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    + pdxleo reacted to Bearman in 411 on Hungwithcare   
    I would like to have his cock!
  2. Like
    + pdxleo got a reaction from OneFinger in Jimmmy Dean Sausage TV Ad   
    Ya, the Jimmy Dean ads kinda freak me out a tad, and the ever-changing Colonel Sanders casting make me nuts- I mean, really, Reba MacIntyre? Jason Alexander? Who thew hell comes up with this stuff? The other day, I saw an ad featuring a bunch of small kids throwing up and saying "poopy pinata"- WTF?
  3. Like
    + pdxleo reacted to Gvtire in $100000 for your dog   
    One of them I would for $10.00. The other over never
  4. Like
    + pdxleo got a reaction from + jessmapex in Nob Hill Theatre to close in August   
    Another sign of the times- real estate values are gonna drive the clubs out of business as rents skyrocket in the cities, and the Internet choices are keeping the young guys at home in front of their laptops. The times, they are a-changing.
  5. Like
    + pdxleo got a reaction from + GregM in Do You Like Pineapple On Your Pizza?   
    Pepperoni, Italian sausage, roasted yellow peppers, and pineapple - oh so good!
  6. Like
    + pdxleo got a reaction from + Avalon in Do You Like Pineapple On Your Pizza?   
    Pepperoni, Italian sausage, roasted yellow peppers, and pineapple - oh so good!
  7. Like
    + pdxleo got a reaction from + Cock Eyed Optimist in Opening a club   
    Local governments in Florida have chased every male full nude strip club out of business, with either zoning changes or liquor license challenges. Swinging Richards has Atlanta sewn up, as does Secrets in the Washington, DC area. Most states won't let you have full nudity and liquor both, but you might consider investigating Chicago- Illinois has already issued a full nude male liquor license to Boxers 'n Briefs in Belleville, IL (outside St Louis), but it costs the operator a rumored $250,000 yearly.
  8. Like
    + pdxleo reacted to marylander1940 in Thank you for your service!   
  9. Like
    + pdxleo reacted to + purplekow in Do you still write checks?   
    I write checks all the time. Home repair guys, landscaper, gifts and even the occasional escort. It is easier when traveling not to have to carry enough cash to cover an overnight or two. Of course the only ones who will take a check are guys I know well and have seen multiple times. I would think for traveling escorts, checks from a reliable source would cut down on the amount of cash they have to carry. In any case, check me off in the check column. Check.
  10. Like
    + pdxleo got a reaction from Norwaydude74 in Opening a club   
    Local governments in Florida have chased every male full nude strip club out of business, with either zoning changes or liquor license challenges. Swinging Richards has Atlanta sewn up, as does Secrets in the Washington, DC area. Most states won't let you have full nudity and liquor both, but you might consider investigating Chicago- Illinois has already issued a full nude male liquor license to Boxers 'n Briefs in Belleville, IL (outside St Louis), but it costs the operator a rumored $250,000 yearly.
  11. Like
    + pdxleo got a reaction from Norwaydude74 in Opening a club   
    And you need to investigate the legal settlement that Swinging Richards has incurred concerning the "independent contractor" provisions of their dancers- the whole scope of their operations model has been altered by labor law rulings.
  12. Like
    + pdxleo reacted to + tassojunior in "Boyfriend Experience"   
    90% means French kissing.
    BFE looks better as an initialism than FK, which would seem to stand for Fuck, so we invented BFE.
    On planet Earth, boyfriend experience more often means picking up someone else's clothes and doing their laundry.
  13. Like
    + pdxleo reacted to + easygoingpal in Being hustled....?   
    So, I have been through a similar situation in the past... Along the way, I had a brainstorm regarding this subject and decided that I would just offer a gift of a smaller amount of what was being asked as a loan. That way, I felt good about giving the gift and I felt no need to ask for the loan to be repaid and I would not have to hear lies/excuses. It has worked and has given me peace of mind at least twice when I did that.
  14. Like
    + pdxleo got a reaction from MarlowewolraM in Too much of a good thing?   
