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Everything posted by Kenny

  1. Yes, it does include them. Two-thirds of Americans aren’t putting any money into 401(k) plans. Only 14% of employers offer them, and less than half of their employees are invested in them. The idea that everyone, rather than just a minority, is benefitting from stock market gains is fantasy. Spreading the false claim encourages resentment: How come they are getting rich and I’m not? It’s pernicious. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2017-02-21/two-thirds-of-americans-aren-t-putting-money-in-their-401-k
  2. So what? More than 3/4 of Americans own no stocks, of any kind. The investor class is fine, but that's hardly a surprise.
  3. Would Santorum perform an exorcism on you while you're in bed? Or would his crossed eyes make that too difficult? (Asking for a friend.)
  4. Technically, no, but reading some escort reviews I do occasionally wonder.
  5. I think you need to get your digital auto-correct fixed: YET is an acronym.
  6. Given the earlier muscle physique in the video, pretty clearly steroid pumped, his addiction predates whatever meth issue brought him down. Steroid addiction is self-destructive, just like any drug abuse. It is very hard to shake both in its own right and when one is constantly praised for the beauty of the body it makes possible. Enablers are legion.
  7. Soon you'll be streaming live. So to speak.
  8. The modern art collection in the house at Sunnylands is not real. They are (almost) all copies. The real ones were given to the Metropolitan Museum in New York a couple of decades ago.
  9. Since the 110 ends a hundred miles from PS, however, you might need more than one cocktail.
  10. Trivia: The house (which is actually in an unincorporated area of Beverly Hills) was a set in the movie "The Big Lebowski."
  11. It's the Farnsworth House in Plano. (Speaking of the thread, I don't know if retirement in Plano is a good idea.) http://farnsworthhouse.org/
  12. Johnson's Menil House in Houston is very good (though needing some TLC when I saw it a few years ago).
  13. Johnson's Glass House will endure, but the rest is pretty iffy.
  14. Mies sure is great, but since he's been dead almost 50 years, I don't think he counts as a "living architect." (Gehry is a spry 88.)
  15. Gehry is the greatest living architect of our time. I could list a slew of masterpieces, but I'll limit it to two: Disney Hall, in Los Angeles; Guggenheim Bilbao, in Spain. These alone place him at the top of the heap. Visit them and you will see why. (Add: OK, 3 masterpieces: Gehry's own house in Santa Monica. Wonderfully strange and completely livable.)
  16. It's amazing that Kauffman built two great houses - the Neutra and FL Wright's Fallingwater. Of course, Philip Johnson once said that Frank Lloyd Wright was among the greatest architects of the 19th century, but that's a different story.
  17. Can't help but notice that your list left off a whole slew of important architects -- all of whom worked in Palm Springs. At the top of the list is Richard Neutra, whose Kauffman house is among the greatest of mid-century masterpieces.
  18. One of my most-favorite cities in the world. (I was last there in the spring.) Of course, the little earthquake problem can be an issue, not to mention a frequent shortage of breathable air. But Mexico City is pretty much worth whatever hassle there might be.
  19. One winters in the desert, and summers in the mountains or by the sea. Doesn't one?
  20. Lovely, indeed, but the heat and humidity get to be a bit much...
  21. You mean, you're going to the movies? (Just some friendly advice: People in LA think the "lala-land" moniker is for rubes.)
  22. Amir is not a very good escort either. Between the photo shopped pix and the surgical enhancements, a disappointment.
  23. In photo #6 on RM, he's out in front of the Museum of Death in Hollywood. Interesting choice.
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