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Posts posted by Daverwr

  1. I wouldn't say it catered to any particular demographic, but the casting was very much on point. Betty White playing a ditz after playing a vamp on the Mary Tyler Moore, Rue McLanahan playing a vamp after playing a ditz on Maude, and Bea Arthur being Bea Arthur...

    Actually, because of the Sue Ann Niven character In Mary Tyler Moore Show, she went into the GG audition for the Blanche character.

  2. Still, his actions were a bit unusual, with a female or male partner, as is, your decision not to change the title of this thread after members complaints.

    I did not change the title of this thread because I do not see fairy as derogatory but more comical in nature. If some are offended, I’m sorry you see it that way.

  3. The most startling part of your post is that (1) you caught him not just once but multiple times in bed with a male employee (that implies a massive degree of indiscretion on your father's part), and (2) that he never knew about it. How does that happen? I suppose your parents were already divorced when your father came out? When was "back then," more or less (just the decade, to give us an idea)?

    Actually, my parents were married until the day my mother died about five years ago. They were married 60+ years. To my father’s credit, he always called my mother his best friend. As far as indiscretion, I came home from school at odd times. We lived in a very large house so it was easy to hide (for me) when necessary. This was in the 70’s.

  4. With that headline, you're sure to get the attention you clearly want so badly.

    Oddly, I’m really not trying to get attention. I was trying to be light and humorous on a possibly difficult subject. This is a large group of gay men. I thought it would be interesting to determine/discover how prevalent it might be - non-scientifically, of course.

  5. The other day I made a comment in the Lounge - ‘Healing a Hole’ that outed my father. I expected some response about that. I really didn’t get much. So my question for our world: Is it common to have a parent that is homosexual?


    My father came out to me when I came out to my family. He said, “I’ve been gay all of my life!” I told him, “I know.” (I had caught him multiple times in bed “playing” with a male employee. He never knew.) I think he thought it would be a tremendous bonding experience between us, but it wasn’t. I was actually mad at him for what he did to my mother. I now realize things were very different back then. But it’s still difficult. Life!

  6. Why must everyone that shoots a mirror selfie just stare at the phone screen instead the mirror they are using. Not sure why it annoys me so. They aren’t looking us in the eye! Here’s a provider on rm where the bulk of his profile pics are mirror selfies.




    Why can’t they look us in the eye (except due to narcissism)?


    Any other examples?

  7. Well I was doing quite well at the career I transitioned into (which escorting quite prepared me for), but the covid has slowed things down. So right now I'm trying to do some creative writing and enjoying the weather.

    Still love you tho I can’t have you! ?

  8. Two of my closest friends own multiple gay bars in San Francisco and Guerneville, CA. Although it’s been difficult, they have a substantial purse that is keeping them a float. I spoke to one of them and he said they are planning to add food to their offerings. Bars that serve food in CA will open up sooner.

  9. (I wasn’t sure if this post should go here or in Deli.) So, kids I need your help! I’ve just made a tentative meeting with a guy that is brand new! Not new about the act but new about the process. I’m not sure how to deal with that. Should I act normal? Should I do something special to help him allow? What? He obviously has friends in the business.


    He mentioned right away that he was brand new. I was aware of this because I’ve basically memorized the entire rm site and remembered his profile popping up yesterday! We started talking about his profile, which is abysmal at best. I told Him what I thought was best to include. We then started talking about a possible appointment. I had lots of questions since his profile says basically nothing. I could tell he was conferring with Someone because of the delay in responses. He never had thought about fees and services. Ultimately I agreed to his fair details. Here is his “profile”.




    And help?

  10. I’ve gotten both of the cellular deal and the auto insurance credit. However, it doesn’t make up for the electric bill that came yesterday following 45 days of inside with the a/c blasting! No discount from the electric company.

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