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Everything posted by bigvalboy

  1. FWIW...I second this. I was having the same problem, and this worked for me.
  2. http://www.worldincolortours.com/uploads/7/0/2/8/70289277/7502982_orig.jpg
  3. http://media.giphy.com/media/LvtKS6f1WatQ4/giphy.gif
  4. lol...but I also wonder how many "CRYING" Brett Kavanaugh costumes there will be?
  5. No Gman, that's not how I took it. You are too much of a gentleman to do that. I scanned back through the thread, and my guess is that MartyB misquoted you.
  6. Art Byman "who is almost illegally good looking" From the article...(This gave me a chuckle) "Arthur Craig, wardrobe master of the New York City Ballet, discovered him on the beach at Santa Monica, during the company's transcontinental tour. Physique photography is a hobby with Mr. Craig and when he is not engaged in keeping his dancers "ship-shape and Bristol fashion"on stage he and his trusty Leica can be relied upon to turn up some young demi-god of the undiscovered" OK...who would have liked to hear more of this story?
  7. http://www.denniscoveyart.com/sculpture/chris_darby_torso.html They're beautiful by the way...
  8. I believe the question was a request for a picture.
  9. Perhaps then you wouldn't mind posting a picture of yourself, so that the forum can do an analysis of your stats.
  10. Glad your back. I'll go tell the boys... And oh yeah, seeing it tonight, I'll report back.
  11. http://www.corvetteblogger.com/images/content/2017/021217_46.jpg
  12. http://dustfactoryvintage.com/fashionandrecycling/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/mens-surf.jpg
  13. http://nextluxury.com/wp-content/uploads/wavy-1950s-old-school-greaser-haircut-for-guys.jpg
  14. Very sad news. Sending prayers for you tonight. Bonehead is gone, but his memory is forever...
  15. What's that saying. "A day late and a dollar short" ....Hire him for a massage, how bad could it be?
  16. Good for him... I saw Marc in San Francisco and in LA, probably 5-6 years ago when I was still living on the west coast. At the time, he was aware of the downsides to staying in the escorting biz past your expiration date. He had quite a saavy business mind, and even back then had numerous ideas on the entrepreneurial front. I had a most memorable time with him, and to this day every time I see his picture, fond memories come back to me. If he ever ventured my way, I would not hesitate to hire him for a massage, being respectful of his limits, and if he agreed, perhaps a nice dinner out, I mean...everyone's got to eat, right?
  17. You mean info beyond the fact that he is Marc Dylan the porn star? Hired him a few times. He was intelligent, entertaining, a gentleman when we went out, and a sweet heart behind closed doors. If I had time to make the 5 hour drive to Jacksonville, I wouldn't hesitate...
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