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Posts posted by WmClarke

  1. Facebook is constantly "outing" my escorts. Some sort of design that links phone numbers though your smartphone to their facebook page and then back to yours asking you to 'friend' them. As I am a gentleman and a professional, I hope they respect my privacy so I do the same, no matter how "friendly" we have become.

    This just happened to me--a "people you may know" posting. And unless the escort uses the same phone number for business as on his personal Facebook page, I don't know how it linked us. Unless it's using facial recognition software and snooping in my photos as well.

  2. Well glasses do get in the way when kissing which is one reason why I always take them off if that's the direction that things will be moving. However, if I need to see exactly what I am doing such as a BDSM flogging scene where I'm doing the flogging then they are staying on!

    You mean the randomness of where you actually make contact isn't a turn-on for some lucky recipient? ;)

  3. As far as explicit pics, I don't have any for privacy reasons. When asked I tell them they can just see it in person if we hook up. If they can't handle that, then so be it. However, I think Surge has a feature where if you send someone a pic during your private chat, they can only open it once. It then becomes inaccessible and disappears so they can't save it or do anything with it (similar to Snapchat). That sounds promising and I might be open to trying it sometime for explicit pics.

    If someone can view a picture of you on their phone, they can save a copy of it with a screen shot.


    Snapchat does not delete pictures. And has recently added a "here are your memories" (i.e., previous snapchats) feature similar to Facebook's "memories" feature. Read the Terms Of Service, not the marketing, PR, or social media "buzz" about an app before using it if you are worried about privacy.

  4. Maybe they are just a band of orphan sellswords?? Baby assassins available to the highest bidder? Maybe they just wanted "More please" like Oliver?

    I like all of these theories. And best of all, the "orphan sellswords" and "Oliver" theories are not mutually exclusive.

  5. She does not have a legitimate claim at all. Even as Queen Mother and Regent she would still not ascend to the throne. If all the Baratheons are gone, then the proper ascension would be first cousins to Robert Baratheon, with the assumption that he is the father. His not being the father makes Tommen a fraud. I do not know the Baratheon lineage well enough to figure out who would be the rightful heir now.

    Did they kill all of RB's bastard sons? Or did that one (was he a blacksmith?) get away back in season 1 or 2?


    The writers are certainly playing fast and loose with the time line, though. How exactly did Arya get to the Riverlands so damned fast? Was she disguised as the serving wench even at the dinner? Since when does she know how to do that anyway? Thought you had to be no one (like the Waif) to become other people? Thought that the last time we saw her she was stabbed and in the river?

    She got some soup. She's all better now.


    And it was nice to see that Titus Andronicus, Sweeney Todd, and Eric Cartmen have nothing on Arya Stark.


    Sloppy continuity? Or just forced drama?
    I think both.
  7. I was blown away by last nights episode and will be watching it again tonight. What could they possibly do in the last episode to set up next season? White Walkers anyone? Rickon we hardly knew ye. No one suggests that Melisandre raise him from the dead or at least try to do so? After all, he is the true and rightful Lord of Winterfell.

    The trial of Cersei and Loras will probably have major repercussions--especially that Cersei cannot use Trial by Combat to escape judgment.

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