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Everything posted by goosh69

  1. I haven’t paid $200 since the 90s. Guys worth hiring cost more.
  2. That’s 100% false. There is no state by state poverty line, except for Alaska and Hawaii. One. Two, The MEDIAN HH Income in NYC was $68k, per the census bureau. MEDIAN. That’s 2.59 people per household. Don’t lie. https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/NY/INC110219
  3. I’ve met at least one guy this way. I had to do detective work between his IG and Twitter and IMed a few times, but eventually we met up. Like three times so far. He’s gotten way out shape lately so I may not hang with him again…
  4. Look at any cost of living calculator that disambiguates the five boroughs (aka counties). You’ll find all five are significantly more expensive than the average large US city. I’ll start for you. Now do Los Angeles and Chicago versus Brooklyn. Cheaper than BK by more than BK is cheaper than SF. Or really, anywhere other than Manhattan, SF, SJ, or Honolulu. That’s how expensive the rest of NYC is. Queens is similar to BK.
  5. Manhattan and SF have very similar costs of living and have for like 20 years. I have zero idea what you even mean.
  6. Yeah…I only go if there are 5+ I’d be interested in, because 1/3 to 1/2 the “headliners” don’t show, or show very late. And occasionally, an unadvertised hot guy pops in. It’s very random.
  7. Yeah, I just flat out ask Matt or Tim who’s actually shown up that night. Those two were not going to early on.
  8. Most of them end up in Vegas. La is expensive.
  9. I cannot even believe this post. Yes, you’re being conned.
  10. “Kin to Hungarian.” Uhhhhh they are about as close as say Romanian and Spanish to each other at best. More like Austrian German to English.
  11. Having enough money to keep and attract one.
  12. Some of these longer posts seem….ummm…unfocused.
  13. Another one is NOT natural blonds showing him with bleached blond hair. No. FaceTime didn’t exist in the 90s. But it’s a good idea. And my example was just one of many I can think of over the years.
  14. Sometimes the providers still are in shape or what not but look meaningfully different in other ways. For example, the pictures are of someone smooth chested, clean cut, with a coiffed pompadour with lots of hair product, and the guy who shows up has piercings, tattoos, and a shaved head BUT a hairy chest (this happens to me A LOT.) I’ve turned guys away at the door for not looking like their pictures many times and warned them advance that I would do so. Like I SPECIFICALLY use the above examples. I don’t care if you or your friends think your new look is better- it’s not what has pictured or discussed. And still the guys think they can show up not looking like what’s advertised. It sounds like you did not have the courage to say “no” before the sessions began.
  15. You like what you like, don’t feel ashamed.
  16. There are some obviously fake “nudes” of this guy online. But zero evidence that he is an escort. I don’t get it.
  17. Wait what is the point of this thread? The guy pictured is a reality show star and IG influencer, which anyone with Google can find out. Including his IG page. To my knowledge he’s never advertised being an escort or been rumored to be one. Why is he in the forum where we discuss specific escorts? And why now has this devolved into a general chat about blond guys? Not the right forum.
  18. I’ve gotten one like this from two different guys recently- this one is a direct quote: “Hi can u help me I just got fired and need help”. this was his OPENING LINE to me. mind you - these weee guys I’ve NEVER met or spoken to. Weird. Who gives money to guys they’ve never met or interacted with in any way?
  19. Yeah that’s just a guy who doesn’t know he’s an escort yet. It’s a fine line but he crossed it.
  20. I went last night from 11:30-12:45. Gave up when zero hot guys showed up (IMO.) “dancers” outnumbered customers by that point, always a bad sign.
  21. You are both less likely to catch it and less likely to get sick if you do. Don’t spread disinformation.
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