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Everything posted by Funguy

  1. They will make any strength you want - it's a compounding pharmacy. Tho I have not had the product, my patients say there is a huge difference because it is dissolved under the tongue (you cannot do the same with regular preparation.)
  2. For those of you who think your viagra isn't working well, consider asking your doc for a prescription for SUB-LINGUAL viagra (dissolves under your tongue). Usually made in a compounding pharmacy. I Rx for my patients who request it, either 50 mg or 100 mg, and it has far better absorption!
  3. Agree with @IntuitiveTactile - if and when I am lucky enough to click with a masseur, I truly enjoy kisses, be they wonderful deep welcoming kisses or just light brushes on my back, my ass, or my abs/pecs or my ears, my NECK, etc. I find it a MAJOR extreme turn on because if initiated by the masseur it means more than if I initiated it and he just goes along. Those who are offended, just close your mouth and turn your head, murmur sorry. Those who are receptive, go for it, albeit respectfully, and let it simply develop.
  4. Nah - don't want my pic there. I'd love to "associate" with a few of these guys, esp Mr. Phoenix (gotta show some respect here.)
  5. Is there a sign-up list?
  6. Could not have been said better! #3 especially Of course, #1, 2, 4, 5, and 6 also right on target!
  7. There must have been a fly on the wall to take this picture!
  8. Happy Birthday - with many more to follow!
  9. Sorry for the delay . . . A great big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you! Enjoy your day and special weekend!
  10. Happiest of days buddy - miss you!
  11. Damn - I do this every morning! So - yes - it is refillable!
  12. Was on a plane a while back and the woman next to me nursed her infant on takeoff and landing (recommended for clearing pressure in the ears) and 1 other time when kid was crying. I would much rather have a nursing mom next to me than a crying kid for hours. She simply put a coverup over her chest and there was nothing to see.
  13. That's really not dessert. Goes great with brisket! Now dessert, I love chocolate cheesecake and creme brulee (melt a few chocolate chips in there and add some fresh raspberries also while it cooks!)
  14. God - I love this! What is it about leather, especially harnesses (especially the one down the abs to the dick), arm bands and jocks - snaps, zippers, whatever!? Add that cap and I'll say, "Yes, SIR!"!
  15. Anybody with experience taking edibles (with hard candies or gummy-type, sealed in their plastic) thru TSA (pre-check ok).
  16. Don't know where you are located but Google bio-identical hormone replacement specialists. PM me for details.
  17. Interesting you should say that. Testosterone has more to do with desire than performance!
  18. If you use 1 mL injection per week (average dosage) you can get 2 vials of 10 mL each (total 20 mL which would be 20 weeks) for $75-80 using coupon from Goodrx.com. you just need your doc (or another) to give you a prescription.
  19. At 6' 6" and a pussycat who can roar if need be, Bryan Knight would be a good choice. Gentle with a beginner, easy to fold into a cuddle as well! Kisses are wonderful and is versatile.
  20. You might want to try somebody who offers a combination of erotic massage and escort experience in same visit. Start with the massage and work up to the bedroom. In LA - try Rod Hagen
  21. Love crab benedict - esp. with lump crab (fresh) meat. Not such a fan of the version with crab cake unless the crab cakes are spectacular out of the benedict. Simple to make. The hollandaise is especially easy if you think of the ingredients - egg yolk (simple to separate), butter, lemon juice (preferably. fresh). Melt butter gently, whisk in egg yolks and lemon juice over very low flame. If separates to early, place in freezer for a few minutes to cool and whisk again. My proportions: (simply for my taste) 1 stick of butter 6 egg yolks (you can do less but . . . Why?) Juice of 1 lemon (again, my taste) Think about a few capers on top or, even better, a few caper berries (giant capers) Enjoy! For those who can eat asparagus, a couple of crispy spears are wonderful. Alas, you do not want to be around me if I eat them - I am a secreter!
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