I didn't expect any answers, I didn't expect so many questions.
    The one question that I can't seem to answer or deal with is "how important is sex vs relationship to me". With my first hire, I rediscovered the joy of sex. While I'm not very good at it, I enjoy it immensely. At this stage of my life I think that any continuing encounters I might have would be with hires.
    I've not spoken in detail to my husband about what happened, but it's clear that he's not keen on sex outside of our sexless relationship in any form.
    Some general questions - if you were in a similar situation, could/would you completely give up sex to keep the relationship going? Would it lead to frustration and resentment on your part?
  6. Like
    Reluctant Daddy got a reaction from OneFinger in A series of unfortunate events   
    I took the leap and met with a counselor today. While I didn't expect any answers, I didn't expect so many questions.
    The one question that I can't seem to answer or deal with is "how important is sex vs relationship to me". With my first hire, I rediscovered the joy of sex. While I'm not very good at it, I enjoy it immensely. At this stage of my life I think that any continuing encounters I might have would be with hires.
    I've not spoken in detail to my husband about what happened, but it's clear that he's not keen on sex outside of our sexless relationship in any form.
    Some general questions - if you were in a similar situation, could/would you completely give up sex to keep the relationship going? Would it lead to frustration and resentment on your part?
  7. Like
    Reluctant Daddy got a reaction from + WmClarke in A series of unfortunate events   
    The input has been tremendously helpful, and the logic about discussing with strangers is his, not mine. These are uncharted waters for me and I needed to gain some perspective on possible courses of action.

    We still love each other, perhaps not as intensely as we did years ago. And, after 36 years, there is a definitely a certain comfort aspect to the relationship. For either of us to simply walk away and try to destroy one another over this is what's thrown me. In my mind, "it's just sex" without any strings or attachments. I guess I fucked up with that logic.
    I'm screening therapists this week to get a professional take on this. Hopefully, I can come up with an easier way to deal with this and try to fix it.
    Thanks again to all of you for your comments, support and for not kicking me while I'm down. I truly appreciate this forum and all of you. You're really a wonderful group of people!
  8. Like
    Reluctant Daddy got a reaction from LookingAround in A series of unfortunate events   
    The input has been tremendously helpful, and the logic about discussing with strangers is his, not mine. These are uncharted waters for me and I needed to gain some perspective on possible courses of action.

    We still love each other, perhaps not as intensely as we did years ago. And, after 36 years, there is a definitely a certain comfort aspect to the relationship. For either of us to simply walk away and try to destroy one another over this is what's thrown me. In my mind, "it's just sex" without any strings or attachments. I guess I fucked up with that logic.
    I'm screening therapists this week to get a professional take on this. Hopefully, I can come up with an easier way to deal with this and try to fix it.
    Thanks again to all of you for your comments, support and for not kicking me while I'm down. I truly appreciate this forum and all of you. You're really a wonderful group of people!
  9. Like
    Reluctant Daddy got a reaction from liubit in A series of unfortunate events   
    Thanks to all for your suggestions, comments, and and especially your non-judgment.
    After some discussion, counseling is not on the table for the 2 of us - we don't discuss our problems with strangers. Would counseling for 1 really be effective?
    I can't let him know that it was an escort I hired vs a Grindr hookup. The fact that I spent a substantial amount of cash for a dalliance would be a death knell.
    Apparently, the marriage certificate is some sort of mystical Bristol Palinesque chastity agreement - despite the fact that our previous life involved thirds and groups.
    Privacy wasn't really breached. We share common bank and charge accounts and the mailing from my HMO was most likely mistaken as an invoice. The suitcase inspection was no doubt to confirm his fears that I was traveling for an encounter. This was the first time I've ever traveled alone and out of the blue. It was bound to raise suspicion.
    I've tried, repeatedly, over the years to engage him - only to be rebuffed, for reasons unknown.
    I guess my fatal mistake was to hire for a weekend. Had this been a 1 or 2 hour local hire, it could have easily been covered as a trip to the gym/movies/mall.
    Pending any further discussion, my life will be lived either as a neutered dog, or hiring on the DL (most likely giving $50 BJ's to local meth addicts, since escorts rarely visit here).
    I have a hell of a lot of thinking and soul searching to do on this.
    Thank you all again.
  10. Like
    Reluctant Daddy reacted to AdamSmith in Friday Funnies   
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    Reluctant Daddy reacted to AdamSmith in Friday Funnies   
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    Reluctant Daddy reacted to mike carey in Friday Funnies   
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    Reluctant Daddy reacted to Zman in Friday Funnies   
    If you miss tonight's super moon, a tortilla will work in a pinch...
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    Reluctant Daddy reacted to + Truereview in Friday Funnies   
  15. Like
    Reluctant Daddy got a reaction from liubit in To Reach That Unreachable Star   
    Kevin Warhol. I don't think he escorts, and if he does it's most likely in Europe.
  16. Like
    Reluctant Daddy got a reaction from jjperry in Escorts asking for Personal Information and Pics?   
    These were initially my thoughts, but after his ad disappeared and he stopped responding to texts I'm glad on not providing either. Seemed a little too sketchy to me.
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    Reluctant Daddy reacted to jjperry in Escorts asking for Personal Information and Pics?   
    Hi, I’m new to the forum.
    If I was the client and an escort was asking me to hand over these details, then I would suspect, given his age, that he is new to escorting and is perhaps a little insecure. However, that neither his photos of ID are verified would give me cause for concern that he could use this information against the client. I guess it depends on how you would interpret his request, but I’d say that he’s young, new, and hasn’t yet figured out how to deal with potential clients.
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    Reluctant Daddy got a reaction from + WilliamM in Theatre Memories   
    My one theatre memory was seeing Shelley Winters in The Effect of Gamma Rays back in the late 70's when I was a teen. My first visit to NY, and I was determined to meet her. I went backstage after the performance and made up some story about being mugged on my way to see the play. Not sure whether they believed it, but the stage manager took me up to her dressing room to meet her. Should was incredibly sweet, signed my program, and issued a motherly warning on being careful on the streets of the city.
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    Reluctant Daddy got a reaction from marylander1940 in Who would you hire for $500 for 1 hour?   
    Very much!
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    Reluctant Daddy reacted to marylander1940 in Who would you hire for $500 for 1 hour?   
    I'm a sucker for his cute face and a big fan of Spider-Man.
    [uSER=12070]@NYClocker[/uSER] @liubit :
    Are yinz fans too?
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    Reluctant Daddy reacted to marylander1940 in Who would you hire for $500 for 1 hour?   
    I would pay 500 for Andrew Garfield.
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    Reluctant Daddy reacted to + azdr0710 in Who would you hire for $500 for 1 hour?   
    had to look him up as I've never heard of him.....
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    Reluctant Daddy got a reaction from AndreFuture in Escorts asking for Personal Information and Pics?   
    I have a problem because I'm not sure where that pic may end up or how it may be used. I don't need the hassle and embarrassment of appearing on someone's tumblr blog or twitter feed as the sad old man trying to hire a 19 year old. I'm upfront when I contact an escort - my age, the fact that I'm not in shape, and that I'm not an attractive man. I think that should give them enough to help them with their decision.
  24. Like
    Reluctant Daddy reacted to + Truereview in Hunks with Pussies   
  25. Like
    Reluctant Daddy reacted to liubit in Who would you hire for $500 for 1 hour?   
    Kevin Warhol is a true dreamboat....
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