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Posts posted by Daverwr

  1. Curious about others experience inviting a companion to their place. How do you determine when it’s ok to do so? Any tips to decide when it’s ok?

    I prefer hosting in my home. It’s easier for me, no traveling, I control the environment, no surprises or unknown guests. I guess I consider it home field advantage. With all that said, I also treat these men as guests in my home and not as hired help. Drinks, food (especially if doing an overnight) and making them feel comfortable. I also do my due diligence, i.e., this forum and Daddy’s, before reaching out to them, so I have a pretty good idea of their reputation. I don’t have a ton of hiring experience, but I’ve had two companions here multiple times and I’m sure if asked would say they feel comfortable in my home.

    I always host in my home or hotel room when traveling. I may be wrong (don’t burst my bubble) but I feel safer doing it this way. I feel more in control. And, I can end it when I feel it’s necessary. Plus, it adds to my BFE, which I always request.

  2. I don't like keeping providers hanging with "let you know" phrases. A firm answer is


    You are absolutely right. That is the wrong response for me to give. I need to close the loop.



    I think something like, “that’s higher than my budget will allow” leaves the door open for negotiation, without directly “insulting” or insinuating the escort is overpriced or not worth what they are asking.


    A person may counter, “what is your budget?” And you can reply “$250.” And then he can say, “I’ll consider it for this time around being you’re a first time client and want to see me, and in future sessions we can perhaps arrange something that’ll work for both.”

    I love your response! It is perfect and allows the provider to continue the conversation or end it. Thank you!

  3. So, I noticed a post on a new provider on Long Island who says he’s straight has started a minot ruckus. Granted, he’s hot. But, it got me to wondering, Is Straight hot for guys? Personally, if I see the word straight in a profile I generally move on, unless it says straight acting.

    Your Thoughts?

  4. I am going to wait until Governor's reopen their mansion tours before I hit a bar! I will wait for a vaccine/treatment before getting another lapdance.

    We have a flu vaccine yet 10,000’s Americans die of the flu each year. And yet, we go to Richard’s with little thought. Now, are you still planning to wait for a vaccine?

  5. Yikes! The pictures aren’t exactly polished, are they?


    The final straw was when I pulled up a city that doesn’t have a mint boy, instead they displayed an application to become a mint boy! Me???? (Note my avatar is a symbol, Not Me!)

  6. Me again...




    Has anyone heard of MrTopCock in Palm Springs? I can’t find anything. He seems fine but a little illusive. And certainly won’t discuss things such as details. I’m hoping that’s just RM Messenger. He states it’s all about chemistry. We’re going to arrange a call/text. Hopefully, that will solve the issue.

  7. Okay, I don’t mean to be stupid, more realistically show that I’m stupid, but specifically what STIs are incurable or untreatable. Granted, I’ve only had one, received from a bareback escort. I was the bottom and requested bareback. Fortunately, with some cream and 8 months and all was good.

  8. As a client, I arranged a weekend with someone I’d a never met. We talked for a while on the phone and I hit the button. It was very organic. On the first day, I asked how much alone time he wanted. I asked if he needed it scheduled or wanted to play it by ear. We decided on 3-4 hours by ear. As it turned out, we extended the visit by two days. It worked out great all being very organic.


    I vote Get it out immediately and honestly. Both he and you know why he’s there. We didn’t want to cheat the other.

  9. what he does not get is any sympathy from me....in his interview answers, he’s been traveling the world.....spending on average at least 250 nites per year in hotels.....& from some of the pics appears to enjoy some semi-pricey hobbies.....apparently he might not ever have saved much for the proverbial rainy days.....& before his unemployment benefits from being laid off would have ended, his last, errrrr first resort is to request, errrr beg for charitable donations.....this able-bodied dude should go out & get a job.....just my 2 cents worth....which i’m keeping away from him.

    I don’t think I’m so fast to judge. We don’t know if he or someone else, such as his work, is paying for the travel. For years, I traveled internationally first class, stayed in the best hotel suites, and ate at great restaurants. I didn’t pay a dime. (And, didn’t have much more than that to my name at the time!) Everything was paid by expense account, which in turn was paid by the clients.


    As far as the ‘Out of Work’ thing, try singing “Get a Job” to the millions and millions on the unemployment lines. Or, he could just live on $1200 and ride it out!

  10. 97 percent of my bookings come from my saying: “I’m a dominant top who loves to kiss and is very passionate and assertive and likes to take charge but is not aggressive or into pain.”


    If I could move the ratio closer to 50-50 or even 75-25 or 90-10, I would, but it just doesn’t happen. All I can do is post photos of my ass online, market myself as versatile, and hope someone might want to top me.

    Mike, I’d TOP that ass so good! .... but, I’m a total bottom ! ?. I could play with it, tho. ?


    Love to see you in Palm Springs when you are traveling and taking appointments again! And, to keep this in the thread, I’m over 45 and have been a bottom all my life, minus one night in a brothel in Amsterdam.

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