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Everything posted by quoththeraven

  1. OMG, no bacon up my ass. Just sausage. Unless bacon lube encourages more rimming.
  2. It could also be that she aligns with your views on most issues but not that one. I have to say, though, between this and her participation in a publicity campaign for the movie Suffragettes in which she and the other lily white stars from the movie wear t-shirts with the quote (from one of the suffragettes depicted in the movie) "I'd rather be a rebel than a slave" when no white women in the history of ever was enslaved, I've lost a lot of respect for her.
  3. I had a great view of the signage in Times Square when I was in the bar at the Marriott Marquis in July after a book signing sponsored by a convention being held there, so I can attest to this. A member of the group I was with, who was staying at the hotel, mentioned that if she didn't close the curtains tightly, the glare from the ads prevented her from sleeping. But the upside was that the American Apparel sign right outside the window had lots of cute eye candy, with the men getting more than equal time.
  4. The easy answer here would be "I think for myself." What's relevant is what can be gained and lost from the proposal. Reliable information on what might be expected based on other state's experience is important for that purpose.
  5. I was wondering the same thing as rvwnsd, especially after reading Truereview's post and thinking "but looking at it in terms of being deprived of what you wanted only makes sense if the escort knew about it when you made the appointment and you confirmed it at the beginning of the appointment." Even so, people aren't automatons. It may turn out that with all the best intentions in the world the escort isn't able to come that way even though he expected to be able to. There have been threads in the past on the reasonableness of expecting escorts to come during/at the end of an appointment. It seems to me this is a specialized version of that discussion. More than one escort has in the past mentioned that it takes awhile for them to come. (My theory is that they have sex often enough that they're better than the average person at holding off and are less sensitive to stimulation.) I know of an escort who can only reliably come with direct pressure to his balls. So it varies.
  6. A farmer's tan is a big deal? A good-looking guy is good-looking whether he has a swimsuit tan or not. Also, I don't think the term "redneck" applies very well to someone like my grandfather, who first worked came to this country from Korea to cut sugar cane in Hawaii and later operated a truck (vegetable) farm in Colorado. But if I remember correctly from the only photograph of him I've seen (he died when I was two), he wore overalls without a t-shirt underneath, so he may not have had a traditional farmer's tan.
  7. Not only that, the movie whitewashed the role of trans women and drag queens of color. They're the ones who started the resistance, not the totally fictional cis gender white dude in the movie. As I understand it, only one of the actual instigators is even a character in the movie.
  8. Yes, autocorrect strikes again. I need to remember to check what word or name that monstrosity thinks I mean.
  9. Prosecutors have no interest in limiting Mr. Google's liability, but he does. However, that would require his victims to be party to any agreement and for a release of claims to be part of it.
  10. Gotta post the other song that was played at every dorm party ever: Stevie Wonder's "Superstition" from the album Talking Book (1972). One of the most interesting things to me is how in those pre-internet and YouTube days songs lingered and were popular for years. By the time I entered college, "Superstition" was several years old already, yet it was played ALL THE TIME.
  11. I thought about posting "Stairway to Heaven." It was the theme for my senior prom even though at that point the song was several years old. Speaking of classics, "Free Bird," anyone? Bowie performed a few measures of it at one of the concerts of his I attended when some wiseacre asked for it mid-concert. Or "Smoke on the Water"?
  12. I saw Lightfoot in concert. "The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald" was one of the highlights. I won't mention the two Bowie concerts I saw. One of the greatest concert artists ever. What kind of hacks were you hanging with?!! Also, at least three of the above selections was heavily influenced by classical music ("Great Gate of Kiev," "The Vultures Fly High," and "On Reflection"). And what is so wrong with Carly Simon's music? (I agree with you about Wings.)
  13. You didn't think I was finished, did you? Gentle Giant, "On Reflection" from Free Hand (1975) (more prog rock to the point of being very, very close to a madrigal) Labelle, "Lady Marmalade" from Nightbirds (1975) (played at every dorm party I ever went to) David Bowie, "Heroes" from the live album Stage (1978) (my favorite Bowie song) The Cars, "Just What I Needed" from The Cars (1978) (one of the greatest debut albums ever; so I wasn't big on punk, but I was big on New Wave)
  14. In honor of a slight disagreement between two of our esteemed members from a couple of weeks ago (http://m4m-forum.org/threads/mens-fashions-for-the.106605/, posts #7 and 9), here are some of my fave songs from the 70s. I have a hard time choosing between the 60s, particularly the second half of the decade, and the 70s for favorite musical decade, which puts me on BaronArtz's side in this dispute. Some of these songs were ones that came to mind when we had a similar thread on the 80s awhile ago but which were a little too early. Emerson Lake & Palmer, "Great Gate of Kiev" from Pictures at an Exhibition (1971) (okay, so I like prog rock; so sue me. Also, could they be any cuter?) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=to_8kZCQalQ David Bowie, "Cracked Actor" from Aladdin Sane (1973) (my first semester freshman year college roommate played this song and the album it's from at top volume before I'd even gotten out of bed; that delayed my listening to anything by Bowie for years. Also, sorry, escorts; the lyrics to this song aren't too kind to sex workers.) The Rolling Stones, "Angie" from Goat's Head Soup (1973) David Bowie, "Rebel Rebel" from Diamond Dogs (1974) Renaissance, "The Vultures Fly High" from Scheherazade and Other Stories (1975) (more prog/art rock)
  15. The last one reminds me that when I visited Mount Vernon three years ago (for the first time) I learned that between Washington's fame, status as local leader, and the hospitality practices of the time, he and Martha had guests at the dinner table throughout his presidency and well into his retirement from public office. Just imagine never being able to sit down to dinner by yourself.
  16. There are people who live near summer getaways like Saratoga Springs who rent their houses for big bucks and go away on vacation, pocketing the profit. It's not that uncommon.
  17. Exactly my response. I'm not spraying Lysol anywhere near my unprotected ladybits.
  18. I'm already using a goddess for my userpic (Kanzeon Bosatsu/Gwan Yin, Buddhist Goddess of Compassion and Mercy). Maybe that's enough.
  19. Too bad you don't remember because I'd love to know why you had it at work! I remember those volumes too, although my memory of The Sensuous Woman is clearer than that of The Sensuous Man. I never read either of them, but I read Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex. Now that I think about it, I wonder where, as I don't think I purchased it.
  20. In the 60s, people took acid to make the world weird. Now the world is weird and people take Prozac to make it normal.
  21. And a minority on the Supreme Court is worried about gay marriage? It says something when bestiality is not criminalized, but sodomy is. (Lawrence v. Texas) Those are some strange priorities.
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