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Posts posted by HotWhiteThirties

  1. I would also put in a good report regarding Alec Martinez. Met him on more than one occasion, though it was last year. Special guy who is considerate, accommodating, and warm in all the right ways. ;) Would definitely repeat if the opportunity presents itself. I don’t get the impression he travels much, but I could be wrong. Come to think of it, a trip back to Orlando is most definitely in order!

  2. For a guy like me who has constraints on when he can hire and must be ultra discrete - on business trips which are known well in advance - I have to be a planner. So far, I’ve been able to successfully engage with providers well in advance and every one of those engagements has occurred as planned for the most part (at least on my end as the client). I am thankful they have not written me off as a flake because I was contacting them months in advance. Like many who’ve commented, I love this hobby. I wish it could happen more spontaneously for me as it does for others, but that’s not the situation I am operating under. For me, I am not willing to take a chance and wait until the week or two before to be sure that I arrange the guy I want. In some instances I am planning the entire business trip and spending the funds to arrange the trip so as to discretely engage a provider as well - usually for multiple hours or an overnight (and every overnight has been at the first meeting that had gone marvelously- shock!). Maybe I’m a unicorn and the providers I have hired may be as well, but again, I’m so thankful for the high quality guys who took me seriously and understood my need to contact them well in advance and didn’t dismiss me. Just another perspective.

  3. They are very nice guys. New to this scene but receptive. Hot White Thirties when you get to Orlando, maybe we could meet them together ;)


    The plot thickens! Interesting idea for sure. :)

  4. Thanks for sharing [uSER=17596]@SimonL[/uSER] ! Funcoupleorlando has been in my radar. We’ve conversed a bit, but paths haven’t crossed. My impression was positive, but it’s nice to hear a first hand account. Now for an excuse to make it to Orlando....

  5. Not sure how I missed this, but I had the opportunity to spend some time “penising”(as he hotly calls it) with @tylerthebadwolf last month. It was a fabulous time for both my mind and body. Can’t recommend highly enough. Enthusiastic two thumbs, two toes, and one cock up! Super special guy. I like guys who have brains along with everything else and connect. He’s got that and more in spades! Total gentleman!

  6. It is a technical yes/no question, will the system somehow let me delete a review, and if yes, how?


    Please if someone who knows that could answer? I don’t want to philosophise, or a lesson on what should have happened back then, or what should be allowed in theory by the system, or the fundamentalist theories of review purity.


    Am I the only one to take a request for information at face value?


    You cannot.

    You must sent the admin a message and they can.



    About 3 weeks ago I posted a nice review for a guy who wished to keep a low profile. He asked me to delete it. I looked into it and found that only admins can delete then. The removed it immediately upon my request.


    I have also had a review posted (although it was glowing) for a provider who needed it removed for personal reasons which I fully understood. I messaged the admin and explained. They quickly removed it. Within hours of the request.

  7. I met up with Rimmy a few weeks ago. Feel free to PMme for details. Overall, I was disappointed in the meeting, but he is a cute twink and sweet natured. I went against my general rule of hiring guys who are at least 25 to 30 years old and perhaps the younger twinks just don’t pan out for me.

  8. I was actually basing my suggestion on my own experience of playing rugby. I found the intense contact and exhaustion seemed to quell my libido. I had much less sex when playing rugby than when I wasn't. And I wasn't getting erections on the pitch.


    Very interesting perspective.

  9. I like both. Married with a family. The urge for male connection was not removed by marriage to my beautiful girl. I thought it would be, but it has always lingered. Be honest with your future partner, it will save you a lot of personal guilt. I have gotten to the point that I would destroy too many lives if I was open about my dual preferences so I engage with men secretly as I travel. I have read a lot of material that suggests I am selfish and dishonest. So I practice safe and discreet sex with male partners with no long term connections and it helps keep me happy and oddly committed to my family without resenting them. As others have said, you need to understand yourself and what you want and don't let others prescribe what is right or normal. But if I had to do it all again, I would be upfront earlier with my partner about my preferences. As time passes and lives intertwine, it is much harder to hurt the ones you are in a relationship with as you would then be destroying their life at the expense of your openness. Hope that gives you some perspective from someone who was in your dilemma 30 years ago this year.


