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mike carey

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Everything posted by mike carey

  1. It's all an elaborate ploy to determine whether one is U or non-U.
  2. The first half is my point exactly. I'm sufficiently old school that there are times when I think it appropriate to wear a jacket.
  3. One of the reasons for dressing up when you fly is so you don't need to fit those items in your luggage. My heavy overcoat in Canberra and Sydney last January (42°C) looked distinctly out of place, on arrival in DC, not so much. The flight attendant on the flight from Sydney commented on my coat and tie. (I know, I'm old.)
  4. I've heard something similar, but I don't recall to whom it was attributed. It may well have been Samuel Clemens.
  5. ... And 'Marjoribanks' is pronounced 'Marchbanks'.
  6. I don't have a tablet, but I had noticed my Samsung phone does that for puntuation marks you could hold dowm the full stop key. Quick test of one letter and doing it brings up variations on that letter, so not just Ap**e.
  7. It's a bit of a stretch to call Filippinos Pacific Islanders or Polynesian, but they are distinct from most mainland South East Asians. There are racial, cultural and linguistic links between Filippinos, Indonesians, Polynesians and Malagasy people (Indonesian and Samoan numbers are broadly the same). Then again, Polynesians aren't the only Pacific Island people, Melanesians and Micronesians are different again. But the broad sweep of Polynesians from Aotearoa to Rapanui to Hawaii is amazing.
  8. I'd say it's another string to your bow. If you're happy with your business as it is you may well question the benefits of participating here. My take on it is that this is a community of well informed people, many of whom hire and who use what they read here to inform their hiring decisions. I don't hire often but my list of potential hires comes from here. There are some who have Fixed Ideas About How Hiring Should Work but most of us don't. You've explained how you run your business, and that it's working for you right now, so that should be the end of the discussion. Just don't sweat any negativity about your business model, there'll be plenty of other people who will understand and be happy to chat and get to know you.
  9. Ok, I've never met Vin. I note the comments others have made. I respect his sadness that people have made comments that are hurtful, and he has a right to feel hurt. I certainly would if I faced similar comments. That said, I have chatted with Vin in the main forums here, and (as I recall) in PM as well. I have said things that are far more familiar than should happen between total strangers in a forum such as this. When I did, he was a total gentleman, he responded with grace and humour, and was open. I don't know if we could have met but that is beside the point. He is sweet and considerate, and that is the image of him that I will retain, unless of course I can meet him and update that image!
  10. Weather announcer 'tells it like it is': http://newsthump.com/2016/01/16/no-sanction-for-bbcs-carol-kirkwood-over-cold-as-fck-weather-forecast/?utm_campaign=shareaholic&utm_medium=twitter&utm_source=socialnetwork
  11. You will never enjoy anything as much as this Husky enjoys a pile of leaves.
  12. @Gar1eth, the 'gig economy' is temporary contract employment with independent workers on short term engagements, hence 'gig'gled; spine = back.
  13. Speaking theoretically, I suspect that is often the case if potential clients are relying on the stated preference to filter ads, but if they get past that the description can make it clear that versatile means the escort is equally happy both ways. I guess you'd already worked that out, though!
  14. A photo taken during the campaign for the election in Canberra (which was yesterday):
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