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Posts posted by JTtorretto

  1. I’ve known “Joey” for 12 years (lives around the block from me).  Reading the comments, makes me chuckle because of the accuracy  and cause sexually he’s remained the same since the first time I nailed his ass in 2012;  he ultimately desires to be a passive btm with an “older bro type” [me] and /or “dad type”.  As for the guys he likes to fuck; short, thick, EXTREMELY hairy muscled cub twunks (it’s a very specific look he’s into).

    my feeling is if “Joey”sorta just laid there like a pillow princess, on his stomach w/ass presented upwards (regardless of expressing you wanting to be fucked and him still fully clothed) “Joey’s”hoping u take the cue / lead and initiate annihilating his hungry hole!!! 

    as others have stated,  escorting is a side gig / hobby for him (to find daddy tops ultimately imho).   He was the very first person I knew to get an OF and had this natural desire to be making a living off of social media, before it was even a thing or the term “influencer” existed.
     It’s funny, when he first arrived from Long Island, fresh off the LIRR, he was this super thin, slightly flamboyant little suburban italian twink dancing to showtunes in hot pants on Vine, YouTube videos etc, then he met me, and was fascinated by the life I’d created for myself and especially my travels around the world (I was leaving to Australia the next day), and I think it’s fair to say that my natural 🇮🇹🇺🇸 masculinity had an affect on how he chose to present himself from that point forward.  (Its my understanding he lacked for male role models growing up)




  2. On 11/16/2023 at 6:46 PM, LookingAround said:

    So much misinformation in this thread. Non-lawyers crowing as if they know everything and with certitude. 
    If you are the victim of serious extortion you need a good attorney. Often criminal defense attorneys represent victims as well. 
    Find a really good attorney and go from there. 

    EXACTLY this... 


    "If you are the victim of **serious extortion** you need a good attorney".


    An example: Jarek Wentworth, who attempted to extort 1.5 million from Republican donor Donald Burns.

    THAT is serious actual real extortion.  

    An escort whos not been paid in full and is owed 200-500 (for example) is NOT "committing" "extortion" tho that word is often used by sleazy creeps trying to out hustle escorts and underpay.

  3. On 10/11/2023 at 9:29 PM, Peter Eater said:

    It is one thing to say the situation sounds odd, and pose questions because of it. It’s another to say the story “doesn’t pass the smell test.” Translation: You’re a liar.
    Yes, that’s totally uncalled for. 

    RGSMVA, the poster, screwed the escort out of payment, got a free session and then falsely claimed extortion and had the escort FIRED for attempting to get paid.  

    how on earth are so many of you coming to defend this creeps actions? 

    the victim is the unpaid/fired escort 

    24 minutes ago, maninsoma said:

    JTtorretto:  I don't know the truth any more than you do since neither of us was party to the transaction, unless you are going to tell us you are the escort in question.  You are making a lot of assumptions about who said what.  While I'm not suggesting it's invalid to question the client's version of events, I don't think that simply making up an alternate story helps.

    I would note: Just because someone has money to hire a lawyer when they are under duress and don't know what to do doesn't mean that that person had discretionary funds sitting around for hiring escorts.  Nowhere do I see that the client claimed to be "broke," just that he was having "financial issues."

    If you want to blame the client for anything, question why he didn't block the escort sooner and ultimately accepted the alleged offer of a free hookup.  After all, he states that he hired the guy a "few times" and that it "wasn't a great experience."  Why get together again, then, even for free? 

    I did mention that he shouldnt have taken this escorts attempt to reach out if he was A) having "financial difficulties" or B) wasnt looking to play again. 

    Yes, I "assume" but also said Id "bet money" on my assumption that the provider got the clear impression that the client could afford to pay for the session.  I stand by that.  

    Ive been in these types of scenarios myself where Ive had the CLIENT attempt to hustle me [i.e. mislead me into offering a "young college student" (implication of being a "broke college student" a highly discounted rate but he shows up to my apt with his shopping bag from the Louboutin shoe store; $1200 tacky shoes].  Thus, the "student discount" is invalidated since I was mislead.  Thats one example 

  4. On 10/11/2023 at 9:29 PM, Peter Eater said:

    It is one thing to say the situation sounds odd, and pose questions because of it. It’s another to say the story “doesn’t pass the smell test.” Translation: You’re a liar.
    Yes, that’s totally uncalled for. 

