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Posts posted by IndyGuy

  1. CraigS and Nickf66 - thanks for your posts. Concerning on many levels: (1) He doesn't lock his phone so others cannot get in and read/send messages and (2) He randomly gives your number to someone else? (3) The multiple text messages at all hours? No thanks.

  2. I'm about 50/50 on doing my own shopping and having it delivered. I find that it is a great time saver when I'm busy - and the small fee is worth it. Many cities now have InstaCart. Anyone that is wanting to give it a try may see if they deliver in you area. It is fantastic. You receive a text message when they start your shopping, and if they make any substitutions, you get a text message to approve or deny the substitution. I highly recommend the service if you're looking for a delivery service.

  3. FilmGeek - while I've not had the experience that you're seeking - I too have found that many personal trainers are available on the DL. I've worked out with many personal trainers over the years, and many have been available for various levels of fun. The main thing, I found, was that you have some type of connection w/ the trainer. All have been straight with varying degrees of how far they would go one on one.

  4. Marylander - I LOVE that show!! If I had a couple hundred grand to throw away. Kelly Johnson was one of the reasons I got so hooked on it. Nico isn't bad either :) (he's on this season). Bruno caught my attention but alas his personality is that of a whiner ...

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