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    + sam.fitzpatrick reacted to Good Grief in Daily Pietro Boselli   
    I still believe it's a Photoshopped pic with Boselli's head placed on someone else's body.
    Zoom tight in on the piggy-backed guy and there is an additional ear he's licking behind Boselli's ear.
    It's okay as there are so many other fantastic real shots on this thread.
    Thanks @LoveNDino !
  2. Like
    + sam.fitzpatrick got a reaction from hottk29 in Heads Up! Mark your calendars for the Forum DC Gathering, January 12-14, 2018   
    @nate_sf and @ArVaGuy,
    Thanks for coordinating the upcoming event. My trip is booked and I am looking forward to seeing everyone.
  3. Like
    + sam.fitzpatrick got a reaction from tennisjock in Daily Pietro Boselli   
    @LoveNDino thanks for the research to disprove my suspicions.
  4. Like
    + sam.fitzpatrick reacted to tennisjock in Daily Pietro Boselli   
    i stand xorrected the guy on pietro bavk and crotch to his ass and his tongue in his ear is shown in one of the abkve pics with pietro. pic 4 def shows movement down pietro right leg lucky lucky us
  5. Like
    + sam.fitzpatrick got a reaction from tennisjock in Daily Pietro Boselli   
    Hmmm, as much as I want to believe what I see, "photoshopped" comes to mind.
  6. Like
    + sam.fitzpatrick reacted to TruHart1 in Friday Funnies   
    May 15, 2017
    This Woman Was Arrested For ‘Stealing’ A Case Of Water Bottles And THIS Was Her Husband’s Response.
    Dear Whole Foods executives:
    I consider myself to be a loyal Whole Foods customer. In fairness, it’s my wife who is the customer, since it is she who actually frequents your stores and spends the money. “Frequent” is an appropriate word to use, because she frequents your stores frequently. Indeed, between October 8 and November 27th of this year, she purchased goods from you on 27 separate occasions. The total spend during that period was $2,165.46 (an average $80.20 per visit). Just the other day, I pointed out to her that if she keeps this up, we will spend close to $30K a year at Whole Foods, if I’ve done my math right (which I have). I’m not sure where that ranks on your “customer value” metric (if you guys bother to track that sort of thing) but I’d venture to guess it’s pretty high. I mean, really. Thirty grand a year on friggin pears, quinoa and smoked turkey has got to be up there, no? Someone over there has to be making a bit of coin on our visits, although admittedly, I’m not up on the current margins for quinoa sales.
    That’s why it was so shocking to me to learn that she was arrested by your staff during her last visit to Whole Foods.
    Arrested, you might ask? Well, it seems that way. And the crime? She “stole” a case of water.
    Admittedly, I feel somewhat responsible for this “theft” since I’ve been putting a lot of pressure on her to stockpile water bottles. I’ve been very thirsty lately. I’ve had many sleepless nights craving my water from Whole Foods. But, alas, the other night, when I groggily made my way to our kitchen pantry at 3AM, we were out of those sacred bottles. Imagine my outrage… this was the final straw! In a desperate attempt to quench my insatiable thirst, I told her: “Honey, you are going to have to do better with the shopping. We need more Whole Foods water bottles. I don’t care how you get them – just get them!”
    The next day, a plot was hatched. My wife set out to “steal” water bottles from Whole Foods. Brilliantly disguised as an everyday shopper (pushing a cart around, sampling items, making purchases and all those things normal shoppers do), my wife surreptitiously took a water bottle case and stashed it underneath her cart, masking it with the only available “cover” she had – her gym bag. Her true genius on full display, she filled her shopping cart with another $180 worth of “decoy” shopping goods, (which of course she would pay for in full), all in a clever attempt to draw people’s attention away from the real prize. The crown jewel. A $5 case of Whole Foods water. Palms and brow billowing with sweat, she made her way to the cashier, as the final stage in her plan – the escape – was now well within grasp. Just beyond the register, she could see her freedom – and a life of endless amounts of Whole Foods water (or at least a few days worth).
    But, my dear Whole Foods executives, it was not to be. On this fine day, one of your crafty security guards would foil the plan. Drawing from his many weeks of in-classroom training in the art of thwarting dastardly acts such as “stealing water bottles”, “eating food from the coveted salad bar while still shopping”, and “using expired coupons”, his spidey senses went off the minute she walked into the store. And why wouldn’t they go off? After all, it is rare that you would see a shopper who has been in your store 27 times in the past month and a half come back again to do more shopping the next day (hmmm, wait a minute…?). Ducking behind the deep freeze, dropping-and-rolling around the fresh produce, and using the mixed nuts section as camouflage, our Whole Foods SWAT team member stalked his prey, patiently waiting for the opportune moment to strike.