    RGSMVA, the poster, screwed the escort out of payment, got a free session and then falsely claimed extortion and had the escort FIRED for attempting to get paid.  

    how on earth are so many of you coming to defend this creeps actions? 

    the victim is the unpaid/fired escort 

  5. On 10/11/2023 at 1:33 AM, Rgsnva said:

    If this isn't the appropriate forum, please feel free to move my question elsewhere.  I've seen discussions on this but more about avoiding it, but it's happening and I need to do something.  I posted about the provider the other day - the gist is I hired him a few times, wasn't a great experience, so I left him alone but he kept texting/messaging me.  I finally told him I couldn't pay anymore because of financial issues.  At which point he said he had a good time, so "let's do it anyway."  Well, the day after that meeting he sent me a payment request via Venmo.  When I reminded him, he said he didn't remember me telling him that, and that he was probably drunk.  (I have our entire communication history on my phone, it's all there clear as day, but he's not interested.) But anyway, he's demanding payment and it's getting more threatening by the day.  I blocked his number but he seems to be using every phone he can get a hand on to message me.  He's threatened to go to my workplace.  He has sent me screenshots of colleagues contact into that he's found online.  He, or someone with him, has posted NextDoor postings that look like nothing to someone else, but are clearly veiled threats of physical violence, showing up at my house, etc.  

    I'm at a point, I think, where I have to go to police.  Has anybody ever done that?  Is it a terrible idea?  Would I be throwing myself to the wolves along with him?

    I did, believe it or not, get RM to take his profile off.  I told them my workplace where he keeps saying he's coming is a school.  Bring it on dumbass - he'll find himself surrounded by 3 resource officers with weapons drawn.  I said to RM that then there'll be news reports - you want to see his profile from your site on the evening news?  Then they'll shut you down and you'll cost all these good people their jobs. An hour later, I got a very nice letter apologizing for leaving it up and telling me it's been removed.

    But I digress...I still need some good, practical advice here.  I'll probably head to a police station after work this afternoon to make a report - unless y'all think that's a terrible idea.  Thoughts? Next steps? Is the cops a bad idea? I'd of course prefer not to go to jail myself.  Thanks, all.

    There is your version of events.   Not the escorts.   

    while you were together the last time, I'd bet $100 that you said something to the affect that you DID have the funds to pay for the session (inheritance, sold an investment, had just hired someone else the day before etc) and thus why he expected to be paid regardless of his prior offer which became (in his head) no longer valid as you had lied.  

    Instead of passive aggressively making excuses that aren't truthful [if you can hire a lawyer you can pay the poor guy!!], you shouldve not accepted his call to begin with.  

    To recap: 

    You LIED that you were "broke".

    Had sex with the escort (who realized you were lying about being broke).

    You refused to pay for services rendered. 

    Once the unpaid escort attempted to collect payment, you claimed (falsely) extortion and had him completely financially destroyed by reporting him to HIS employer [Rentmen] who immediately DELETED his profile and sole source of income.  

    Are you Satan ?

  6. I have a strong feeling that soon RM will only accept Bitcoin for payment. This is the direction they are taking steps to reach. 

    with only accepting Bitcoin they wont have to pay cc processing fees and can fully avoid any possible taxation on their profits.   

    Why / How can they make these "painful" business decisions to their members/escorts ?   They have a near total monopoly and can get away with it.   

    Yes, they will lose advertisers & paying members but the amount of savings will be lucrative and off set any possible defections. 

  7. On 10/19/2023 at 6:13 AM, BeefyDude said:

    Thats your opinion which you are entitled to.  Me, I like to call so I can ask questions and see if there is going to be a connection. I also like to get everything on the table so no surprises.  If it passes that I book 

    "Everything on the table so no surprises"  I find ironic since going the phone call route ends up, often, in misinterpretation of what was decided since nothing is in writing. Thats issue #1 with phone calls. 

    #2 phone call issue:   95% of the time anyone demanding the first interaction being a several minute phone call = is a deadbeat time waster jerking off [free of charge] to the sound of our voice while they get to describe their perverted fantasy, with them explaining they just "need to be sure" that we can "provide that service".  [the "Official Escort Handbook" states as fact that one should never engage with any "potential" new client for an extended period of time on the phone for this second reason]. 



