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    down_to_business got a reaction from + g56whiz in Two Down, One To Go   
    Congrats papa... an empty nest is a sign of success. Sure you have your new course to chart and explore, but it also won't be too long in the scheme of things before your life is filled again with different family obligations. I see the makings of a pretty terrific grandfather and I bet your life and home will be overflowing with grandchildren somewhere down the road. All the best and enjoy this time on your own.
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    down_to_business got a reaction from + Axiom2001 in Two Down, One To Go   
    Congrats papa... an empty nest is a sign of success. Sure you have your new course to chart and explore, but it also won't be too long in the scheme of things before your life is filled again with different family obligations. I see the makings of a pretty terrific grandfather and I bet your life and home will be overflowing with grandchildren somewhere down the road. All the best and enjoy this time on your own.
  3. Like
    down_to_business got a reaction from + Eric Hassan in Two Down, One To Go   
    Congrats papa... an empty nest is a sign of success. Sure you have your new course to chart and explore, but it also won't be too long in the scheme of things before your life is filled again with different family obligations. I see the makings of a pretty terrific grandfather and I bet your life and home will be overflowing with grandchildren somewhere down the road. All the best and enjoy this time on your own.
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    down_to_business got a reaction from tyro in Two Down, One To Go   
    Congrats papa... an empty nest is a sign of success. Sure you have your new course to chart and explore, but it also won't be too long in the scheme of things before your life is filled again with different family obligations. I see the makings of a pretty terrific grandfather and I bet your life and home will be overflowing with grandchildren somewhere down the road. All the best and enjoy this time on your own.
  5. Like
    down_to_business got a reaction from TruHart1 in Two Down, One To Go   
    Congrats papa... an empty nest is a sign of success. Sure you have your new course to chart and explore, but it also won't be too long in the scheme of things before your life is filled again with different family obligations. I see the makings of a pretty terrific grandfather and I bet your life and home will be overflowing with grandchildren somewhere down the road. All the best and enjoy this time on your own.
  6. Like
    down_to_business got a reaction from BasketBaller in Two Down, One To Go   
    Congrats papa... an empty nest is a sign of success. Sure you have your new course to chart and explore, but it also won't be too long in the scheme of things before your life is filled again with different family obligations. I see the makings of a pretty terrific grandfather and I bet your life and home will be overflowing with grandchildren somewhere down the road. All the best and enjoy this time on your own.
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    down_to_business reacted to BasketBaller in Two Down, One To Go   
    You guys have been so cool and helpful as I shared the experience of facing my sexuality while raising my kids as a single father. My eldest is in his second year at Fordham, happy and thriving. On Friday one twin got a call from Delegate Norton's office that he'd been appointed to the US Naval Academy, his lifelong dream. It is amusing to see how happy he is, and his twin is almost as happy for him. That son is still waiting to hear about his college applications. Stanford is his first choice, but I hope he ends up closer, Still, whatever will be best for him is what I want.
    So I'll have a Midshipman starting this summer. It means he'll leave home sooner, in late June, but he's only about 45 minutes away when he's in Annapolis, although he won't be able to come home often. He and his girlfriend vow they'll manage the long distance thing (she's hoping for UPenn) so we'll see. They are very serious, so maybe it'll last. And I think it's sinking in to the twins what a change it will be for them to be apart. They've always shared a room, even turning down the offer for one of them to move into their brother's room when he left for college.
    And I feel the approaching departures deeply, now they're in the last semester of high school. Yes, I'll be free to be myself and find out what that means, but I'll be on my own for the first time in my life, really. Lots of discovery to come, I think, for all of us.
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    down_to_business got a reaction from AdamSmith in DrSam on Rentmen NYC   
    Are you arguing with the Dr ?
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    down_to_business reacted to johnjohn in 411 on Scott Demarco   
    Hi Mac64 , No I did not meet, actually text him, everything was going good, even gave him hotel address, and he said he wanted fee up front I told him I was uncomfortable with that, He said I wont run off with $$ , I told him I would pass.
