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mike carey

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Everything posted by mike carey

  1. It's very GGG for you to post these selfies, TR!
  2. I make no comment on what that might involve!
  3. @Truereview, un ménage a quatre si beau!
  4. Physicist Brian Cox posted this on Twitter when he was flying back to the UK from Australia (he had been here for Science Week): Flying back from Singapore the other evening - didn't expect the map to pass comment on my character
  5. Text on bag reads as: "This text has no other purpose than to terrify those who are afraid of the Arabic language."
  6. There is a big assumption in this. Escorting on an hourly basis may well be more profitable but that assumes that hirers will be available and willing to hire. Being booked for a scene or a number of scenes in a day provides a guaranteed return for the day, escorting only privides guarantees one hour at a time.
  7. This afternoon the radio station I was listening to discussed the subject of nicknames and how they aren't as imaginative as they used to be. One caller told of a school mate who had an accident and lost several toes when they were caught in the chain of his motor bike. Thereafter he was called Milk because he lacked toes.
  8. I assumed that the scenes were staged, but I could imagine myself being in them and it not being staged. The idea of Tyler acting out the scene with me (the not even slightly hot dude) was believable, so I related to the act that was being played out. Outside that, the real Tyler and Ace .... Yum.
  9. Not stupid, Zip. Sarcasm, irony and nuance are not universally appreciated, even by those of us outside the lower 48. Proximity to the 49th parallel tends to increase it for some reason. (Oh dear, I'm stereotyping!) Was Juan taking offence or playing along with your mock surprise? Who knows? I have my thoughts on the matter, and I'll sit back enjoying those thoughts by myself.
  10. The point is, the airlines don't pay for their fuel with the $80 fares, they cover the fixed costs, including fuel, with the premium fares and the full-fare economy seats. They don't need to sell the last few seats to cover their costs but selling them at super cheap rates boosts their income. Your good or bad fortune if you buy one of them is that cabin crew don't know whether you paid full-fare or discount. But they will know if you are a high level frequent flyer and most likely treat you accordingly.
  11. Having first seen him on here as one of the co-conspirators of @TylerandAce, I may not believe such protestations, but I'm willing to let him try that line!
  12. This not a 'funny' as such, but it's a bring-a-smile-to-your-face kind of story. http://www.canberratimes.com.au/act-news/canberra-life/honeycomb-the-alpaca-friend-to-the-sick-lonely-and-dying-has-passed-away-20160728-gqfnbh.html I like this line, '[His owners] urged Honeycomb's friends to "take time to stop and eat the roses" because roses were his favourite treat'. I was tempted to post this item in the 'Will you accept THIS rose' thread, but eating roses is not quite what that thread is about!
  13. I wouldn't put him down as either an otter or a cub, to me he would have to be hairier to qualify as either, he is just hot. But what would I know?
  14. TR, you are absolutely shameless! I, on the other hand, am only hinting at forearm issues!
  15. I've seen @BryanKnight in various posts here, and he checks all my boxes!
  16. Sam Burgess, if I'm not mistaken!
  17. All that asparagus! Oh, and those arms.
  18. mike carey

    Best Kisser?

    You may well say that. I couldn't possibly comment!
  19. Hmm, I could fall in love with those!
  20. No, no, no, no! DILFs are not 'Daddies' in the normal sense, they are the hot young men you see at the beach or the camping ground playing with their toddlers.
  21. Me to him: Send me a pic with no clothes.
  22. So, does that mean 'someone' between these partners rather than 'equality' between them?
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