  8. On 9/3/2023 at 2:26 PM, NyGold said:

    I once met a provider at his place in an SRO facility (often used for people with disabilities and low income). Typically you have to show Id to enter if not a resident. He didn’t tell me about this when he gave me the address.

    WhileI  was annoyed, I figured I’d gone all the way over, and made a commitment to come without prepayment, so I should honor the appointment.

    The lady processing visitors leaned forward and said “I don’t know what your business is with X but you should know he comes down sometimes to ask for names and details of the people we sign in - and we’re not supposed to do that but some people on the shift will give it to him - so if you care about that, I’ll let you in without taking a copy” … -I again thought of leaving but  took her up on that and went up. Everything good - no mention of this- left a nice tip which provider was surprised by and said most don’t, said I should look him up whenever I wanted etc - all good.

    The next day I got a stern text from him “what are you trying to hide?” - he claimed I got him in trouble by visiting without showing my id and not letting the front desk take a copy. Didn’t make sense as why would he get in trouble if I or someone at the front desk had done something wrong. 

    The only explanation I can think of is he wanted my details and couldn’t get them from the front desk as the lady had waived me through without taking them.

    This incident certainly increased my alertness to the need to maintain control of my info. 

    No no no, dont blame the guy.  

    Blame the "helpful" receptionist who clearly "threw you under the bus" once her work was checked over by her supervisor and she was asked why she didnt have a copy of your ID (she told her supervisor that you refused as she couldn't tell them the truth as it'd reflect negatively on her failing to do her job properly). 

    tell the dude the trurh, of what she advised you and what happened.

  9. 2 hours ago, ICTJOCK said:

    Feel free to chuckle. 

    I've found it an interesting conversation as I've never discussed it previously.


    •    On 8/4/2023 at 4:35 PM,  ICTJOCK said: 

    All I can say is "wow".   You can put up with far more than I ever would or could.   I'm sure you'd think I'm a very conservative boring dude.   I avoid drugs at all costs and I pride myself on my situation.    Please don't think I'm being overly critical.   I'm not in your situation and not fair to judge you.   You can certainly handle more than I!

    Oh jolly, gee man, Bless ur little heart,  but I guess you Kansas boys can be a forgetful bunch... Cuz heres the first time u clarified your views on being firmly anti-pnp.  

    Then you did a second, and a third time as well & this is why blck37 rightfully called you out to ask why u were beating this dead horse again. 

  10. 2 hours ago, marylander1940 said:

    Without a doubt there's lots of money. If someone can afford cocaine why not hiring escorts for the whole weekend. Unfortunately sooner or later will end in an overdose and cops good claim the escort for providing, pushing, fomenting, etc. whether he did it or not

    A definite possible scenario, tho an older client could also just drop dead of a heart attack & good time with no substances involved.



  11. 2 hours ago, ICTJOCK said:

    I just chuckled at JT's comments.    I haven't been here long enough to know who favors what topic.   I've only been since 8/4.   No reason to get upset here either.   We all have different views,  its about sharing ours and respect others.     Thanks Benjamin.

    And reading your original post + comments here, safe to say you are a hardliner 'NO'. So any different view would not in any aspect change your view. You would not, in any event regardless of other's opinion, prioritise $$$ over your principle - thus fear of 'missing out of $$$' is really not your thing in so far relating to PNP.

    I based my post upon reading blck37 post [ 👆🏽see above ] that you have made your position clear previously re:pnp.  

    even tho you "just joined" this month, it's inconsequential since you have posted, a remarkable, 161 times. Lmfao. 


  12. 2 hours ago, BenjaminNicholas said:

    You can disagree with the op without being a shithead. 

    Calling him 'she' and 'brown-noser' makes you look like the asshole, not him.

    I've been around here a lot longer than you and the anti-drug sentiment is popular here for good reason.  It's a fucking dead-end road.

    As I always say, you do you, but don't besmirch those with a different viewpoint.