    Thanks for sharing this, Simon. I very much identify with these thoughts and it helps to read someone else articulate them so well.

  10. I'm in my mid 30's. Been hiring for a couple years now.

    I'm perfectly capable of finding hook ups on grindr, but the point of this hobby is that you're paying for a fantasy.

    You can pick and choose who you want to sleep with and what happens. And they are professionals who are just imo better at sex.


    Just because escorts HAVE more sex, doesnt necessarily mean they are better at it. You may think they are because its costing you $300 hr, but dont let the price fool ya !


    For me it’s a combination of these things. I don’t think hiring someone makes them better necessarily, but if you’re smart and do your research, you can find those high quality guys (quality and price for time are not mutually exclusive in my experience). The hiring allows control, and for the guy who needs a lot of discretion as well as an element of safety, it can provide that too if, again, you really do your research and stick with well-reviewed guys.


    I’ve been hiring the past few years for these reasons and am in my thirties still. I prefer guys who are my age, slightly younger, up to quite a bit older. Anytime I foray into the mid twenties or younger, it just doesn’t seem to work...or at least I haven’t found guys in that age range who have their shit together. I was reminded of this on a recent hire. After having a phenomenal experience with an escort who is also a member here, I decided to give a 19/20 y.o. a chance a few days later which was a total disappointment - just didn’t have the maturity yet to know how to handle himself. I felt like I was taking care of him and he hadn’t gained the confidence yet to be with a thirty-something man. At least that’s how it felt.

  11. It is very true, @HotWhiteThirties, but this sort of connection to these particular escorts for me is still relatively rare, thus making these guys even more special!


    TruHart1 :cool:


    I think we’re agreed. There are different levels of connection - some that are brief and some that seem to last beyond the time spent. For the most part, I’ve felt some sort of connection “in the moment” that makes it more worthwhile. But as you say, there are those connections that are truly special - more transcendent- which are quite rare.

  12. I am really impressed by all the positive comments on this thread and maybe a little surprised that so many of you do seem to understand the concept of falling in short-term love for the moment but being able to realize that after the session concludes, you can move on and get back to your own lives without being hung up on someone. An interactive mutually beneficial relationship with no strings.


    Personally, I have found there are also a handful of escorts out there I've hired who continue our friendships off the clock, where they and I keep in touch but neither expects anything other than being good friends, with whatever that might entail for each individual!


    TruHart1 :cool:


    Exactly, @TruHart1! I could not agree more. This has been my experience. Always discrete, but friendships...a brotherhood of sorts. Quite special, actually. And the boundaries are respected on both sides!

  13. Ooooh! Just looked up Calvin and Peter. Calvin is right up my alley!! You guys have me looking at all new men on the site LOL


    Calvin is another all time favorite. Could give and take in equal measure - the best of both worlds. Hot and a little goofy that let you know he didn’t take himself so serious. He always seemed to enjoy it!!! Another great guy who I wish was out there to be found. :)

  14. just for fun, here is the oldest page of models available on the Sean Cody website, from mid-2001!......what a change in vibe, eh??!!




    I’ve followed SC for years. Those early days were really special. My all time early favorite was Zack!!! Wonder whatever happened to him? Thanks for the reminder and memories!

  15. There are several things at play here, but I think I have a good idea what happened, and may be able to provide some insight. Forgive me if any assumptions I make are incorrect, and certainly feel free to correct them.


