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Everything posted by sam.fitzpatrick

  1. Does Prince Harry's infamous night of naked billards in Las Vegas count?
  2. His ad hasn't been showing in Columbus very long, perhaps two weeks. It was only up showing in the Columbus search for a couple of days before he was showing out of town.
  3. PK - Great question and interesting timing as I've recently contemplated this very question myself. I have a small group of close friends that I like. They are either friends from college or very early in my career. When I accepted a promotion that required me to leave my hometown, I began forming new friendships in my new city. The friends I left behind in my hometown I consider my closest friends, but we are unable to get together but once a year. Over the last few months, I realized that people I spend most of my social time with are mostly individuals that I do not have that much in common with and I'm not overly fond of several of them. But they want to include me in activities and at this point in time, it is easier for me to spend time with people I tolerate rather than working to find people that I truly like.
  4. Yippee! Tonight I finally made it through all 12 questions.
  5. There are several escorts who choose not to post or send dick pics and that's fine with me. I can think of a ton of valid reasons not to post them. (I won't list all 2,000, but....) 1. Escort is a bottom. (Dick pics often imply that the escort will top.) 2. Escort has another career and identifiable nude pics would not be good for that career. 3. Escort has really hot photos in his underwear that leave only a little to the imagination. 4. Escort prefers to provide extended hiring sessions which includes time in clothes. For those clients, it isn't all about the cock. 5. Escort has identifiable ink doesn't want nude pics being shared. 6. Escort has a five inch penis of average girth as stated in the ad. 7. Even after sending them a while ago, the escort received more questions about whether they were photoshopped. 9. Escort is a master and the leather cod piece and chaps says it all. 10. Escort is a frequent reader of this forum and feels things have been too quiet and wants to stir the pot.
  6. I see a phone number in the red banner in the upper right-hand corner of the ad. I'm viewing from my PC (rather than a mobile device.)
  7. Perhaps it would be more cost-effective, but having the physician's appointments and regular panel of tests helps detect any adverse reactions to the meds.
  8. Keep it mum, but rather you could say something along the lines of "When I saw your profile on a4a, you looked familiar. Have you modeled/are you an actor/are you a musician?" Let him respond with something and then take it from there.
  9. I have a large glass tray on my dresser that gets all of my pocket change. I have a modest coin collection, so I want to see if I find a Mercury dime or a wheat penny in the mix before rolling them up and taking them to the bank. Well, it seems that I ignored my coin collection for a couple of years as when I went to the bank the last time, I had over $500 in change to deposit.
  10. While there are make of my favorites already listed, there are not many that meet my definition of legendary. And some I consider legends do not appear on my favorite list. Those I consider legends: Al Parker, Jeff Stryker, Brent Corrigan, Michael Lucas, Marilyn Chambers, Linda Lovelace, and Ron Jeremy.
  11. I just received the insurance statements for my procedure a three weeks ago - one for the MD (~$1,000) and one for the hospital (~$5,000.) And I didn't get a discount for waking up in the middle of the procedure.
  12. Since you are looking for this weekend, give him 24 hours.
  13. I have done several extended hires from 2 to 5 days. I've only had good experiences. I attribute that to careful selection of my companion and clear communication of about my expectations for our time together. I always expect the guy I'm with to want some time to take care of personal business or go to the gym. (If I don't let him at least answer emails, this forum will eat him up for being non-responsive.) Sometimes there are shows, sometimes bar hopping, usually at least one nicer dinner, and perhaps some sight seeing. I think of it as a long weekend traveling with my college friends that we do several things together with some solo time. Very casual and just hanging out.
  14. Thank you for sharing this update. So glad there was a peaceful ending to this chapter of Ian's story.
  15. We discussed this one at my weekly poker game Friday night. My friend who got the email knew that it wasn't true as he is a former IT worker. Since he never uses the camera on his PC, he has duct taped over it. Also, the password included in the email he only uses on four websites, two for pizza delivery, one for his newspaper subscription, and the community rec center. He's now contacting each of the four sites to ask fi they have been hacked. I'm looking forward to an update on Friday.
  16. For her last 10 years of life or so, my grandmother had an in-house companion that did not provide medical care, other than making sure she got her medications at breakfast and dinner. (Grandma lived to the age of 99.) The companion's responsibilities were relatively straight-forward. Prepare meals for her and clean up afterward, bring in the morning paper and the daily mail, feed the dog, and let the dog in and out of the back door. After she broke a leg, she also needed some help getting between her wheelchair and bed. Perhaps the most important role the companion played was simply watching TV with her, helping with the crossword puzzle, or just chatting. She also had someone with her overnight so she had someone with her pretty much around the clock. All this was paid for without insurance. (Thus on weekends, I would take a shift as the companion. Grandma liked that because I would let her order pizza. and a sister would take a couple of week nights.) Somewhere along the line, we also had a visiting nurse that came in three times a week to provide bathing and take vitals. The visiting nurse was fully covered by Medicare (or other of her insurance.) We got companions from a couple of private agencies, one was owned by a member of our church and another a referral from her physician. Typically we were rotating a team of five or six ladies staying with her. Over time, additional companions came from referrals from friends, her visiting nurse looking for extra $$$, and a college student that wanted to do nights as studying at her house was more effective than trying to study at the library.
  17. When someone is visiting Columbus, I got to his hotel, as I live in the suburbs and it is probably just more convenient for him for me to come to him. However, when I'm traveling I tend to host in my hotel room. Since I'm usually hiring a local guy in these occasions, I assume that he can more easily find his way to me than I can to him.
  18. If you have your balls and/or crack sugared or waxed, do you need to wait before having some playtime or can you go straight from the spa to meet your escort?
  19. I love my two Skagens - unfortunately one of them I wore out the leather band and I haven't found a suitable replacement yet.
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