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mike carey

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Everything posted by mike carey

  1. The Malaysian PM has just confirmed that the debris found at La Réunion was from MH370. So with that we can dispense with the conspiracy theories about the aircraft being flown to Diego Garcia or Central Asia.
  2. mike carey


    The test of whether Uber is classy (as opposed to the driver in question) is how quickly they threw the driver out the door when they found out about it, which they apparently did. Cab drivers are more likely to be aware of the laws and be aware of the consequences of disregarding them, but you still hear stories of them turning assistance dogs away (and the follow up stories of drivers being prosecuted). I guess the poor driver no longer has to worry about scratches on his precious leather seats.
  3. Go to your profile page and click on your number of points in the left hand column, and a box sill come up listing all the reward points you have. There is a link from that to a list of all the available points.
  4. I don't know when first had a queer moment and recognised it as such, although in retrospect there were a few. I bought those body-building magazines but never for a moment associated what I saw with any form of sexual attraction, and generally managed the same dissociation between thinking about men's bodies and sexual attraction. I find it hard to believe myself now! I knew about poofters but thought of that as something about creepy old men (no, I hadn't met any) rather than something that might relate to 'normal people'. Something about growing up in a small town and being naïve: it's not that the place was homophobic, homosexuality just wasn't a thing to me. Realising that it actually was a thing and that it was part of me came slowly. Looking back I just didn't know what I was missing.
  5. This is a serious concern. I'm waiting with bated breath for the Donald to blame President Obama for failing to stop these foreign birds from entering the United States and threatening American dinosaurs.
  6. Two shark attacks in a day or so earlier this week within a couple of kilometres of each other on the NSW Far North Coast, no fatalities. And then a huge kids surfing carnival went ahead there without incident.
  7. Ah yes, the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, now RMIT University.
  8. Noooo, it doesn't show at all! And I am sufficiently aware to know what you were talking about!! One newspaper in Melbourne (The Age) is often referred to as the Spencer Street Soviet (its offices were in Spencer Street). It's all fun!
  9. Beneath our radiant Southern Cross We'll toil with hearts and hands; To make this Commonwealth of ours Renowned of all the lands; 'Commonwealth' is such a socialist construct, but I wouldn't claim its advocates were neurotic nut cases.
  10. Yes it is sad that racial identity is such a big issue. If it were not a big issue she could have turned up at the NAACP, done the good work she apparently did without having to say what her racial identity was, or having anyone consider asking.
  11. Walmart has form with this. I'm sure I saw the same thing advertised for the festival of lights. That would be Hamukkah I guess.
  12. Hey, I'm an Australian and I get it!!
  13. Off topic, when looking for a collective noun for a group of escorts, 'an anthology of pros' was the winning suggestion.
  14. Is that someone's idea of a hot c**t? You do realise it's Sunday now, not Friday?
  15. Yep, the fact that I'm not in the US. But never say never, as you said! I've been to the US often in the past and plan to go back there. Indeed, I seem to recall he was planning a trip here but it fell through. I haven't been to the US since I discovered Daddy's Reviews and more recently the Forum, and the possibility of seeing one or more of the escorts in here adds some allure to a long overdue trip to catch up with old US military friends I've made over the years.
  16. Nah, Whipped guy, Tristan is a lovely guy, I wish I could meet him. But I'm a foreigner so that won't happen!!
  17. The NSW State Coroner has ordered a new inquest into the 1988 death of Scott Johnson, a gay American graduate student who was studying at the Australian National University in Canberra. His body was found at the bottom of cliffs near Manly on Sydney's northern beaches shortly after he had successfully completed his PhD thesis in maths. The first inquest in 1989 found his death to have been suicide, and a second inquest in 2012 returned an open finding. His was one of a number of suspicious deaths of gay men in Sydney in the 80s and 90s, a time when there were widespread reports of gay bashings, but police at the time were dismissive of that as a likely cause of Scott's, and others' deaths. http://www.abc.net.au/news/2015-04-13/scott-johnson-death-coroner-orders-new-inquest-gay-hate/6388428
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