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    MikeBiDude got a reaction from tennisjock in Seeking arrangements success!   
    I haven't decided if the Phillipines or Southern Asia are my hotbed?
    @Keith30309 I would have sworn I saw a way in settings to avoid overseas email, but I can't find it now? You can use the "filtered" email option in your inbox, choose "distance" as the filter, use the slider control to choose users 0-1000 miles away to filter messages. That's not what I thought I saw, I'll keep poking around.
  2. Like
    MikeBiDude got a reaction from + goosh69 in Seeking arrangements success!   
    I started getting 30-40 a day. Now a more manageable dozen or so . And if I changed my settings to block overseas senders that would drop to 2-3 local guys.
  3. Like
    MikeBiDude reacted to + Keith30309 in Seeking arrangements success!   
    How do you do that? I'm about ready to apply for a Croatian Visa....
  4. Like
    MikeBiDude got a reaction from tennisjock in Seeking arrangements success!   
    I started getting 30-40 a day. Now a more manageable dozen or so . And if I changed my settings to block overseas senders that would drop to 2-3 local guys.
  5. Like
    MikeBiDude got a reaction from Tarty in Conner in Long Beach, CA 3/8 review, info??   
    Conner was reviewed here:
    By a 3 time reviewer.
    Website: http://hourboy.com/connor25
    Now, Conner is fairly local to me, and I like what I see. Anyone have any further info or experiences with the young man? I know that hourboy.com not a first tier place to look...
  6. Like
    MikeBiDude reacted to pubic_assistance in Seeking arrangements success!   
    Actually, I called them "pound puppies" because they are all young, want someone to take care of them, and are looking to get pounded, in exchange.
  7. Like
    MikeBiDude got a reaction from MscleLovr in Seeking arrangements success!   
    I'm the worlds worst quickie hookup....I too have to have SOME sort of emotional, "feeling" connection, especially if I'm to be my best as a sexual partner.
  8. Like
    MikeBiDude got a reaction from tennisjock in Seeking arrangements success!   
    It's a bargain at $70/monthly, if not just for entertainment value. And I'm a guy who *never* (apparently almost never) pays for web content
  9. Like
    MikeBiDude reacted to AdamSmith in 411 on AsianGymnast in LA   
    Sometimes if you like him, and hire him, and see him for an hour, you also get info.
    Just sayin.
  10. Like
    MikeBiDude reacted to pubic_assistance in Seeking arrangements success!   
    Yeah...that IS pretty "old fashioned". I grew up in the sexual revolution, not the 1950s. Fuck first, and ask questions later. ha ! ( No ..not really...but sex is definitely part of getting to know someone, in MY world). Even my mother, apparently sampled the goods, before she married my father.
  11. Like
    MikeBiDude got a reaction from tennisjock in Seeking arrangements success!   
    I'm the worlds worst quickie hookup....I too have to have SOME sort of emotional, "feeling" connection, especially if I'm to be my best as a sexual partner.
  12. Like
    MikeBiDude reacted to MrMiniver in Seeking arrangements success!   
    Well, call me old fashioned, but I can't make a sexual "connection" with a person until I've connected to them on all other levels first. Then it flows naturally. Unless this is only about sex for some and that's not really an arrangement. That's a hook-up.
  13. Like
    MikeBiDude reacted to pubic_assistance in Seeking arrangements success!   
    I wouldn't be interested in someone long term if there was ZERO sexual connection. So I slept with everyone who I've met on SeekingArrangement.com after our first date.
  14. Like
    MikeBiDude reacted to njr47 in 411 California Hottie Grayson Daniels   
    just realized that I never left a "report from the front" about Grayson, after I saw him a few weeks ago. Despite his dogged trust in Ayn Rand (forgive him, he's young), he's a genuinely nice guy. I enjoyed my time with him. And contrary to the inference in an earlier report, he is an excellent kisser!
  15. Like
    MikeBiDude got a reaction from pubic_assistance in Seeking arrangements success!   
  16. Like
    MikeBiDude reacted to MrMiniver in Seeking arrangements success!   
    With the guy I met on there who I am currently in a relationship with ... we didn't have "sex" until the 3rd or 4th time we me and, by that time, we both knew that we wanted something more than an arrangement.
    But even with the other guys I met there ... sex wasn't a component on the first meeting. I need to get to know someone, ask the right questions, see if we're compatible. I didn't got to that site just for sex. I can get that other places. I wanted an more "meaningful" arrangement.
  17. Like
    MikeBiDude reacted to MrMiniver in Seeking arrangements success!   
    I went through a few good guys and a few rotten apples before I found what I was looking for and, as it turned out, it ended up being way more than an arrangement so I can't complain. There are also lots of guys on there genuinely interested in older men. It's not really a site for escorts, which the site actually makes clear.
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    MikeBiDude got a reaction from tennisjock in Seeking arrangements success!   
  19. Like
    MikeBiDude reacted to + PapaTony in Seeking arrangements success!   
    Yes of course...we met at a local cafe for a bit to get acquainted. He is sweet, earnest and not interested in pay for play or being "kept". Just likes older men. BOY DOES HE!!! Wow!
    He will be treated to nice dinners and gifts from me because I choose to do that. I in turn will be treated to some of the best sex ever! OMG!!!
  20. Like
    MikeBiDude reacted to + PapaTony in Seeking arrangements success!   
    Gee, so many naysayers weighing in on this subject.
    I'm glad I tried SA and am VERY happy with the results.
  21. Like
    MikeBiDude reacted to pubic_assistance in Seeking arrangements success!   
    CLEARLY ! The only dates I've ever been on, that did not end in sex were in High School and with girls...and even with most of them, I got laid. I would point out that any beautiful woman, who's dating a successful business man is putting out on a regular basis in an effort to win the grand prize. No one brings home an escort to meet their mom.
  22. Like
    MikeBiDude got a reaction from LivingnLA in Seeking arrangements success!   
    I've not offered anyone anything near your "episodic" amount, and I'm meeting lots of guys. Tonight I'm having a second date with a "seeking..." meet, not a penny has been discussed. He's a rare diamond in the rough there, I'll admit that. But my other meets have been lower or close to a Rentmen hourly rate, but I'm getting MUCH more than an hour's time, connection, chemistry than a Rentmen appointment.
    I have one similar situation as you, "too much on my plate" at least on my meeting guys "plate". Maybe SoCal has more choices - both real and scams!
  23. Like
    MikeBiDude reacted to pubic_assistance in Seeking arrangements success!   
    Ummmm...that's called having a NORMAL RELATIONSHIP with someone. Having you been so focused on pay for play, that you forgot how MOST people do it ? The majority of these young, men are not interested in a series of strangers paying their rent. They want one successful older man to take responsibility away from them, and in exchange offer themselves as a "constant companion"....aren't all relationships between younger and older pretty much the same thing ?
  24. Like
    MikeBiDude got a reaction from + V-Vhitner in Seeking arrangements success!   
    Clearly, [uSER=12155]@Dominiking[/uSER], it's not for you.
    I enjoy unraveling the layers myself. And with success, at least by my goals.
  25. Like
    MikeBiDude got a reaction from BSR in Seeking arrangements success!   
    So true....and taking advantage of the "desperation" I sense in some of the messages would be easy. I never have, never will....similar to my "not if they have drank too much" rule. I won't take advantage.
    One new friend I've met from SA has become just a "friend" we've never had playtime, don't plan any at this point. He needed a short term helping hand/listener and I was there for him.
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