    BLCK37 point was valid & factual;


    Why did OP start this thread in the first place? (When hes stated previously this is a total nonnegotiable topic for him)

    It was a cunty/pot stirrer move for people to come out "pro pnp" and get of course chastised for that position and for him to come out looking like Prince Charming, thus hes either testing or showing hes learned the positions to take to be the official COM "teachers pet".  



    just following up on calling him out (initially noticed by blck37) that this thread was set up to be a self serving tool to burnish his "good boy" veneer with the majority of old timers on this board. 

    btw, you have NOT been around "a lot longer" then me Benny, unless you started posting on rentboy while still a teenager in high school.  Lol.  I believe we started the same year.  You, however, have always been the brasher marketer / advertiser.  

  13. 1 hour ago, blck37 said:

    Hm honestly not sure of 'thoughts' you are inviting here....

    PNP is either you are into it or you are not, no middle ground. And reading your original post + comments here, safe to say you are a hardliner 'NO'. So any different view would not in any aspect change your view. You would not, in any event regardless of other's opinion, prioritise $$$ over your principle - thus fear of 'missing out of $$$' is really not your thing in so far relating to PNP.

    Even if i were to say client in PNP scene would typically IMO spent more on provider than he plan to (for obvious reasons lol) - you would, i believe, stand by your stance.

    So yeah i am not sure what the purpose of this post, perhaps just to start a convo lol 🤣

    Well said ... 


    I think his point was to preach to the choir [again] knowing that the vast majority of regular members on this board are SUPER anti-pnp and so he'd earn himself another "little pat on the head" for kissing ass and "saying the right thing" that the old fogeys want to hear be said.  

    it wasnt to have a real dialogue.  

    she just needed some daily affirmation



    [and my biggest payouts in the $5,000-$7,000 range have all been via extended "weekend" pnp appts]


  14. 6 hours ago, ICTJOCK said:

    I'm sure we have all had inquires about whether we "PNP"  along with our services.     Just had a potential client ask me if I PNP and I do groups.

    Not sure how each of you think about this.   If I'm around someone who wants to "party",   I generally politely decline.  I view it professionally, but more than that.  My own health and safety in that setting.    I can't imagine being spaced out with someone who I may hardly know.   If there is a group involved,  even less so.     I don't use drugs and have no desire to be around anything beyond Cannabis.   The comment from the proposed client was that I would be "missing out"  on a profitable time.




    🤣 preaching to the choir 

    little brown noser new guy



  15. 18 minutes ago, DWnyc said:

    I don’t buy the argument for needing to look serious to a provider. Unless it’s some superstar - and I avoid those regarded as such anyway - I take the approach that no provider is unique (unless after a meet I have context and experience with someone), and I consider myself to be respectful and aware of their concerns and and if they can’t show they’d appreciate my business from the minute we start interacting, they don’t deserve it - no matter how insignificant my session may be in the bigger picture of their huge success.

    I dont think the respect we should provide each other is influenced by my payment to an external service. 


    And likely they avoid you as you are one giant red flag 🚩 that anyone with experience knows best to be avoided. 


  16. 1 hour ago, DWnyc said:

    The point is it’s not multiple escorts, it’s by one person pretending to be several - and someone who is obsessed / a little psychotic.

    Which is why the app removes the comments immediately - doesn’t take a genius to spot such behavior.


    Then why did you say



    "pretty sure I know which providers have complained about me and I’ve had "


    YOU said plural rather than singular correct?

  17. 3 hours ago, solacesoul said:

    Perhaps your Google Search is broken?

    Prosecutors are already being overzealous with the new felony prostitution law in Texas, in spite of earlier legislative claims that the law was designed only to curb and fight sex trafficking.

    Earlier this year, the Department of Homeland Security had made almost four dozen (46) arrests for felony sex trafficking in North Texas.  However, it was soon discovered that those arrested on federal felony charges as traffickers were actually individuals who thought they were dealing with sex workers (prostitutes) for consensual sex.  They were “johns” looking for a “date,” and not players in the business of trafficking people.


    The Department of Homeland Security is playing vice cop, again, while pretending that the agency...


    Are you a STRAIGHT  man looking to hire an illegal immigrant mexican woman?  Picking her up off the street. 

    They are targeting a specific niche of the massive Texas market. 



    If you are searching for a safe and secure escort agency in Austin then you are at the right place here at...

    If Texas was gung-ho across the board, how come they have not SHUTDOWN the escort agencies thru out the state of Texas?  

    Because they are going after low-end offenders in the straight market involving illegal alien mexican women as a political pr stunt. 


    I think FOX  news has successfully spooked you 

















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