    Once my evil-doer wife passed the register while paying for all of her groceries, except the Whole Foods Holy Water, your faithful security guard pounced. Accosting her in a crowded elevator in front of 15 other customers (accomplices perhaps?), he loudly (and proudly) proclaimed, “Miss, you are under arrest. You stole water from us and I am going to have to take you in.” I kid you not, the lad said “take you in”. Beaten at her own game, my wife had to think on her feet. Under pressure, and furious about the situation, all she could muster was: “Oh shit, I totally forgot about that. It was hidden under my gym bag. Here’s five bucks – I’m so embarrassed and I really do apologize.”
    Now, whole foods executives, both of us know just how ridiculous that excuse sounds. We all know that’s COMPLETELY implausible. Especially to customers who shop every day and have a zillion other things going on. It should be patently obvious to anyone that reads this that my wife hatched a plot to steal $5 worth of water, and was caught red-handed.
    My only relief is that your able-bodied staff properly resolved the situation. After keeping her under “lockdown” for a half hour, interrogating her about her motives and plans for future attacks on Whole Foods (thankfully, she unleashed her fury on Whole Foods as an “independent”, with no direct ties to Al-Qaeda, ISIS or any other terrorist organization), they let her go. And, in a strangely ironic twist, they gave her the water bottle case for free. I crack myself up every time I re-read that sentence.
    But there’s one more catch. I consider it my own consolation prize.
    The catch is that before she was allowed to leave, the kind staff at Whole Foods told her she’s never allowed to shop there again. Phew, what a relief! Now I can take my $30K per year food budget to one of your competitors, where, I’ve been most pleased to discover, a dollar is stretched to a far greater degree.
    And, they have such great deals on cases of water. They are a practical steal!
    Yours truly and truthfully,
  7. Like
    + sam.fitzpatrick reacted to BasketBaller in Two Down, One To Go   
    A moment to myself so I'll report in. Yesterday older brother, DePaul twin, and I went to a morning briefing on how the summer had been going (Plebe Summer technically goes through next week), then went to watch noon formation, our first glimpse of the Plebes in their summer whites, not the pajama-like sailor suits they wear during training. We then waited for them to be released, standing by the letter sign that corresponded to our last name. When the hordes of Plebes began to swarm out we were looking for him in a sea of white uniforms. Then a voice from behind us-- "Who are you looking for?" He had missed us and overshot, and we hadn't seen him go by! A whoop from all of us and we had a four-way bear hug, laughing. He looks great, and he seems happy. He gave his twin a second hug, another long, tight one. But they were smiling and when they broke they just looked at each other for a moment, and laughed again. Older brother rolled his eyes and laughed, too.
    Off we went to see his room, one of only two times we'll be able to do that in his time there. We met his company officer, some of the upperclass detailers, and his roommates and their families. Each time anyone saw the twins they said "Wow." And one of the platoon leaders saw DePaul twin standing in the hall and was about to go ballistic because he thought it was Plebe twin in civilian clothes, which aren't allowed this weekend at any time. Both roommates seem nice but he's right, one did not seem happy, an only child of older parents.
    Most of the Plebes turn down the opportunity to eat with their families in the mess hall, because they can't wait to get off the Yard! But he was amenable, so we saw how efficiently they serve 4000 Midshipmen at once, three times a day. Meals are all served family-style, with platters and bowls delivered to each table within 5 minutes. The staff is enormous.
    Then finally-- liberty! At his request, first stop was the mall to see Spiderman, which is pretty good. Then back to the hotel to relax, talk on the phone to girlfriend, and play on the computer. We have connecting rooms, one for the twins and one for their brother and me. After a bit the other room got very quiet, so I went to see what they were doing. Plebe had changed to PT gear (still a uniform) and was fast asleep. Twin was quietly playing on the computer, watching him sleep. I will freely confess I, and even older brother, crept back from time to time to watch him sleep.
    Eventually we had to rouse him to go eat, since he had to be back in the company area by 10, er, 2200. He sprang up as if he was worried he'd overslept. Then off for a dinner of soft shell crabs (a family favorite), ice cream in downtown Annapolis (DTA in Mid parlance) and plenty of time to get back, so we sat at city dock by the water and he told us stories, told us what he'd liked and what he hadn't, and for the third time this summer, said the food was better than he'd expected.
    A stroll back to the Yard, a hug for each of us, twin last, and in he went. We headed back to the hotel and talked about it all, and how good he looked in the uniform.