    First, to have been chewed out is not appropriate, and I’m sorry you experienced that. However, my guess is you received the brunt of a growing frustration in this service provider, and he simply snapped and you were the un-lucky recipient - it would have been whoever called him at 9 pm that night. At the same time, you received the “chew out” as a result of likely showing the same inconsideration that your computer guy has received from countless customers. Yes, customers are important, and providing service to them is crucial to business, but that often makes customers assume that only their preferences and conveniences are at play. And as harmless as it seems, it sounds like you infringed on those with this guy. (Again just offering some insight.)


    A lot of self-employed small business owners experience this frustration. Especially service businesses where you must be flexible to the needs of customers after hours or on weekends. This often means you are always on call (or have the feeling that you are), and do not have set business hours - and even if they are set, they are routinely disregarded by your customers. (This is a result of a lot of factors including a 24/7 instant gratification society, which is a collective issue and not the fault of the customer, but it does impact expectations and that’s not the fault of either party, but I digress.) Anyhow, this feeling of always being on call creates a scenario where it is difficult to set boundaries and it is very difficult to carve out time for family, hobbies, or time to recharge personally. This is not the fault of the customer necessarily, but customers do often forget or are unaware of this and believe that their “one call” or “one request” is not an imposition - except it’s one of many - perhaps all at once. Again, no excuse for being chewed out, but it does provide insight on why I believe he snapped on you.


    It’s easy to say “I work late a night or two a week myself, so what’s the big deal?” But in most cases that is scheduled into your week, you know it and are prepared for it, and the other nights of the week you can reliably count on NOT working and NOT being contacted. Self-employed service providers do not have this luxury and there is little predictability in their days - except that they are unpredictable - which can lead to burn out and frustration. For the most part they’re expected to be available during whatever their customer believes to be “regular business hours” PLUS whenever else might be convenient or necessary to meet the customer’s needs. See the delimma? It’s easy to say “that’s part of owning a business...or hire more help.” But often profit margins and revenue don’t allow for that, and at the end of the day it’s a person on the other end of the service and they are flawed, and reach their limits no matter how hard they try not to.


    Calling 9 to 9 or 10 to 10 is not totally unreasonable - FOR FRIENDS or contacts where the RELATIONSHIP IS ESTABLISHED enough to warrant it, and of course in emergencies. Otherwise, I think a good rule of thumb is to limit professional calls to something much more reasonable - like 9:00 to 6:00. This will be influenced by time zones - the East Coast tends to migrate toward beginning later (opening at 9) and ending later than central time which begins business earlier (most open at 8:00) and ending earlier. Again generalizations, just pointing out yet another factor that underscores the point that it does all of us some good to reign in the belief that we should be able to call and contact anyone only based on what fits our personal lifestyle.


    Again, forgive the presumptions. I am self employed and have to work hard to set boundaries - sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t. I have been in that place where one more late call would have likely caused me to snap, but thankfully I sent it to voicemail instead of picking up the phone and snapping. Still, it would have been nice if the person calling would have been considerate enough to not interrupt my family time at all, and recognized that unless their need were an emergency, that they could’ve called at a more appropriate time instead.


    This insight is also applicable to the service providers many of us discuss and engage with on this board. :) God bless them all!!!


    And now that I’ve written a dissertation, I will beg your forgiveness and wish you the Merriest Christmas and the Happiest of Holidays!

  16. On behalf of The Loyal Fans of AndrewK who don’t wish to share him, I need to warn you that despite Seattle’s magnificent scenery, excellent food and good people, it is a miserable place and you shouldn’t cum here. ;)


    Such protest!!! I shall investigate this Seattle of which you speak and it’s AndrewK further... ;):D

  17. Seattle is a beautiful city. If you want to see the sun, u better go between May and August. I was there one time between January and February for 6 weeks, and only saw the sun one day. But, I love everything about the city.


    Definitely hope to visit one day. I’ve been to Vancouver and Victoria, BC in May before, but that’s the closest I’ve come. Thanks for the advice!

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