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Everything posted by Keith30309

  1. Perhaps he could get a special exemption for refugee status for oral and anal persecution with the right sponsorship.
  2. Any info on this fella -> https://rentmen.com/PAUL_MEKAS It looks like our travel schedules intersect. He has some intriguing videos -> http://www.mansurfer.com/gay-porn-star/Paul+Mekas/
  3. This is a neat post. A companion I was chatting with the other day said that during finals his school sets up a room with puppies that stressed-out students can go to for some play time. Imagine if every workplace had such a thing! (Back when I was in school, in the covered wagon days, my school's idea of a finals de-stresser was to send you the bill for the upcoming semester.)
  4. I have not had the opportunity to consider him but I am somewhat on the fence.
  5. I think some of these guys may be gay.
  6. Wow- First, I'm jealous! Captiva/Sanibel are awesome. The last time I seriously looked for Ft. Myers/Naples there were very options. The best bet, at the time, was getting someone from Miami to drive up... not really practical unless it's multi-hour/overnight.
  7. After texting me that he was on the way: Him: On the way. Do I need to bring anything? Me: just lube and stuff Him: I don't have condoms. Do you? Me: No Him: Damn. Let me see what I can do. Me: Ok Him: What's your opinion on BB? Me: Not a fan. I always play safe. Him: OK. I can stop Me: Thanks This was in early August and, at the time his RM profile said "Safe only". It now says "Anything goes". I've since seen some BB porn that was recorded before our meeting.
  8. Is he the same as https://rentmen.com/Justinyoung ? Some of the pics are the same but the stats are slightly different...
  9. I just ran across one of Dan's videos... extremely hot. He's missed.
  10. What type are you looking for ?
  11. For me the objective is to find someone with whom I have some chemistry and meet a couple of times a week for a couple of hours. First meeting or two is coffee or something similar to get to know each other and then a rhythm of "private time". The guys enjoy the reliable stream of cash - we agree on a set amount, or weekly allowance. For students with a flexible schedule it's great. There's always been a moment, uncomfortable for some, where the idea of exchange of money for physical intimacy crystallizes.... when they're handed an envelope, for example. My take on it is that it is no different than time for money and whatever happens happens. Every guy I have met has been sincere and non-cynical and our time like a true BFE. There are downsides: the guys are inexperienced and need some gentle guidance; you have to week thru a steady stream of guys who are not a good match for one reason or another; there are some flakes . There is also the membership cost, though if you want to measure the success in purely monetary terms then a single $200 overnight with a hot jock or cute twink more than covers a momth's membership.
  12. Briefly: a public photo from the neck down in a suit. In my private photos are a few pixelated face shots. I'm asked quite frequently for face pics - much moreso than via RM - but I never send them and it's never been a showstopper. I am a "premium" member. Feel free to PM for details.
  13. You can PM me for details but I've the same level of privacy as I do with a RM-based arrangement, at least in the beginning and until I choose to make it otherwise. I've met several guys via SA and what is known about me is what I've chosen to make known to them based on my level of confidence. It's a more protracted process, taking days or even weeks rather than hours, and generally the guys are uncertain and need some guidance.
  14. Hmm... this is perhaps the third time I've been asked for pics... Ethan Martin of Atlanta - Emartin I glanced at his profile.... and then the ensuing exchange (mine in green summarized & his in blue verbatim): "Hey, I see you viewed my profile. Did you see anything you like?" <Yes... query about hosting, 2-hr rate, availability on day & time, etc > "Well thank you. I can host or travel. I live in xxxxxx. And I usually charge xxx an hour. I'm almost always available anytime of the week. What exactly are you looking for?" <Things I have liked in the past: kissing, cuddling, sometimes oral, sometimes bottoming..pretty vanilla client > "I agree completely that we should have nothing less than total respect for each other during our meetings. I'm okay with everything you mentioned however I usually don't engage in intercourse with my clients. And I prefer not to give oral. Get back with me when you can and let me know what you think" <Thank you... understand reasoning and respect preferences.. appreciate his honesty... best wishes> "Thank you so much. However if I have mutual attraction to my client then intercourse wouldn't be an issue or giving oral. Let me know if you would like to supply some photos" <Link to Forum thread you may find interesting> I was a little taken aback by the mention of mutual attraction but it was the end of the discussion for me
  15. I'm just puzzled as to how someone could have a profile up for that many years and the only review was submitted on Nov 29, 2012: Reviewed by : DJDAVE2 I have been seeing Johnny regularly for the past year. He is sweet, charming, intellegent. His pictures are accurate, and he is even more attractive in person. His smile is intoxicating. Unlike other escorts I have seen in the past, Johnny never seems to be in any hurry, putting his clients at ease. Johnny loves to cuddle and kiss, and his oral skils are unrivaled. If you are looking for a true "boyfriend experience" then I strongly recommend Johnny. You'd think there'd be more. Maybe he took a break? @Djdavefl - any other Miami recommendations ?
  16. Thank you very much for the info! Any notion of how old he or the pics are? His M4RN profile lists 21 but there's a review from Nov, 2012. Thanks!
  17. Interesting. Can you expand on your experiences and his strongest points ?
  18. I set up a 2-hr appointment with Tyler for Tuesday. I asked him a couple of times if he'd read my RM profile. The second time I asked I saw the "viewed" increment on RM. In my profile I have a fair bit of text about preferences - one of them is that I like kissing allot. He texted me back "I'm not a huge kisser. Like I'll kiss but not a lot". Then "I mean I'll kiss but not like the whole time". I thanked him sincerely for letting me know this in advance and that I wasn't comfortable asking someone to do something they aren't enjoying. Further, I reassured him that it's much, much better to discover these things in advance than have an unpleasant surprise later. He seems pleasant and responsive and I'd encourage anyone interested in him to reach out for a meeting.
  19. Do you have a review or any details that you'd care to share?
  20. "Do you have any condoms or lube?" then "how do you feel about bareback?" :eek:
  21. If you like that look then check out Remi - photo #34. He's pretty much a sexual chameleon.
  22. http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mc6524Clkq1rie8dvo1_500.jpg http://66.media.tumblr.com/65c6a44017e0bf0c2d59e1d1fbb2f38a/tumblr_n1fgpcFJKP1s4wbdoo1_500.jpg http://ghk.h-cdn.co/assets/16/08/1456179091-1456173283-soldier-435.jpg http://static.spin.com/files/2015/10/eddie-vedder-940.jpg
  23. It's absolutely a mixed bag... I had an overnight with a sweet guy who refused to take any money (I hid it in his bag anyway). My limited experience is that the guys who post a shirtless pic have a fairly clear notion of what they are looking for. As you say, it's intriguing in that it's a wide-open set of possibilities versus an ordinary escort experience, which has a set routine and is generally fairly predictable (which is not to say boring... just predictable). Noone in SA is in it for the long-term (at least that I have had contact with) and don't have preconceptions about the financials. Also, the guys who post profiles turns over pretty rapidly so there's a fresh set of faces pretty regularly. In a sense, it's like Grindr without the immediacy and with a built-in layer of screening. I'm not thru with SA yet...
  24. I continue to be surprise. I've met a professional ballet dancer (definitely bucket list material), FTM TG fella, a young guy who has a very kinky sub side and a sweet guy who has some keen daddy interests. Explorations continue.
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