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Everything posted by pdxleo

  1. The Beaverton, OR. city council is having an open house meeting on Monday evening, to take public testimony and display map plans for the In-n-Out Burger to be built at the interchange of OR 217 (Westside Freeway) and OR 10 (Beaverton-HIllsdale Highway). This is one of two In-n-Out locations currently working on their permits for expansion into the west Portland suburbs. The lot is currently an abandoned Burger King, and has the grandfathered zoning needed- but the location is next to a new Chick-fil-A , Target strip mall, and a Home Depot, all crammed in around the already over-loaded freeway interchange. After seeing the chaotic traffic around the restaurant's previous openings in Medford, Grants Pass, and Salem, the city is trying to be proactive about resident's traffic concerns. This area is already gridlocked during rush hours Saturdays, and holiday shopping season, and it will be a complete zoo with In-n-Out added into the mix- gonna be ugly this summer
  2. Glad to see New York taxi driver's etiquette hasn't changed over the last 60 years!
  3. A bit ago I mistakenly grabbed Kerrygold butter from the dairy case at Fred Meyer/Kroger- afraid that i just cannot go back to house brand ever again!
  4. He needs to upgrade to the three-phase model - he's gonna burn out that 110v motor!
  5. Glad to hear this, looking forward to the April soiree!
  6. I'd planned to bring my favorite Phoenix provider along as my plus-one to the 2020 meetup, and hope to have the opportunity to make the same arrangement for this spring, vaccine availability dependent of course!
  7. I'd planned to bring my favorite Phoenix provider along as my plus-one to the 2020 meetup, and hope to have the opportunity to make the same arrangement for this spring, vaccine availability dependent of course!
  8. My sister-in-law has sent me a basket of Wolferman's goodies every year for a long while now, I try to make those muffins last but they all manage to be eaten in a week or two. I have a Christmas card list of about three dozen, a mix of relatives and school chums. And, yes, the list shortens each passing year, sad to say....
  9. pdxleo


    Yup, both the Portland clubs had "corona closing" nights last night, we'll be down for at least four weeks, expecting it to last far longer.
  10. Look, the obvious question is "Who is Jim Parsons?" to the answer, "The next moderator of the Jeopardy program." Can't picture anyone better suited to the job in today's entertainment industry.
  11. And this is why I signed up for the TRIGA monthly newsletter- hot Brit lads and - some not so hot - but always entertaining!
  12. Oh, you kids today and your Interwebs.....
  13. Ya, still a smokers place- I don't indulge but it seems like every one else in Florida does!
  14. Went last night with my FLL Ukrainian companion. We recognized some of the staff, but none of the dancers, bartender Chris told us that the building is slowly being remodeled, in phases. Center and outside bars have been renovated, next up are the restrooms. After that will be the stage and VIP rooms. Most of the crowd was outside, but we didn't stay long- too many unmasked patrons, too close for my comfort.
  15. Puberty hit early and hard at me - I was 6 foot, 178 pounds when I was fourteen. I remember the grocery checkers asking Mom, "Buying beer for your little brother?" when I tagged along to help get the shopping done- tho Mom was a young-looking 31-year old at that time.
  16. Not a "social encounter", but forever seared in my memory... Senior year high school, I was a candidate for a large scholarship from a major national transportation company. The final interviews were being held in Minneapolis, with the finalists being flown in from all over the country. I was one of two finalists from Washington State ( where my family had moved to two years prior) and rather than fly commercial, they used a private corporate jet to get the two of us there. After the competition, they used the same private plane to get we two home, along with two others being dropped off in Billings,MT. Boarding the plane, the copilot was checking our identification, to match his passenger list ( the steward had done this on the trip east, don't know why the copilot was doing this for the trip home) and when I presented my fresh drivers license, having just turned 16 two months prior, the copilot took it, looked up at me, and turned ashen. He recognized me from a "car date" we'd had two summers prior - I had immediately recognized him earlier, and was semi-panicked myself - would he recognize me and report me to the company and fuck up my scholarship? As he handed me back my license, he mouthed the word "sixteen?" and just shook his head. I'd not done any more of that since that summer, and not considered anything about those experiences after some time had passed, but I remember thinking- this is what it feels like to have your life flash before your eyes! Anyway, the flight was uneventful, the copilot must have kept quiet because I got the congratulatory letter and check a couple weeks later, and never saw that man again- the first realization for me that even professional, family men (he had a wedding ring) have urges, and that a wide world of adventures awaited me with scholarships in hand and an acceptance letter to a Bay Area university. Oh, to be 16 again!
  17. Brandon and Aspen - oooh I gotta find that fer sure!!!!
  18. OMG a jawline you could use to slice cheddar cheese, and a lightly furred, firm man's ass - sign me up PLEASE!
  19. Don't get so concerned about the other patrons when you're out in a club - you're there to have a great time and that will always be evident to the dancers. If there's a New York lawyer spending his quarterly bonus on the same night you happen to stop in, he'll get attention, sure. But, you money is the same green color, and, surprise, some performers will enjoy being around a respectful, happy, and fun client. A night out is what you make of it, enjoy yourself!
  20. The oddest porn I recall was filmed in a Skoda dealership in the old Czech Republic- mechanics and a parts clerk getting it on in the service bays and parts room. Being involved in the car business here, it was just weird, imagining our guys in place of those boys- disconcerting, at least!
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