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Everything posted by poolboy48220

  1. I was just recently in a situation with a lot of similarities to that. It started out well but after a while, he was frustrated that he wasn't going anywhere, and said he needed someone who would push him more. I'd done a lot to give him a base where he could push himself, but pushing other people as opposed to supporting isn't my style, and he seemed to need that. He's off on his own now, not sure if he's going to live up to his potential or not.
  2. makes me glad I've got a minivan with lots of seating.
  3. Agreed. I've tricked with a few guys who made me feel like a rake handle was being shoved in my mouth.
  4. I do like the Mary Tyler Moore statue in downtown Minneapolis.
  5. This one just showed up in my email this morning http://www.internationaljock.com/assets/images/ijemail_2015_10_03_homme.jpg
  6. I was in NYC last week for training and walked about a mile each way from the hotel to class every day. Well, took a taxi once after dinner. I walked more there than I have walked in a LONG time in Detroit. I've got about a 15-mile commute if I were to bike to work. I biked to work on a few occasions at other jobs. Showers in the building are a real plus.
  7. I heard last night that Cleese and Eric Idle are doing a tour in the Southern states in October. I'm thinking of buying tickets and flying down just to see them.
  8. KFM also had "A Fistful of Yen", the parody of Bruce Lee movies, with the Dating Game style introduction of the contestants for the martial arts tournament; named "Long Wang", "Hung Well", and "Enormous Genitals".
  9. It looks professionally done, spiral-bound. I suspect she found it in some quirky gift store repurposing old books as notebooks.
  10. AdamSmith, that's from Groove Tube, right? I remember seeing that in 1975. It was hilarious, hearing one, then another person in the theater start laughing as the bit went on, and they realized what Safety Sam really was.
  11. Same for me. My parents never discussed it. They sent me to an evening program at school where they talked about it to the boys in one room, the girls in another. I think there might have been a filmstrip. On the drive home, my Dad asked if I had any questions. I did not. We also had a four-volume set for teens called "The Life Cycle Library" discussing sex. I fantasized to a few of the drawings in there, one of a naked teen boy toweling off, showing how the genitals and pubic hair grew during adolescence. My younger sister sent me a notebook a few years ago that's made from the cover and selected pages from that set.
  12. The other guy he worked with was his partner, not his brother, I think. I can't remember his name. I regret that I never made the trip to NYC while he was still escorting.
  13. Monty Python's "Vocational Guidance Counselor" sketch. "But I want to be a lion tamer!"
  14. These were older, not my earliest memories, but there was a local gas station where the attendant usually wore just cutoffs. Beautifully tanned muscular torso. When I was in my mid-twenties, they built a house on an empty lot next to me. One of the workers often just wore a pair of running shorts. Beautiful dark curly hair, muscles; I'd often fantasize that he'd stepped on a nail and had to come over for first aid.
  15. That was Gary Conway, I think. Smoking hot body with a frightening mangled Frankenstein face.
  16. I resisted Chrome for the longest time because I didn't like my bookmarks across the top, I liked the Firefox "down the side". I tried Chrome when I got my new laptop, I like it, and find I don't really have an issue with the top-bar bookmarks.
  17. I knew where my Dad's porn stash was, mostly Playboy and Penthouse and a couple of cartoon books called (I think) "From Sex to Sexty". A friend and I were looking through them, I must have been 10 or 11, and I remember saying to him "I'm looking for pictures of naked men". "The Year in Sex" and "The Year in Movies" features were the few places in Playboy to see naked men. Penthouse would occasionally have couples pictorials. At one point he had one or two "Oui" magazines with couples layouts that were a bit more revealing of the guys.
  18. I was 7, and had a crush on a kid who was going through first communion with me.
  19. I met with him about 10 years ago, I think. Check your inbox.
  20. The guys who did Mystery Science Theater 3000 are still in business, doing live shows and producing videos with their movie voiceover. When they spoofed "Twilight", they played the Benny Hill theme when Edward ran up the mountain with Bella on his back.
  21. At the risk of derailing the thread, I dislike the trend of video-only reporting. I like to read.
  22. To quote Sara Jane Smith - "There are some things that are worth having your heart broken for".
  23. Not the one I saw. "Greek Massage, part 2" by Next Door Studios. Certainly possible he's done more than one. Just watched again to be sure. :-)
  24. I had to go find that clip, when I saw the preview & Owen Michaels (getting the massage) asked "does your massage always include the balls?"
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