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Everything posted by Walker1

  1. This is like one of those hot psychotics who is great in bed!!
  2. Oh my, that is like an interactive Greek statue.
  3. Does he provide a "dessert" after the meal?
  4. This one looks like an android!
  5. What a beautiful man. I would love to be in the pool and just watch!
  6. I don't know. The Ancient Romans and Greek somehow accepted gay love or sex at least. Except they seemed to marry have kids and after a certain age seemed to take on young males as lovers/mentors. From what I hear from my colleagues, many women lose interest in sex after a bit. So maybe it just made sense. Who knows what happened behind closed doors, back then? They didn't have cameras/videos etc-so maybe they were just randy and pretended to be what society wanted them to be? Sexuality has always been fluid, though conservatism seems to clamp down on it and wants to focus on certain acceptable behaviors. It is fascinating indeed.
  7. I wonder if it has got to do with the times? When I was growing up and where I was growing up, there was a lot of shame in being gay. Like something was wrong with you. I internalized it and it took a while to be comfortable with myself and say F U to people who didn't agree with my lifestyle or choice. But I wonder young adults today, do they grow up with the same shame? Also I am seeing among them many comfortable with sexuality that they play both sides. I myself am beginning to find women attractive -which I never did before. But men are my main thing and have never gone all the way with a woman. In say Uganda or some middle eastern country, you have to hide the gay side or you could end up dead and your whole family shamed. That is different and while I was growing up, being gay was considered to be some sort of sick in the head unnatural thing by my family that was practiced by the big city freaks. Nobody I knew even talked about it . I wouldn't say I am homophobic, but I am sure some of those attitudes must still be hidden in my psyche. I remember going to a rodeo event. There was a mother with a 13-15 yr old kid, flamboyant as could be , dressed like a girl and did not care at all about all the stares and was enjoying him/herself. I was actually embarrassed and wished he would be more appropriate for the location. But it kept bothering me and I realized it kind made me feel uncomfortable as I was so used to behaving "appropriately" in situations and only let my guard down in gay friendly locations. In a way it was poking me as to why I was continuing to behave that way. I am far more open now-as in I don't care. I am never going to shout from the rooftops that I am gay, but neither do straight guys-that I am attracted to men mostly is just part of my life and does not make me ME. Maybe it was homophobia or your own feelings trying to burst out of your carefully constructed ego and you trying to make sure Humpty Dumpty does not break -who knows. In addition, we must be cognizant that it is legal to execute someone for the crime of being gay in some countries and in other countries while not death, punishment may be severe. So apart from western nations, gays have good reason to be afraid.
  8. So you are going to create a twitter account posting personal details of clients? You think that is good for business?
  9. This one is beautiful in a ethereal, other world sort of way.
  10. Carter Dane-I read somewhere he was a flight attendant? That would be an interesting flight!
  11. No, what I am saying is that with men /women who are married etc with such a large age difference-it seems to be accepted. But if it is a same sex couple it seems to be sneered at. Nobody questions the 80 yr old guy spending 40k a month on his wife's hair and makeup. But if a 80 yr old guy has a hot 45 year old male lover/wife/husband and spends 40k a month on hair/makeup alone -it would be Armageddon!
  12. Is it because same sex couples/gender-not making into anti gay-but wonder if it is gender dynamics? We all know of Anna Nicole Smith. Then there is Erica Girardi/jayne on the real housewives of Beverly Housewives(I know, I know, I watch the series) Plenty of straight couples and while many make snide remarks-but not as much ridicule as gay age difference couples. Erika is a 45 year old tall, sexy hot stuff and he is ahem -homely and short and close to 80-but has two private jets and mansions and help. Reputedly he gives her 40k a month for makeup and hair They have been married 18 years and she has a "singing" career-though in the Billboard charts-though most of her videos are financed by hubby dearest.
  13. Walker1


    Oh my God-this is perfection !!!
  14. Wait-is that Newt Gingrich? Does Newt Gingrich have a secret gay lover?
  15. Didn't interact much. Sad to hear of his passing, especially with two high school aged sons. May he RIP and prayers to his family. Life is so fleeting. After kids, my main prayer is I am there till they grow up and be independent.
  16. Is he available for free massage practice-beautiful.
  17. Perfection-what a beautiful man.
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