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Everything posted by Kenny

  1. You neglected to mention their motive.
  2. Ugh. “James Lestock, 67, said on Thursday evening that he stood by his account. “He is lying,” he said of Mr. Levine’s statement in an email. “The examples of instigating sex with a minor, physical abuse using physical pain leading to break down crying, all happened. I will take a lie-detector test. Will he?” Mr. Lestock said that he was a 17-year-old cello student at Meadow Brook when he was abused in Mr. Levine’s dorm room. He described numerous later incidents of abuse; he said that once Mr. Levine had pinched him painfully until he cried, and then continued pinching him, to wound him. And Chris Brown, 66, who played principal bass in the St. Paul Chamber Orchestra for more than three decades, stood by his account that Mr. Levine had abused him the summer before his senior year in high school, when he was 17. “Sexual abuse at any age is inexcusable,” he said. “Further, belittling those of us who were abused as less than fully human is repugnant. I stand by the story.”
  3. I have never approached young men in restrooms or on the Internet. I haven’t approached young men in bars, where they are of legal age, in decades. And your post is about coercion, in which I have never engaged.
  4. I've certainly benefited from the mortgage tax write-off, but it is now an unfair perk for wealthier Americans. At least in cities, which is where most Americans now live, the middle-class can no longer afford to buy a house. So they are cut out of the tax benefit. Only wealthier new-buyers get it. That doesn't mean the benefit should be eradicated, since mortgages last for decades and middle-class buyers in the past are still using it. But, going forward, it needs to be re-thought, given how it underwrites existing wealth. https://www.wired.com/2016/12/year-housing-middle-class-cant-afford-live-cities-anymore/
  5. Happily, and horrifyingly, you are presumably speaking for yourself. Not for “we.”
  6. Believe me, I know. But 32? That’s MD territory.
  7. It's called "Starve the Beast," a Club for Growth [sic] strategy. And, no, Dems will never, ever do the cuts. In fact, Paul "Ayn Rand" Ryan is setting up now to try it. His reelection is not secure, and his dream (and sane people's nightmare) could slip away if he doesn't act now. http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2017/12/paul-ryan-is-trying-to-talk-trump-into-cutting-medicare.html
  8. "For those who are curious, I possess 4 degrees. Two BA's in English Literature and Psychology w/ minor in Family & Human Development, a Master's in Family & Human Development emphasis: Relationships and Human Sexuality. Working towards my PhD in Clinical Psychology after this year's sabbatical." At 32, a professional student.
  9. I think Steve Bannon did the update. “New York values” helps his ‘Bama candidate.
  10. Then his ultimate reputation would be “a brilliant musician who was also a sexual predator and a fucking moron.” Point taken.
  11. It can take a couple decades for one to acknowledge to oneself what happened, never mind to the larger world. The shame can be intense and debilitating. It’s a very different kind of acute abuse, but look at the president* — he has never come to terms with the abuse suffered as a kid at the hands of his awful parents, and he’s 71.
  12. God forbid those adults should have said “no” to you.
  13. Don, who was 18 (stories that say 16 are incorrect), pursued Chris, who was initially interested in Don’s older brother, Ted. That’s how Don & Chris met.
  14. His ultimate reputation will be “a brilliant musician who was also a sexual predator,” just like the others are remembered, even by you, as “brilliant musicians who were Nazi sympathizers.” The slimy part is not just a passing newspaper story to wrap today’s fish and it will not be going away. Ever.
  15. According to The Wrap, Lauer’s contract is null and void since he’s been fired on a morals charge, and he will be taking home $0 in payout. Good. https://www.thewrap.com/matt-lauer-severance-pay-nbc-today/
  16. Ohdeargod. Yeah, ballet masters must grab their dancers by the pussy in demonstrating how to execute a proper tour jeté . Thank you for pointing out that fuzziness, New York Times.
  17. Don’t hold your breath. Even the Log Cabin Republicans around here won’t explain that political affiliation.
  18. And of course, Queen Latifah.
  19. Show queen? Now that’s funny.
  20. And, as we know, gay men never marry women.
  21. Dunno about “more” appalling, but certainly as appalling. Bastards.
  22. And with good reason: The “gay lifestyle” is a political fiction created by right wing homophobes as a tool of oppression. It’s just like any stereotype. It’s not uncommon for gay people to assume it’s real, partly because it is publicly debated while silence surrounds the ordinary lives of gay people. But it’s as phony as the “straight lifestyle.” A primary difference between straight people and gay people: Straight people mostly don’t have to deal with homophobia.
  23. Being gay is not just about having sex. Why would you think that?
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