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Everything posted by Walker1

  1. Ok, ok, not PC-but I hate this new duck lips phenomenon.
  2. Now that is a sight for sore eyes.
  3. Me Tarzan-you come lick my armpits!
  4. Goran would be awesome, if he escorted.
  5. I wonder if there is a way to shame these cops and jurisdictions like the metoo movement. They are doing this for their pensions and salaries. This should not be a crime. it is perfectly fine to marry someone for money-why not just sleep for money?
  6. Tell him to hook up with all the people uncomfortable with bottoming?
  7. Didn't it shoot up from 1,000 bucks to 20,000 bucks this year? What was your entry point and how long do you consider holding?
  8. Unfortunately they always say they are doing it for their good. Kinda like we have to bomb the village to save the village canard. I think we have to take profit, pensions and pay out of crime. This has to be legalized-I just don't know how. Not to make it political, but repubs I expect, why Obama went after rentboy-I will never know.
  9. Another hot edging video. https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph587fff47017d2
  10. That is like a little puppy waiting for you to come back home
  11. Jim Carrey-I just don't find him and funny and it almost seems like a made up persona.
  12. Wasn't it Mark Twain who said, I like heaven for the weather and hell for the company ,
  13. Maybe he will make a great top for all the people uncomfortable with bottoming?
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