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    down_to_business reacted to + glennnn in Escorts asking for Personal Information and Pics?   
    I certainly sympathize and understand @TopTierTop 's desire to run his business his way, but I also question his assertion that other professions get to hand pick their clientele. Who are you thinking of? Teachers? Doctors? Law Enforcement? Clergy? Beauticians? Undertaker's? Social Workers? Sales personnel? Judges? Military officers? Plumbers? Do any of these folks get to ask for stats and photos before accepting a client?
    Please let me be clear that I have no problem with you doing so, although I would be disqualified due to my age. I'm happy to have you as a correspondent on the forum, but certainly would not enjoy being vetted and rejected, or feel you were lowering yourself to accept me as a client (although I am in good shape and pretty cute), so your system works to both our advantage. Most of us spend significant portions of our lives dealing with people we would rather not. I congratulate you that you have apparently found a way to avoid this.
  11. Like
    down_to_business got a reaction from + glennnn in Where are the shorties???   
    This mysterious one recently showed up in the Vegas listings
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    down_to_business reacted to escortrod in Dumb question? What really is Versatile/Top?   
    Because this is self-categorisation there are no hard or fast rules as to what it means.
  13. Like
    down_to_business reacted to BasketBaller in Holiday Wishes   
    Pausing in the preparation to wish everyone good times in the days ahead, whether you celebrate any specific holiday or not. I'm grateful for the virtual friendships I've made here, and your sympathetic ears have made it easy to share my experiences, something I've done nowhere else.
    As my impending empty-nester status gets ever closer, I realize that the boys will be dealing with separation, too. The twins have always shared a room, even turning down the chance for one to move into their brother's room when he left for college. They're not applying to any of the same colleges, so whether they get their first choice or not, they will be apart for the first extended period of their lives.
    I sense that they are feeling that and spending even more time together, usually double-dating these days when they didn't used to. This morning I heard something that floored me. Some twins develop a language of their own as babies, but mine didn't really, except for one word. Just as they were starting to talk, they called each other "Ayah," pronounced AH-yuh. We used to joke that they were Maine lobstermen in another life. They'd greet each other or call each other by that word until they started talking more and using their real names. They're Pete and Matt, but at first called each other Peke and Mack, and those remained family pet names for years until they started objecting.
    This morning they were in the kitchen making cookies, and I heard one of them say, "Ayah, hand me that bowl." I hadn't thought of that in years, and wasn't even sure they remembered they had once called each other that. I went in and asked them about them using it and they looked completely puzzled. They said they use it all the time. When I said I hadn't heard them call each other that since they were babies, they told me they only use it when they're alone together, but they always use it then. Later their brother told me he knew they called each other that but they got mad if he ever did. I guess "Ayah" means you-person-who-looks-just-like-me or something.
    I don't know why I like this discovery so much, but I do. I am treasuring us all being together for now. I hope you're with people you treasure, too.
  14. Like
    down_to_business reacted to + Truereview in Hunks with Pussies   
  15. Like
    down_to_business reacted to + Keith30309 in Seeking arrangements success!   
    It's absolutely a mixed bag... I had an overnight with a sweet guy who refused to take any money (I hid it in his bag anyway).
    My limited experience is that the guys who post a shirtless pic have a fairly clear notion of what they are looking for.
    As you say, it's intriguing in that it's a wide-open set of possibilities versus an ordinary escort experience, which has a set routine and is generally fairly predictable (which is not to say boring... just predictable).
    Noone in SA is in it for the long-term (at least that I have had contact with) and don't have preconceptions about the financials. Also, the guys who post profiles turns over pretty rapidly so there's a fresh set of faces pretty regularly.
    In a sense, it's like Grindr without the immediacy and with a built-in layer of screening.
    I'm not thru with SA yet...
  16. Like
    down_to_business reacted to + PapaTony in Seeking arrangements success!   
