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Everything posted by bigvalboy

  1. bigvalboy


    +1 Used to hire him as a masseur in West Hollywood. Sweet man, very interactive, friendly and sincere. However @wklucas is correct, his body is more bear now, which of course many will like.
  2. Agree... A bottom not getting hard is a deal breaker for me. It ruins the movie.
  3. I feel differently about aging. I generally find life exciting, interesting and funny, but mostly I find myself to be very grateful. I have no illusions about my age or looks. I too am attracted to young beautiful men, but for myself, engaging with young men is a business arrangement...period. They are selling a product, and I'm buying. They can tell me anything they want over dinner and drinks, or when we're out and about. I don't take any of it too seriously, because on any other given night, they most likely would not call unless there is COD.... For myself, in many respects, it is the perfect relationship, they make me happy and I make them happy, and I get to live my life as I see fit. I laugh more than I cry, and I'm happy more than I am sad. It's all a blessing...
  4. Not to belabor the point, but this is on my computer and I thought that I would share with you guys. Seems apropos here. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-R_tRktEZGvk/USPS5k1DKVI/AAAAAAAAK5U/pM6JjPtyNRg/s1600/There+comes+a+time.jpg All the best...
  5. A hundred grand really isn't a lot of money. Someone would need to add a few zero's to that figure...
  6. Thank you for this. You don't need to, nor have you ever had to. Your posts over the year or so that I've been reading them, indicate everything that is good and right with the educational system in this country. Your dedication to your students and to their success, has always been admirable. My mother taught for over 30 years, I had aunts and uncles who were school administrators, were head of departments at LA Unified, my cousin, before she retired, owned 6 private schools, and my dear friend, just retired one year ago, was a director/administrator for the Connecticut Board of Education. I say all this because people should know that there are good and decent men and woman out there, like yourself, working every day to give children a fighting chance in this world. I went to school in a different time, thankfully many things have changed for the better in this country, despite who is occupying the West Wing right now. He, like BOZO, will prove to be nothing more than a blip on the screen in this span of history. (It's nice to know that BOZO is not here to make some snide comment)
  7. I will confess, I knew nothing of Rosh Hashana or Yom Kippur or any of the Jewish holidays for that matter, but thankfully my neighbor was gracious enough to give me a brief education on the matter.
  8. Unfortunately my teachers in elementary school were smart, but not so kind. It was the 50's and a different time. I didn't get it, but my parents did. College was a different story. My professors were mostly brilliant and had a long lasting positive affect on my life.
  9. I will have to disagree with some of the comments from above. I had at times (not frequently) but at times, a different life's experience regarding school. I come from a long line of educators and administrators, and I had teachers in elementary school and Junior High (now middle school) who were clearly in the wrong, and while I was too young to understand they're behavior, thankfully I had parents who did, and stepped forward to protect me. As noble a profession as it is, teachers, like any other group in society, are as flawed as the rest of us. (Please no emails or private messages)
  10. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-Pisy1jOY7BM/TXtCgaHHcGI/AAAAAAAABCk/letA8_AmIK0/s1600/cadillac_.jpg
  11. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-rnw4-nTVRVE/T7memigoxSI/AAAAAAAABdA/uO3uBESlJu4/s1600/hot+mechanic.jpg
  12. Word on the street is that ND is now at a discount, though he and Bozo seemed to have vanished. All that and wishing the good Rabbi Hy, wherever he might be...“Gemar chatimah tovah”
  13. +1 My Dad used to always say, "Son, people want you to be successful, just not more successful than them,"
  14. For me a wallet is more an accessory than utilitarian. I know my 'Fluffy' would understand. I mean after all...
  15. Sorry but I feel a song comin on....
  16. Jake Cruise fucked him, after shoving several dildos up his ass. Kinda hot!
  17. I carry a rather fat wallet. More cash than credit, and I carry it in my front pocket. It's safer and...well it sort of fills out the front rather nicely.
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