    My local preferred escort texted me a couple nights ago, asked if I were interested in grabbing a drink or two that evening. As I was going to Vancouver for a court hearing the next morning, I said sure, but just a couple- gotta get to the airport early. So, we met up and after a drink, his sugar daddy showed up, and we all ended up going to a straight strip club down the street. They were both regulars at this club, familiar to the doorman and servers- obviously not strangers there. So, we sat down, got drinks, and started visiting with the working girls. Then, my guy gets real chatty, giving me an "I love you dude, you gotta know that by now" all in front of his sugar daddy and the girls gathered round our table. Now, this guy has been a provider for me for several years, I always assumed he's gay-for-pay, has pictures of himself and his girlfriend of IG and Facebook, etc. Now, all this comes out, and I have to get ready for a court action in a few hours- totally flabbergasted by this outburst! He's been talking about relocating for the last few months, so I don't know if this is a hamfisted way of saying goodbye, or an opening for expanding our relationship- I'm SO confused! I'm back in Portland on Monday, and I know he'll be in touch, so it's going to be a weird night, wish me luck!
  15. Like
    + pdxleo got a reaction from + honcho in Too much of a good thing?   
    My local preferred escort texted me a couple nights ago, asked if I were interested in grabbing a drink or two that evening. As I was going to Vancouver for a court hearing the next morning, I said sure, but just a couple- gotta get to the airport early. So, we met up and after a drink, his sugar daddy showed up, and we all ended up going to a straight strip club down the street. They were both regulars at this club, familiar to the doorman and servers- obviously not strangers there. So, we sat down, got drinks, and started visiting with the working girls. Then, my guy gets real chatty, giving me an "I love you dude, you gotta know that by now" all in front of his sugar daddy and the girls gathered round our table. Now, this guy has been a provider for me for several years, I always assumed he's gay-for-pay, has pictures of himself and his girlfriend of IG and Facebook, etc. Now, all this comes out, and I have to get ready for a court action in a few hours- totally flabbergasted by this outburst! He's been talking about relocating for the last few months, so I don't know if this is a hamfisted way of saying goodbye, or an opening for expanding our relationship- I'm SO confused! I'm back in Portland on Monday, and I know he'll be in touch, so it's going to be a weird night, wish me luck!
  16. Like
    + pdxleo got a reaction from + DickyF in Nob Hill Theatre to close in August   
    Another sign of the times- real estate values are gonna drive the clubs out of business as rents skyrocket in the cities, and the Internet choices are keeping the young guys at home in front of their laptops. The times, they are a-changing.
  17. Like
    + pdxleo got a reaction from + Avalon in Naked bicycle riding   
    Not everyone at a Naked Bike Ride is fully naked, and they are not very long rides- the Portland one is about seven miles. But, yes, tender bits of skin do get a bit of a workout- talc and unguents can be a good solution.
  18. Like
    + pdxleo reacted to + SundayZip in Have You Ever Had To Watch Your Language In Front Of Straight People?   
    I thought you would talk about a more interesting type of language (e.g. "and then he dripped his delicious precum like a leaky faucet as I nuzzled my face under his balls and licked my way to his asshole"). I do watch that sort of language around most straight people.
  19. Like
    + pdxleo reacted to instudiocity in The "people you ignore" feature   
    By clicking Ignore on one member's profile, I improved my enjoyment of this forum by at least 1000%.
  20. Like
    + pdxleo got a reaction from + Avalon in Have You Ever Been To A Taping Of A Television Show?   
    One visit to see my son while he was attending Harvey Mudd College at Claremont Colleges, I got us tickets to a taping of "The Price Is Right"- we still laugh about that day fifteen years later!
  21. Like
    + pdxleo got a reaction from Populist Fury in France Win!!   
    Russia deserves a hearty congrats for staging a virtually incident-free Cup. Hope that Qatar is progressing towards a similar experience, but with our world's current state, I'm fearing a '72 Munich-like disaster is on the way.
  22. Like
    + pdxleo got a reaction from TruHart1 in a meat-lover's buffet   
    Or a day at the beach in Rio!
  23. Like
    + pdxleo got a reaction from TruthBTold in a meat-lover's buffet   
    Or a day at the beach in Rio!
  24. Like
    + pdxleo got a reaction from + honcho in Place names considered unusual   
    The 101 between Aberdeen and Quinault, on the Olympic Peninsula, passes thru Humptulips, WA
  25. Like
    + pdxleo reacted to + Avalon in Petula Clark - My love is warmer than the sunshine   
    I like this song. It is gender neutral.
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