    Thanks to mention of seekingarrangement by Keith in another thread I joined.
    In just a mater of days I've had about 24 contacts by really cute looking guys of which 6 are potential real winners. (Yes there are lots of sketchy losers)
    Today I spent time with a beauty I had been texting with for a day. We talked and talked, getting to know each other and understanding what each wanted out of "an arrangement"
    At one point I said I really wanted to kiss him, he said ok and 4 hours later I was a puddle of gooey goodness. The boy did "daddy" real good and all he wants out of it is to see me again real soon and looks forward to going out to dinner with me. I know and I'm willing to help him out a little with finances but he's not interested in "payments". He has a full time job and is studying for his masters. he's not penniless; doesn't want handouts. But if daddy wants to treat him nicely or give him gifts I think he'd gladly accept. Trust me, the sex was so f*cking good I WANTED to pay him.
    I think I'm going to like this a whole lot.
  17. Like
    down_to_business reacted to MikeyGMin in 411 on Conner Evans in Austin   
    Just spent a couple very enjoyable hours with a new guy in Austin. Pictures are accurate. An amazingly tight body. Review in progess.
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    down_to_business got a reaction from m.yi in Where are the shorties???   
    This mysterious one recently showed up in the Vegas listings
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    down_to_business got a reaction from TruthBTold in Where are the shorties???   
    I reached out to him and was pretty disappointed with his reply. Basically he said rates were more than I cared for hourly and that he never would be fully nude and only would provide massage or muscle worship. Needless to say, this is not a match for my needs or desires.
    At least my love for the "ask me" response remains intact, ask me = waste my time
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    down_to_business got a reaction from TruthBTold in Where are the shorties???   
    This mysterious one recently showed up in the Vegas listings
  21. Like
    down_to_business got a reaction from + José Soplanucas in Where are the shorties???   
    This mysterious one recently showed up in the Vegas listings
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    down_to_business got a reaction from Scotty in Giving a massage to straight masseur?   
    Just an example. He actually advertises that it's an option.
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    down_to_business got a reaction from tennisjock in Some Good Ol' Boys   
    On this one page alone... I am ready to propose to these two!
    http://66.media.tumblr.com/325f070c95b06135dfc915b7a73f462c/tumblr_o91fkc8TuX1vtemnwo1_500.png http://67.media.tumblr.com/1d5655e74718a15f830eb4dcbf37fc47/tumblr_oehnvpmR4i1s8z08ao1_1280.jpg
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    down_to_business reacted to + Funguy in Those of You With Dogs...   
    I just came across a study called the "Dog Aging Project"which is using a drug called Rapamycin (Sirolimus) to not only prolong our friends' lives but improve the quality of that life.
    It is a drug normally used in people as an immunosuppressive medication after kidney transplants. Some are also touting it's use in anti-aging with humans.
    I have a call into my vet but, since it's the holidays, I don't expect a rapid response. In pouring through the articles I came up with a dosage of 0.1 mg per Kg of weight and given 3 times a week BUT nowhere could i find whether that was 0.1 mg/kg 3 times per week or DIVIDED into three times per week. The articles also mentioned using as small a dose as necessary. Minimal side effects.
    As a physician I decided to call in a Rx and use it for my dog at 0.1 mg/kg DIVIDED three times a week. i can always up it if my vet comes up with information.
    The group doing the study is going to have another study coming up but dogs must be "middle age" and over 40 pounds. Unfortunately, my guy is already a senior and has slipped under 40 lbs. (in his youth he was closer to 60 lbs.). But, he has nothing wrong with him other than old age (16 years) so I'm willing to give it a try.
    It would also be a bit odd to be getting it for myself so I used his name and Goodrx.com - approximately $40 per month at the lowest dose.
    Anybody with more info . . .?
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    down_to_business got a reaction from + Steve yabsley in Escorts asking for Personal Information and Pics?   
    $30 line pass / blackmail insurance premium. What a steal:rolleyes:
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