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Everything posted by sam.fitzpatrick

  1. @Wolfer First off - I hope that in addition to our other feelings, you are flattered that he has called you. Regardless of the reason, you made a good enough impression for him to call you. And if the sex is as good for you as you indicate, and it has been every time you've been together, then he must be enjoying more than the financial benefit of your encounters. I tend to be a 'glass half full' guy and yet I often find myself overthinking about whether a provider thinks of my solely as an ATM. I've had enough encounters with providers that I know with some of them I am just a transaction, and other providers also enjoy spending time with me, perhaps over other clients. After ten years of enjoying this hobby I finally realized to not care about their motivations for seeing me.
  2. Yep - he's all of the above.
  3. How are you able to focus on work knowing this lineup awaits you at the end of the week?
  4. Are you kidding? I have spent hours planning to have masks that compliment my wardrobe while in Palm Springs. I'm not going to let all that planning go to waste.
  5. What? I don't see how the marital status makes it "even more inexcusable." If you want to talk about how the photos might be used to her determent as judging the level of inexcusability, isn't the fact that she was basically an uncompensated model for the gossip rags enough and they were stealing her image for their profit? So couldn't one make the argument that the excessive speed was being used to escape a crime? Does that make it "even less inexcusable" than if it was being done to avoid complications of a divorce proceeding?
  6. Hmmm - - - I was going to reply, "I wonder if it was Nero" before reading the rest of the thread and your subsequent message identifying him as the provider. I have had the same experience that he had blocked me. I'm confident he did that after reading my profile.
  7. Growing up, I was always misplacing the house key. About six years ago, my sister gave me a Tile for Christmas - partly as a gag gift. I have used it ever since. About once every three months it is handy. Tile has since changed its design. While originally you had to replace them, they now use a replacable watch battery. I've been able to find the key that slid out of my pocket and into the couch. I new it was somewhere in the condo, and while the phone could not pinpoint the location within my place, the ringing on the device led me to it. When I've left the key in my office, but cannot find it at home; I can see on the phone the "last location" of the Tile. Then when I arrive there, I'm able to trigger the sound to find it.
  8. I also have seen Jay (https://rentmasseur.com/JayMassageSpa), and agree that he gives a solid therapeutic massage, also sensual touch throughout the session. I'm looking for a time to make another visit to Las Vegas soon and hope that Jay's schedule would allow me to see him again.
  9. After all these years, I would have thought you would have figured out how to make a batch that wasn't well liked, and no one would ask for them again. ?
  10. Perhaps contacting the police with his phone number they may be able to track down the address, especially if one of the phone numbers is a cell.
  11. Unfortunately, the two celebrities I am most frequently told I look like have been deceased for several years. (On the positive, I have won a Halloween costume contest as one of them.)
  12. I don't like being asked, "Can I have your autograph?" I'm sure that I'm being mistaken for someone else, so what do I do? Decline and potentially damage someone else's reputation? Ask "and who do you think I am?" Scribble an illegible signature? Sign it Sam Fitzpatrick? There's just no way to win......
  13. I personally include the hobby as part of my entertainment budget. Also in there are things like tickets for sporting events and theater, dining out, and travel. I find it gives me flexibility. The entertainment budget is set each year after I set up my budget for maximizing my 401(k) & HSA contributions, insurance (health/life/condo/auto), mortgage/property taxes/HOA, utilities, charity and groceries.
  14. I don't remember nudity being a thing in my house growing up. However, if I wanted to talk to my dad while he was in his morning grooming routine before work or on the weekends after he had finished yardwork, we would often talk as he took a shower. The fact that he was naked in front of me was never an issue. It was just an opportunity for some father-son time. (I don't remember my sisters having such talks with him.)
  15. A mutual friend told me that Tony is no longer splitting time between SD and PS. You can find his ad showing under PS. Palm Springs Gay Massage - Male Masseurs for Men in CA - Masseurfinder
  16. I've learned I need to read these out loud to fully appreciate them. When reading them silently, I often miss the pun - "her peas" for example.
  17. I was chair of the credentials committee at a fraternity convention. As chair, I had the responsibility to present the delegates for each chapter. One of the delegates had a hyphenated last name as well as military officer title. Despite practicing it a couple of times before getting behind the microphone, I bungled his introduction. Although I intended to apologize for mispronouncing his name, my exact words were, "sorry about your name."
  18. I have limited my top masseurs for Mt. Rushmore to guys that are currently advertising: Jeremy in Ft. Lauderdale: Male Massage by Jeremy - massage/bodywork in Fort Lauderdale, FL - masseurfinder He used to be based in Ohio and I try to see him every time I'm in Ft. Lauderdale. Jake Hugh in Nashville: JakeHughesTN, Erotic & Therapeutic Gay Massage in Nashville, TN (rentmasseur.com) Jay in Las Vegas: JayMassageSpa, Erotic & Therapeutic Gay Massage in Las Vegas, NV (rentmasseur.com) Sam in New York: Samgl, Erotic & Therapeutic Gay Massage in New York City, NY (rentmasseur.com)
  19. My first-ever massage was from Peter more than 10 years ago. It was a wonderful experience and I understand why he is on your list. I have seen AdamExplorer and you are right to have him on your list.
  20. That will be up to Oliver to set the parameters for the event(s) he is scheduling. As long as Palm Springs isn't in a complete lockdown prohibiting visitors, I plan to go, even if group gatherings are prohibited. I figure by then I'll be ready for some warmer temps - I can always decompress and enjoy a good book poolside for a few days.
  21. The summers spent with the kids on the block playing baseball, riding bikes, and swimming. Pretty much woke up and went outside and we soon were a group of ten or more ready to play until dark.
  22. I think that the fear of AIDS is primary reason I didn't act then. However, it took another 20+ years and that wasn't good for me either. Too much time spent answering questions like, "Sam - you're a great guy, why are you still single?" and finding plausible responses like, "Don't you think I should be selective rather than just being with someone who is available?" And I may have found someone years ago to grow old with before becoming accustomed to the single life.
  23. Passing up opportunities to explore my sexuality in college.
  24. I flew in for the Adonis party on Halloween. It was great fun. That said, the state of New York had requirements to quarantine for 10 days upon arriving from a state with positivity rate greater than 15%. That has kept me from returning.
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