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Everything posted by MikeBiDude

  1. For better or worse, I'm not super endowed, maybe even barely average. One plus is, many exclusive "tops" have arrived and after some warm up say "it's ok I'll bottom for you...". My assumption is they're ok with my size. I also assume it has a lot to do with how I treat and respect them, because it doesn't always happen on the very first visit . But happens often enough...oh and this isn't restricted to porn guys but yeah them too
  2. It's been my experience that what you see gentlemen do in videos has little to do with what you see when you're the one-on-one client. Often you get "more", but sometimes less!!
  3. "King of the North!" Brought me goosebumps when I read those lines first time in the book. The show did a decent job if the emotion too...
  4. Very excited here!!! Re-binged all previous seasons recently. A friend who was here visiting for Christmas had never seen any of them, so I started him on season one and two. When he left for home, I had to keep watching the rest!!
  5. This would also mirror almost *exactly* my own MO. Especially since I do like good massage, the intimacy of touching nice, and fun beyond the massage is all bonus. I've had the same experiences in "pro/legit" as LADude424 in that regard. Even on a Princess Cruise ship once.
  6. Sunday 0820PDT he's even "available now"?
  7. Conner was reviewed here: http://www.daddysreviews.com/cruise/2016-03-08/connor_longbearch By a 3 time reviewer. Website: http://hourboy.com/connor25 Now, Conner is fairly local to me, and I like what I see. Anyone have any further info or experiences with the young man? I know that hourboy.com not a first tier place to look...
  8. Will Ripley, CNN. I think he is in the Far East right now? Edit - couple pictures... http://blogs.denverpost.com/ostrow/files/2014/01/rsz_will_ripley.jpg http://i.imgur.com/A78KkkY.jpg
  9. Agree, I've given many of the above a "second look" when they are onscreen.
  10. Well this isn't for vegans (a choice I do respect) but this always makes me smile when see one. No, I haven't bought/worn one yet. http://iloveapparel.com/products/peta-people-eating-tasty-animals?utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=googlepla&gclid=CKKl4o262MoCFYU9aQodWd0Fkw
  11. Congrats, many many moons ago I found a young local guy at a major SoCal university looking for a similar arrangement, it worked really well for about 18-24 months then he moved on. Haven't found the identical favorable replacement yet. Good luck, when they work out arrangements like this can be great, and not always super expensive.
  12. anyone with any info on this young man? returned initial rentmen query quickly. didn't include a lot of info in reply other than he was available to my area and preferred future comms via text http://rentmen.com/JordanMuscleXXX
  13. And I would be thinking of Zachery Scott of Las Vegas http://rentmen.com/ZacheryScott An all time favorite of mine
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