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Everything posted by sam.fitzpatrick

  1. The Carnival cruise I was on a year ago had a cruise director (and a support staff.)
  2. I'm sure that member believes you are going to enhance his rep out yonder.
  3. The lack of in calls has kept me from calling him. That said, his ad has been up quite a while and that must indicate that he is getting some business.
  4. I've been looking for someone in Columbus for three years when my most recent regular moved out of town. I usually have to rely on the traveling guys for my massages. Admittedly, I've not successfully booked with any of the current advertisers. (I've tried to schedule something from time to time without any success, so I've not made much effort recently.)
  5. For me, condom use has never been a complaint. I've never minded the feel of the condom as the bottom and as a top my only complaint are that Magnums are too big for me. However, earlier this year I did start taking PrEP. A couple of factors went into my decision to do so: 1. I have twice had condoms come off of my partner with me realizing it until after the we were done with playtime. 2. A good friend's partner of five years had not disclosed to my friend that the partner had been diagnosed HIV+ five years before they met. (Made me realize that if someone who claims to love you and share your bed every night, how could you ever trust someone you are just meeting for the first time.) Should my doctor ever tell me that I need to stop taking PrEP or my insurance doesn't cover it, I wouldn't fret about not taking it.
  6. Whether a steam room or a dry sauna, I've seen guys lie down on the tile/cedar bench. I personally like to sit in a corner of the steam room, leaning against a wall with my feet up on the bench.
  7. I've stayed at both Pineapple Point and Cabanas (https://thecabanasguesthouse.com/) and recommend both of them. Neither of these locations is walking distance to the beach like the Worthington is.
  8. If your partner doesn't buy into Ryan Reynolds, try Justin Trudeau.
  9. Thank goodness penis is easy to pronounce!
  10. The overnights I've had do vary. In most cases, dinner has been included and usually breakfast. In some cases, there are a couple of play sessions in the evening with nothing in the morning. Other times an evening session with a morning wake up call with the provider's head under the sheets. One item to discuss before hand is sleeping. Is sleepwear expected or nudity? Is body contact (such as spooning) during the night good or does either client or provider need to be untouched to get sleep? How many hours of actual sleeping is a minimum.
  11. Travel ads more than 30 days prior to the date of arrival.
  12. For years, my wallet was always in my right rear pocket. Then about 15 years ago a friend convinced me to change to a money clip that included a case for cards and that went in a front pocket. Even though I only used the money clip for 5 years or so, the wallet never made a return to the rear pocket. I've also come to the realization that the rear pockets should be reserved for hankies.
  13. Sorry - nothing yet. His Columbus ad has only been up three, maybe four weeks. He has been out of town a couple of those weekends.
  14. Happy Birthday, Oliver. May your favorite college team deliver a W for your birthday tomorrow!
  15. An ad that is targeting men age 40 and older!
  16. In the earlier rounds, it was a shame that when the temps were so hot they didn't allow the guys to play shirtless.
  17. I've seen it happen and in those cases the couple had been together 30 years or more.
  18. I have a couple of guys I've from the Forum that I've met at either the January DC event or in Palm Springs the last couple of years. I have also discussed my experiences with a couple of escorts Outside of the Forum, the only person I've shared my experiences in this hobby is my personal trainer. The started with me commenting about getting a great massage, and he was looking for a someone new as his massage provider had moved and was no longer convenient to see. I decided that that I should show him the masseur's ad on Craigslist (yes, this was in the days that those ads were permitted) and that caused him to ask what was an erotic massage. Although he never went to see that masseur, (he's straight and married, so the erotic component didn't interest him) any time I mentioned that I had a massage, he wanted the details. Over a few months got to the point that anything in our lives was open for discussion.
  19. Compressions shorts are often made of similar material to the tights - I wear adidas tights and some adidas compression shorts and they are. No, they do nothing to support my back, but (a) I think they keep the blood flowing better and as such I don't cramp up and (b) I'm not flashing other in the gym when I'm doing leg presses. I do change my footwear up, but it will admit that half the time it is fashion more than function, especially for the lifting days. However, for days that are more cardio focused I do have a pair of shoes I always wear. (I may wear that pair for lifting, but it is always the pair if I'm going to talk a 3-mile aerobic walk.)
  20. Depending on the type of workout I'm doing, I either wear a jock (upper body days) or compression shorts or tights (lower body) under my gym shorts. Sometimes I'll wear just the tights without the shorts over them, especially on colder days in the autumn.
  21. I've been to spas that charge $2 per minute for body grooming with no expectation for anything close to a sensual experience.
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