    This morning at 8:30, er, 0830, there was a formal dress parade, and his girlfriend and her parents drove over from DC to spend the day. Her family has only been in DC for a few years, and they'd never been to the Academy and were blown away by how beautiful it is, they'd expected a Naval base. The parade was impressive and full of traditions, lots of music and pageantry. Afterwards the Plebes marched back to Bancroft Hall, the dorm. to change back into summer whites. We waited at the same spot, and this time saw him coming. Girlfriend's mother is from the South, and at the first sight of him in his uniform, she blurted out, "Oh, my Lord!" Today girlfriend got the long hug, followed by a quick hug for mom and a handshake for her dad. They were all a bit speechless, I think.
    No big plan for the day except to visit, and find at least some time for Plebe and GF to be together. So he was kind enough to show them around a bit, even though I'm sure he wanted to leave. He took them in the Chapel, filled with Tiffany windows, and described them all in detail, and he showed them the public parts of Bancroft Hall, including Memorial Hall, where the name of every graduate who died in combat is enshrined, a very grand vaulted room.
    Then off to lunch where he ate everything anyone left on their plate along with his own, and back to the hotel to swim in the pool. Older brother went off by himself to poke around DTA, GF's parents hadn't brought suits so they're just sitting by the pool, and twins and GF are swimming (his bathing suit is his issued one-- still a uniform.) I had been sitting with her folks but came back to the room to check email, and figured I'd fill you in. We keep him until midnight, er, 2400, although I imagine GF et al will leave before that. The vague plan is hanging out, dinner eventually, maybe another movie. Dunkirk has been requested but that may not be a good choice for a newish Navy dad to see. Possibly the kids will go alone anyway.
    Tomorrow we have until 6, er, 1800, he wants us to go to the chapel in the morning and then, well, hanging out, eating, maybe more sleeping. To be continued.
  8. Like
    + sam.fitzpatrick reacted to nate_sf in Heads Up! Mark your calendars for the Forum DC Gathering, January 12-14, 2018   
    Please mark your calendars for the next Forum DC Gathering, January 12-14, 2018.
    @ArVaGuy and I have been working the past couple of months to put together plans for next year's gathering, and we'll be co-hosts. As with past DC gatherings, the weekend will span the MLK weekend, and coincide with Mid Atlantic Leather (MAL). There will be a range of get-togethers, culminating in the traditional brunch on Sunday, January 14th.
    Last year's effort for the gathering had the best of intentions, but fell short when a venue for the brunch was not arranged. No harm, no foul, but not something anyone wants to have happen again. For this next year's event, arranging the venue for the brunch has been the first order of business, and it's been all confirmed. This event WILL happen, and you can start making arrangements with confidence.
    Along the lines of making arrangements, we wanted to post an announcement early particularly for those interested in booking a hotel room in the MAL host hotel, or one of the hotels nearby. As of this writing there are still rooms at the MAL host hotel, but in year's past the host hotel has sold out well in advance of the event. So if you've been thinking you might want to book a room in the host hotel, you might want to do that sooner than later. Here is the link to the reservations page: http://www.leatherweekend.com/hotel/
    For those of you who may not be interested in MAL or the leather scene, not to worry! Traditionally the DC gathering has coincided with MAL because it's a long weekend and many of us are in town, but the forum gathering is otherwise independent of the leather activities and is welcoming to all forum members. You may choose to sample some of the MAL activities, or go "whole-hog", or alternatively forgo them completely. That's up to you.
    At this early stage we are posting so you can plan the dates ahead, book your hotel if inclined, and let us know if you're interested in attending so we can start putting together a head count for the brunch.
    If you're interested in attending, please send a direct message to either @ArVaGuy or @nate_sf or both of us (direct messages can include more than one recipient). As the date approaches, we'll get in touch with each member who has expressed interest.
    And if you have general questions or suggestions for the gathering, please do so in this thread.
    We're excited to be continuing this fun tradition and hope you'll join us!
  9. Like
    + sam.fitzpatrick reacted to + ArVaGuy in Heads Up! Mark your calendars for the Forum DC Gathering, January 12-14, 2018   
    Looking forward to seeing old friends and making new ones at this event. If anyone has any questions please feel free to send a PM to either of us.
  10. Like
    + sam.fitzpatrick reacted to Epigonos in How's Your Investment Portfolio?   
    I have NEVER been remotely interested in the stock market and refused to allow someone else to invest my money for me. Yet I have been extremely fortunate when it comes to money matters. I started teaching in California in 1966 and retired in 2002. Teacher's pensions were always decent in California but in the 1990's then went from decent to over the top outstanding. When I retired I was fortunate enough to retire at 100% of my working net income. Every October 1st since then I have received a cost of living increase. I am certainly not rich but I live very comfortably, make several interesting trips each year and pursue my hiring hobby with gusto. Life is good.
  11. Like
    + sam.fitzpatrick reacted to LivingnLA in Nico Tortorella   
    My wife started watching Younger awhile ago. She's thrilled about all the cuddle time and post show activities since I've enjoyed watching it too, largely due to this beautiful man.


