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Everything posted by Kenny

  1. You’re the one who put forth numbers. Apparently you’re too busy posturing and strutting to notice. :confused:
  2. Death penalty advocacy is the height of arrogance and pride, as it presumes human beings are perfect in their decisions. No humility.
  3. Yes, he would. He murdered a movie star. Celebrity.
  4. You are merely repeating a revenge-driven myth. Cases without the death penalty cost $740,000, while cases where the death penalty is sought cost $1.26 million. Maintaining each death row prisoner costs taxpayers $90,000 more per year than a prisoner in general population. There are 714 inmates on California's death row. https://deathpenaltyinfo.org/costs-death-penalty
  5. Helter Skelter. The tragic celebrity murder overshadowed so much. It’s mostly forgotten now that Manson, a white supremacist who carved a swastika in his forehead, was determined to start a race war that would put him in a leadership position. Helter Skelter has disappeared down the memory hole, where so much of America’s racist history has gone. http://www.newsweek.com/charles-manson-what-was-helter-skelter-race-war-plan-716625
  6. Since a masseuse is a woman, I'm guessing the answer is "under 1%."
  7. It’s interesting that this event isn’t being described as “an interracial gay kiss.” Not so long ago, race would have been an added issue.
  8. The video is very Paris Hilton.
  9. Bozo, for one, is always "disoriented and dizzy,” so I wouldn’t put much stock into the spiking thing.
  10. I give money with the caveat that it only be spent on drugs. Food and shelter are readily available from a wide variety of social service agencies.
  11. HTW was dissing victims of sexual assault, who apparently can’t claim his manly virtues. Insult is not unwarranted.
  12. I think empathy is important, not least in matters such as sexual assault. Different people have different responses to what is clearly predatory behavior, and those who are traumatized — which means “disturbed” — are victims. Empathy for victims matters.
  13. If, indeed, those events did not disturb or distress you as a kid, perhaps that helps explain your disturbed views on sexual assault now.
  14. I have a friend named Gay. Talese was named after his Italian grandfather, Gaetano. “Gay” was an Americanized version.
  15. I especially liked the clause at the end of this sentence: “He went on to state publicly that he is gay, which was irrelevant to Rapp’s allegation.” So often that part is just left off, so good on the Globe for including it.
  16. Thank you for posting this, since it generally concurs with my position: Forced sex might be a brute, acute, dare I say intimate manifestation of power over another human being... Therein lies the gratification.
  17. I’m sorry to hear this, but I’d be more than happy to console you.
  18. According to virtually every professional association and study in the field. You can start with the American Psychiatric Association, although your silly comment about sociologists “mind reading” suggest you are impervious to actual scholarship. Let me know when you find a study that says, “ Hey, they just wanna get their rocks off.”
  19. Forced sex might be a brute, acute, dare I say intimate manifestation of power over another human being, but sexual gratification is most assuredly not the goal. Power is.
  20. Mostly that’s because predation is not about having sex, but having power, control and dominance. Grabbing them by the pussy, so to speak...
  21. If so, sorry about that. But in reference to your observation that famous actors are cheap, entitled and expect everything for free — an apparent explanation for Spacey sexually assaulting men instead of taking advantage of NYC’s wide array of male escorts — how exactly do you know that he didn’t hire?
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