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Posts posted by sync

  1. 17 minutes ago, SouthOfTheBorder said:

    we now have millions of people who believe things that are easily provable as false and/or buying into far-flung conspiracy theories.  Some of it is mental illness and alot of it is people with no critical thinking skills - our public education system has been failing for the last 30 years and now the results are being seen

    I pretty much agree, however more than a few of those people to whom you refer have come through Harvard.

  2. In my area (upstate NY) It's been common practice for some time to have percentage-for-tip options when paying in restaurants, but, so far, I have not had any gratuities pre-added into the checks.

    I did have a situation with ShopRite.  When ordering online there are different options for tipping the delivery person, which I thought was a nice convenience in that it meant that I did not always have to have cash upon delivery.  Then one of the delivery persons told me that when that option is selected on ordering, the tip is included in the delivery persons pay and taxed.  That being the case I have resumed tipping the delivery person with cash.  🫤

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