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Everything posted by Kenny

  1. Seems to me, based on your own description of the job and company, that being gay is very much a workplace issue. What am I missing?
  2. He was fairly brazen when he picked up a friend of mine cruising Melrose Ave. in his white Rolls in the ‘80s.
  3. I don't mean to nit-pick, but it was the success of the Black Civil Rights movement in the 1960s that birthed the Religious Right as a political movement, which began in the 1970s, not the 1980s. Falwell, especially, launched the political ambitions of evangelical fundamentalists, because he was losing his school's tax-exemption for refusing to desegregate. The Radical Right was birthed by racism. A decade later, homophobia threw gasoline on their already raging fire of bigotry.
  4. Yeah, NBC News, Variety, NYT, etc., just publish and air accusations. No corroboration, no cross checking, no verification. They’re stenographers, really, just like those bitter “ladies” who no doubt pushed themselves into Lauer’s pants, got rejected and called the press, who typed up what they had to say. You are very insightful.
  5. “When you're a star, you can do anything.“ At least for a while.
  6. First-Degree Murder Second Degree Murder Manslaughter Justifiable homicide Etc.
  7. Wait until Cher finds out. And Dolly Parton!
  8. Remember his hideous, misogynistic interview with Hillary during the Commander-in-Chief Forum — the one in which he threw softballs to fellow sexual predator Trump? Good riddance. https://www.politico.com/story/2017/11/29/hillary-clinton-supporters-matt-lauer-firing-268778
  9. This Trump tweet is now gone. I wonder whether Gen. Kelly also flushed Trump’s phone down the toilet? Exploiting the tragic death of a young woman is sort of un-presidential. Unless you’re Bozo, jacking off to your stock portfolio.
  10. “Dear Friends in these days of modern time, when you can’t tell the AC’s from the DC’s, well aren’t we all yearning for someone who can turn on a little stopping power? ” Firesign Theater, 1970
  11. Apparently we will never learn that sexual gratification is not the goal or the point of this abuse.
  12. He already has. They’re quoted in this thread, above.
  13. Given that Lauer’s long-term philandering was a poorly kept secret, and given that lots of reporters at other news outlets (NYT, HuffPo, etc.) had been working on the story for many months, how is it that Savannah, Koda and the others boo-hooing on the TV about the ousting of their dear friend Matt are so shocked and surprised? They really are crappy journalists. Maybe they should be let go, too, for cause.
  14. Trump is like the closeted homo in Congress who thinks that voting anti-gay will help him to hide. Fool. Another Trump tweet this morning: “So now that Matt Lauer is gone when will the Fake News practitioners at NBC be terminating the contract of Phil Griffin? And will they terminate low ratings Joe Scarborough based on the “unsolved mystery” that took place in Florida years ago? Investigate!” That “unsolved mystery” is that Scarborough was banging the intern who turned up dead, a suicide or accident, in his district office when he was a Congressman. Markos Moulitsos got banned from MSNBC for bringing up the subject a couple years ago. Admin Note: Your reply belongs in the Politics Forum.
  15. WASHINGTON, D.C. -- With the Dow Jones industrial average near its record high, slightly more than half of Americans (52%) say they currently have money in the stock market, matching the lowest ownership rate in Gallup's 19-year trend.
  16. Legit, excellent: https://www.adam4adam.com/profile/view/Real-relaxation
  17. Poirot's moustache became virtually a character in its own right as Agatha Christie's novels piled up. The AC website even has an entire thread devoted to it: http://www.agathachristie.com/characters/hercule-poirot/great-moments-of-poirots-moustache
  18. Kristian is very much successfully working in LA today. What became of Athan, his bf lo these many years ago, I cannot say.
  19. Anthony Lane's evisceration in the New Yorker is very funny. I'm still trying to figure out why Judi Dench was in it, except to get other stars to sign on. All she did was sit there in a heap and look grumpy.
  20. Gee, a pedantic reply. Who would have guessed?
  21. Apparently you think "the bill" and "tax payer money" don't have numbers.
  22. That doesn’t much happen in a Supermax prison, Superjunior. Duh.
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