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Everything posted by Becket

  1. The part that stuck with me was toward the end, when the kid who was being groomed by the "evil homosexual" was arrested, put on probation, and released into the custody of his parents. Imagine, the one who is sexually abused is declared a criminal, (however petty). As if HE were responsible for the actions of the abuser. As if it were HIS fault that he got "abused." Thank goodness in our modern and enlightened society such a thing can never happen. (Tongue firmly in cheek.)
  2. An amazing video explaining what is a homosexual, circa 1950. Worth a gander. https://youtu.be/YeUu-1VheEU
  3. Ken Pretty from Dildo? Sounds like an article from The Onion.
  4. Is it true that no word in the English language rhymes with "purple?"
  5. Lordy talk about mixed reviews!
  6. Beautiful photographs. Love to see muscles where most guys don't have muscles.
  7. Looks like Caitlyn, nee Bruce Jenner
  8. Can I ask a question? Does "bump" mean I like what I see or I'm not interested? It's the former, right? Sorry, so dense tonight.
  9. The kids hated their father but really miss him now that he is gone. How many real families are like that? Liked the chemistry developing between Shiv and Matteson. Tom really seems lost and sad. A duck out of water. I enjoy the kids trying to work together, Shiv trying hard not to be left out. The Swedish former ski jumper is kinda hot. Scenery is lovely. Hoping to see more of Marcia?, Logan Roy's widow in future episodes. She is a favorite.
  10. Read an article which claims Apple doesn't allow TV villains or movie bad guys to have Iphones. All the Roy children have Iphones. Tom, estranged husband of daughter Shiv, does not. He has a Samsung Galaxy. Is this a hint as to how the series ends? In the end, does the bad guy turn out to be Tom? Hummmm..........
  11. OMG! Best episode yet. April 16. "Do you want me to pull out the strap on!" .....and Logan's wife throwing out the girlfriend. Pure evil hell.
  12. "Masquerade! Paper faces on parade. Masquerade! Hide your face so the world will never find you." The way I felt all those years deep in the closet.
  13. Three very different cities, different cultures almost. Only been to Boston once. Visited in the summer and saw a Red Sox game with the legendary Tristian Baldwin. Lovely evening all around.
  14. ....Don't give me you're no parking in the white zone shit. You're just mad 'cause I wanted an abortion!
  15. You handled that situation about as best as could be handled.
  16. I love the VPL picture of the actor Jon Hamm. Just so casual, so unexpected.
  17. IMHO a session is a "professional" hour. Whether it lasts 10 minutes or 60, I get done what I need to get done then get my ass home. I can't remember ever looking at a clock, or getting bent out of shape about time spent. Just cum and go, man.
  18. When you get your money let me know. I have some beach front property in AZ that would be just perfect.
  19. Yes, Japan has strict rules regarding tattoos. Their meanings can be far different than that of Europe and the Americas.
  20. I'm hoping the door is opened by a guy wearing gym clothes. He is covered up, but you get a little preview before undressing; a hint of what is soon to come. It's part of the play, part of the dance. You lose all that if the door is opened by a naked guy.
  21. I always say that I am nervous. (Many times this is true.)
  22. Not to anger the lovely bald and "follically" challenged among us (of which I am definitely the latter), but....... Beautiful face. What a cutie! But now a shaved head? Why?
  23. Just got my first air fryer. Boy have I been missing out. I love it!. Though how it can cook a perfectly crispy skinned chicken thigh in 15 minutes, but needs 20 minutes for frozen potatoes is a great mystery. But it's a great tool. Compact, cleans up easily; and as stated earlier, generally faster than the oven. Can't wait to try more things in it.
  24. Latter Days. It still makes me weep. I also enjoyed the comedy Jeffery. Patrick Stewart and other familiar faces. Well dated as a late 80's early 90's treatment of dating in the time of AIDS. But a sweet, funny movie.
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