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Everything posted by Keith30309

  1. Anthony Kiedis - Red Hot Chili Peppers http://images2.fanpop.com/image/photos/13500000/anthony-kiedis-anthony-kiedis-13513439-403-500.jpg http://mariskalrock.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/int37.jpg
  2. I'll say that SA is highly variable. But, then, I'm feeling the same thing looking at RM for Miami... I'm not sure there is even one right answer for me... and certainly not one right answer for everyone.
  3. It's entirely possible. I guess it depends on what you're looking for. I began looking on SA because I wanted something regular with someone I had some chemistry with and I was getting weary of the treadmill of mass-production escort experiences. If you want to look at it on a purely financial basis, if I'd paid escorts for the overnights and evenings I'd spent with SA guys it would have been massively more than any subscription fees could ever be. But, that's really not the point for me.
  4. Dunno - maybe so. Everyone I've met has been as their photos show. I still chat with 3 guys I actually met face-to-face but there was no romantic chemistry. Your mileage may vary.
  5. I definitely get lots of these - they're clearly designed to keep a conversation going. There are guys I'm not interested in, and I've made it clear, who still send me these. I looked in the SA blog of advice ("Let's Talk Sugar") and there's some discussion about sending messages ("To get more messages in your inbox and to increase your chances of finding the perfect Sugar Daddy for you, you’re going to have to be more aggressive"... really). I've met face-to-face a handful guys who've done this and doubt the messages are faked, though the persistence can be annoying. And I've never been catfished - I vet guys pretty thoroughly before I given them a unique burner number to text me. Pretty much everyone I've met has been just as they describe and their photos depict. All that said, it is an interesting thought... a staff of interns who are paid to do nothing more than front fake profiles and send these stock messages. What a job; I hope these stay Amerikan.
  6. Thereby making him a cat burglar.
  7. I love having high friends in low places.
  8. He was one of my first ever hires and it was an unpleasant experience bordering on emotionally painful I'd not wish on anyone.
  9. This guy was mentioned once before on the Forum under a different name - I remember the Bentley pic. The "B" stitched into the leather is the same font as the "Y" stenciled in the cloth seats of my Yugo.
  10. How do you do that? I'm about ready to apply for a Croatian Visa....
  11. Check out https://rentmen.com/RemiSoileau
  12. Well said and worth reiterating. Behaving ethically and treating those who are truly in a difficult circumstance not of their making invites good karma. Being honest and 100% transparent with your intentions will benefit everyone in the long term.
  13. One interesting observation about my SA experiences thus far: I've encountered all kinds of guys - naive, suspicious, inexperienced, unrealistic, modest, boastful, tentative, etc., but I've only come across one game-player. A guy in Houston who was very interested in me very early. He was highly interested in meeting me ASAP and nailing down a date and time. I looked around and it turns out he had a string of BackPage ads he had run in several cities in the Western US. I mentioned it in passing - it was by no means a disqualifier for me - but his tone changed and he became even more persistent except he began including dollar figures and things he would do. Thanks but no thanks. I see a fair number of RM guys on SA and it doesn't change much from my perspective except that 1) it makes the financial discussion much easier, and 2) I become wary of the relationship being a generic escort assembly-line experience.
  14. That's an awesome experience - thank you for sharing it. Best wishes to you and your boyfriend!
  15. Most of the guys I've met face to face didn't have any clue about what was a reasonable amount. If someone is local and has a flexible schedule I suggest $200 for a couple of hours twice a week (not necessarily intimate - I enjoy lunches/dinners too). No one has ever said no to that. If we really have a connection and end up sharing overnights then I give $300... Again, I've never gotten any sense of disappointment at that. I really appreciate what @Skip said about mutual respect. I feel it's important to not take advantage of someone else's misfortune or naïveté - very bad karma that will come back to you.
  16. Yep... the second is in a hotel room (is that Hilton carpet?) for what it's worth. I likewise have a big disconnect between the two, though it's more about the persona. The pic with the ball gag and nipple clamps has a caption that it was in a bookstore - I imagine in a video booth - and is a still from a video. So at least he makes friends easily.
  17. Do you at least get a made-to-measure suit with 2 pair of pants out of the deal?
  18. Hi there! You're a sharp dresser! Our of curiosity, would you possibly be open to allowing me to put some looks together for you?? If you shop thru me to help my store increase it's sales, I can ship right to your door free. Unlike most people on here, I'm a hard worker and not asking for a handout. I'm asking for assistance in boosting my career. And in return, you get an awesome new look. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I would love for you too see me naked ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Him: dont be shy, text me id love to meet you 570-517-xxxx Me: Uhm, Philly is a little far. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Can you send me money to my PayPal pleassssee I'm in need✨ ?? paypal.me/Treyxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Miami guy (first and last msg): Keith my man!!!! Fly me up
  19. Same here. Pretty different looks - nice & naughty. I wonder which one would show up.
  20. Anyone have any awareness of https://rentmen.com/StevenPerez ? His main pic is kinda cute but the one in leather looks like a different guy.
  21. I've gotten several of these sorts of requests. Of course my first question is the name and address to which I should send the ticket. Seriously, I encounter about equal numbers of guys with realistic versus unrealistic expectations. Some guys are astoundingly clueless but some are touchingly sincere and modest. There's all kinds and it's an exercise in finding the hidden gems. They are definitely out there.
  22. The terms of the financial elements of your arrangement are whatever is agreed-upon - weekly, monthly, ad-hoc.... I've found interest often gravitates toward the first of the month for rent and at times that school tuition is due.
  23. I hope this isn't off topic but I am looking for a little advice with an embarrassing problem. Basically I think I've hurt my right nipple. I had a few nights of rambunctious fun with a enthusiastic guy who really enjoyed pinching and biting (at my urging) and a week later it's really sore, slightly swollen and there's a dark spot that almost looks like a scab on the side. The skin was never broken. A week later it seems to be getting more painfully sensitive than less so. When I have ordinary scrapes and such I normally heal pretty fast. Has anyone had this problem with a 'damaged' nipple? .
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