  12. Like
    + sam.fitzpatrick reacted to Bucky in Escorts and So Many Tattoos   
    I'm just want to be in on the IPO for the first, patented, proven fading cream.
  13. Like
    + sam.fitzpatrick reacted to Bucky in Escorts and So Many Tattoos   
    I'm just want to be in on the IPO for the first, patented, proven fading cream.
  14. Like
    + sam.fitzpatrick reacted to + OliverSaks in Escorts and So Many Tattoos   
    I'll get (maybe) a tattoo if I make it to my 69th birthday.
  15. Like
    + sam.fitzpatrick reacted to + OliverSaks in Escorts and So Many Tattoos   
    I'll get (maybe) a tattoo if I make it to my 69th birthday.
  16. Like
    + sam.fitzpatrick reacted to BasketBaller in Two Down, One To Go   
    We had the second call on Sunday, and being the second it seemed less fraught with importance. He sounded great, and asked for cleaning supplies. The upperclass who are training them switched out later in the day to a new set, and he was worried about that. He said his detailers had been hard but he knew them, now he was going to have to meet a whole new crew. Older brother was not here, visiting his girlfriend in Boston, and twin didn't ask for private talk this time, although most of the chatter was between the two of them anyway. We again let Plebe and his gf have a few minutes alone on the phone, and while we didn't eavesdrop there was a lot of laughter on her end.
    One more call next Sunday, and the following week is parents' weekend when we can not only see him and meet his roommates, but take him away for a meal or a movie or whatever-- he wants to see the Spider-Man film, I know.
    DePaul twin has been put in touch with his roommate-to-be, and they've been skyping, it seems like a good match, he's from Ireland, a soccer player, also planning to major in computer science. I think some of his struggle had to do with his brother's new life starting earlier than his, now that he is near to leaving for his adventures he seems to be happily looking ahead. Although he still is sleeping in his brother's bed.
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  19. Like
    + sam.fitzpatrick got a reaction from + José Soplanucas in 3some , should I ?   
    A couple of years ago, I thought it would be fun to try a threesome. While I enjoyed myself with each escort individually, when the three of us were together, I completely got lost in too many choices - what should I do with whom, who's next, etc? I discussed this with Escort A and he suggested I was overthinking it. A year later I tried it again. The experience was better, but still not up to my expectations. I am so glad I tried it, and in all likelihood will try it again at some point.
    The one thing I have learned when it comes to this hobby, I will try anything once (well, not quite anything as scat is more than I can accept) to see if I like it with mixed results. Take watersports, I thought I would not ever do that. But once I did, although it does nothing for me, I realized that if was absolutely something that my partner must do, I could do it. On the other hand, I thought I would never get in a sling, but once I did....
  20. Like
    + sam.fitzpatrick reacted to tennisjock in Your Daily (Gay) Athlete   
    I love this thread thank you LoveNDino!!!!
  21. Like
    + sam.fitzpatrick reacted to tennisjock in Your Daily (Gay) Athlete   
    Omg that last sideways pic shows that gravity defying ass
  22. Like
    + sam.fitzpatrick reacted to BasketBaller in Two Down, One To Go   
    We came to the same conclusion, even his twin thinks it's best. We got a short note from the Plebe, saying he's surviving and the food's better than he expected. He also said the upperclass Mids who lead their training work so hard, getting up before the Plebes and going to bed later, that he doesn't mind how much they yell!
  23. Like
    + sam.fitzpatrick reacted to bdcjskm in Two Down, One To Go   
    As has been mentioned many times, your family story is very compelling and heartwarming. There is, obviously, a tremendous bond between you and your sons and between them. This has been forged by the way you have all four navigated life following a heartbreaking experience. You know that the relationship they have with you is exceptional in every way and has made it possible for them to individually explore their separate dreams. Just as you have in every decision concerning your family, you will do the right thing when the time is right. Have faith in that. They may know, they may not. But, my sense is that they have been raised to appreciate the differences in people and to not to judge that which does not warrant judgment. While the disclosure may be interesting, I suspect it will have zero impact on what is important - and that is their love for their father. You will probably have to deal with the topic of your relationship with their mother, which may be a simple as their wanting validation that their was love there. On the other hand, they saw that love and may have no doubts. Good luck in everything that is going on with you and your sons; and a hardy congratulations.
  24. Like
    + sam.fitzpatrick reacted to MikeBiDude in Landon Mycles aka Marcus Mojo   
    +1 and then some...
  25. Like
    + sam.fitzpatrick reacted to + BenjaminNicholas in Landon Mycles aka Marcus Mojo   
    Sexy. As. Fuck.
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