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Everything posted by quoththeraven

  1. I am sorry none of them are centered on an eleemosynary institution (which my spellchecker doesn't recognize, sadly). Or should that be an eel-eemosynary institution?
  2. A whole series of parody posters based on Oscar nominations: http://41.media.tumblr.com/c1afdc9c8ebd1bf799f82bde9fee5f6a/tumblr_o10gkwVr6Q1roci9qo1_500.jpg http://56.media.tumblr.com/0ef97451dbeeb5f1d92ed3f6653ad65c/tumblr_o10gkwVr6Q1roci9qo2_500.jpg http://40.media.tumblr.com/1854d308f24091ee417f35a83516bbc9/tumblr_o10gkwVr6Q1roci9qo3_500.jpg (I don't even know which movie the above one is for.) http://56.media.tumblr.com/f00aa0596c2b234fadcfd67e7e64eae1/tumblr_o10gkwVr6Q1roci9qo4_500.jpg http://41.media.tumblr.com/8c72edd0f9e0646ece0b877fa98af801/tumblr_o10gkwVr6Q1roci9qo5_500.jpg http://41.media.tumblr.com/2134208888c7915d4057636ec6917796/tumblr_o10gkwVr6Q1roci9qo6_500.jpg http://56.media.tumblr.com/774f1f2cfb190f0a9e157ce592f0019e/tumblr_o10gkwVr6Q1roci9qo7_500.jpg http://56.media.tumblr.com/b707e2d79f75b1b04eec5bee1a4176e3/tumblr_o10gkwVr6Q1roci9qo8_500.jpg Source and more here
  3. Yes, so-called exotic animals require effort and specialized expertise. They are not suitable house pets.
  4. https://www.thedodo.com/lion-tiger-bear-15-years-1627302473.html?utm_content=bufferb9729&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer
  5. The price differential for parts doesn't surprise me. Acura is pitched as a luxury brand, whereas Honda is an upscale middle-of-the-road brand. Acura views BMW, Mercedes and Audi, all of which charge a lot for parts, as its competition. That's not true (or as true) of Honda. I paid $1.39 a gallon yesterday at a Costco here in north Jersey.
  6. This article is more focused on the problems those with mobility issues have with transportation, but that includes ridesharing apps. Uber's policy is that its drivers are supposed to accommodate disabled riders, although at the same time it argues in court that it's not subject to the Americans With Disabilities Act. http://harlot.media/articles/riding-in-cars-with-douchebags-when-ridesharing-is-inaccessible
  7. So when you say eat a bag of dicks, is that a 2-piece? 4-piece? 6-piece like McNuggets? Or is it more like chicken fingers? (source) - do take a look, some of the responses and links are hilarious.
  8. Yeah, yeah, post anything and right away you get someone claiming "my organ is bigger than your organ." It is purdy, though.
  9. I don't know if this is low, high or no culture - it's definitely kitschy - but it's also kind of marvelous. From a private collection, a 1905 81 key Marenghi organ playing an arrangement of Queen's "Bohemian Rhapsody."
  10. Source (you may see a lot of these in the future)
  11. John Waters once said We need to make books cool again. If you go home with somebody and they don’t have books, don’t fuck them. I'd like to think he'd approve of this thread.
  12. I hope the hot dogs tasted good and you bid using money you had saved up, although something tells me probably not.
  13. This could be my friend's jailbreak chickens. Every so often someone leaves a door or gate open and they wander away. One of them just laid eggs; her comment was "most expensive eggs ever."
  14. Not really a funny, but I think I will adopt this as my logo: (Also, sea otters are adorable, sleep in "rafts," and hold hands so as not to drift away while sleeping.)
  15. More of a comma example than a serial comma example: A panda bear eats, shoots[,] and leaves vs. eats shoots and leaves.
  16. I cook my scrambled eggs with vegetable oil, not butter. Also, I thought dietary cholesterol doesn't usually affect blood cholesterol, which is why eggs and the like are okay to eat now. (Not that it stopped me.)
  17. No. Otherwise they could never carry out stings or undercover operations. Nor do they have to tell you the truth about other things. They do have to issue Miranda warnings prior to a custodial interrogation, but they have the leeway to do things to trick you into an act or statement for which you might be arrested. ETA: Lawyers, on the other hand, are under an ethical obligation not to misrepresent themselves or the facts and are not supposed to do this kind of stuff.
  18. I had to appear in court twice. It could have been once but the judge made it clear my case would likely be heard and resolved last; the original appearance is more to sort out issues and prepare for the real hearing. This way I was there for two and a half hours total instead of all morning and most of the afternoon. The charge was dismissed but I had to pay court costs of $33, for which privilege I stood in line for ten or fifteen minutes. Maybe that's why I'm so tired.
  19. Because I didn't have my insurance card with me. I'm fine, thanks. It was mentioned in another less visible thread.
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