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Everything posted by Keith30309

  1. Oh... sorry.... I accidentally hit "search" on RM and got distracted. Location.
  2. Abel Rey Girly Squeal! http://m0.joe.ie/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/17175530/excitedgif.gif
  3. Share a bit more about your experience? A review?
  4. He's been around for some time (i.e., is stable). I've never met him - I've sent a couple of emails but never heard back - but @jawjateck reports very good experiences. I'd go for it!
  5. LOL - the burden falls to your shoulders to give the gentleman a call !
  6. I'd agree with all this. I think the context in which this occurred is important to note. Pre-Rentboy there were text comments that accompanied the RM star reviews and it was much easier to judge the veracity of the review and separate the fakes, flake-clients and the shills. The removal of those created the situation you describe: stars with the initial low ones being removed, apparently without cause. I suspect that RM doesn't want to open the can of worms of arbitrating escort/client disagreements leaving only the star-system. I've only submitted one one-star review for over 50 different RM guys (which was removed) and I submit the positive ones purely as a courtesy to the companion. If RM wants anyone to take their ratings seriously, they would re-institute some means by which context can be added to the reviews.
  7. I've had that pleasant surprise before - thinking I was going to get a (perhaps therapeutic) massage and then a gradual realization that things were going to go much better than I had hoped.... essentially an escort experience. I felt and still feel really lucky to have found him.
  8. Dan's profile has disappeared from RM, not just expired. He's a good guy - I wish him well if his life has taken a different path.
  9. Yes! This is the guy who's name I couldn't remember from BelAmi. He is attractive, though I am not crazy about the huge tattoo on the side of his neck.
  10. Yes. He sent them an email with another name and then I chatted with the guard; she didn't give me any trouble. The amazing thing is that they would presume to ask for that AND that people would give it to them. I refuse to give my doctor's office some things. Businesses ask for all sorts of information that they don't need to provide service and is none of their business.
  11. If you're not opposed on principle or concerned about an altered experience based on your physical appearance, then imagine the worst possible outcome. Perhaps something where your photo is posted by someone who is, for no rational reason, very angry with you. You appear on his Facebook as a meth-addled poodle-molester and passed around on Twitter. Yes, anyone could have randomly grabbed your picture from an online Rotary Club newsletter, but that seems rather unlikely. Related story: Earlier this week I was visiting a new gentleman on an incall and, as is the norm, he gave me his address a short time before our meeting. He lived in a gated community and informed me I would need to present my driver's license which the guard would scan. 'Scan'. As in 'retain an electronic image'. He was mystified by my conniption-fit and flat refusal and insisted that nothing possibly could go wrong. I'm really surprised at the number of people unconcerned with dispersal of their private info. (We worked it out by his contacting the guard in advance.)
  12. Roger Ebert: "Two girls one cup (aka 2 girls 1 cup & cup video) is a trailer that was released in 2007 for the artistic film “Hungry Bitches” made by MFX Media. The daring work of art is an allegory for the concept of spiritual awakening. It examines the prevalent ideologies that are internalized in our culture, and in true post-modern form; the thematic piece tends to raise more questions than answers. The philosophical film has varying interpretations, which is why the 2 girls 1 cup film is still analysed and debated about to this date." (Herr Smith is toying with us)
  13. It is! Both nurturing and caring and playful... unconditional love and boundless enthusiasm. Combine it with some intimacy and I bet it's wonderful.
  14. Well, as a civic-minded citizen I want to do my share and offer a young gentleman that opportunity to GET a job and do an honest day's work (oh, who am I kidding... an honest half hour's work <sigh> ). Once that wall goes up and VERY thorough immigration vetting begins the domestic labor force will be squeaky-tight.
  15. Yep- unlike RM where there are some fairly basic, easily understood conventions and ranges of rates, there is no frame of reference upon which either party can base a proposed agreement. Anything either party proposes is completely arbitrary. The out of state guy who gave me the number I cited said "I figured I'd aim high to start out with lol" . I'm not sure how to continue a conversation like that. Inexperienced guys may see champagne and caviar and have very high, unrealistic expectations. Conversely, young guys may be in a difficult financial situation and, if their match refuses to honor his agreement to pay a monthly allowance, be in an intractable situation. I think it has potential for some good matches but it's much harder to tap-dance around the "mutual benefits" topic and get into a comfortable arrangement.
  16. For me the benefit is finding someone I really click with and having lots of meets with the intimacy that comes with having gotten to know someone. I suppose it's like having a "regular" but there's more of an element of something like a periodic allowance - better stability for someone with sporadic income. As others have said, the guys here are all over the map with expectations. I was quoted a $5000 monthly allowance earlier this week by a 19 year old I'd only chatted with briefly. And I suspect that the opposite is also true - younger guys being taken advantage of.
  17. http://www.izatrapani.com/images/doggie_coloring.jpg
  18. Yeah... I think having that conversation you describe is important. I suspect that some people designate themselves as what they truly are (e.g., V/B = I can top but prefer to bottom) and some designate themselves as what they perceive clients want and hope the coin-toss goes their way.
  19. That really surprised me as well. And it hasn't changed much - there are only 2 "bottom"'s in RM now. As of 10/12/16: http://i1055.photobucket.com/albums/s511/keith30309/temp2_zpsmqxsnfos.jpg http://i1055.photobucket.com/albums/s511/keith30309/temp1_zpsznmu66t2.jpg http://i1055.photobucket.com/albums/s511/keith30309/temp3_zpsyevd3xtj.jpg (While the numbers are accurate, this is really all intended to be tongue-in-cheek and not taken terribly seriously.)
  20. I looked at the SA profile I had set up a few months ago and had over 200 messages. That site is like the Wild Wild West compared to RM.
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