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  1. Like
    BigAppleJay reacted to jeezifonly in Grindr Ads   
    The dangers to us via hookup apps are far greater than the dangers of anonymous bookstore booths and glory holes back in the day.
    Just sayin’
  2. Applause
    BigAppleJay reacted to Epigonos in What age is too old?   
    Thus far my age (80) has not keep me from doing the things I wish to do.  Now that this fucking pandemic seems to be receding I will start traveling again.  I also hire escorts on a regular basis.  In fact I have a three-way set up for the 13th of this month and I have arranged to have an escort accompany me to Puerto Vallarta on my next trip there in November.  Life is STILL good and I intend to make good use of it. 
  3. Haha
    BigAppleJay reacted to Kevin Slater in Why do folks reply with “bump”?   
    Kevin Slater
  4. Like
    BigAppleJay reacted to + pdxleo in Rate Your Level of Paranoia   
    Prolly a 2, getting too old and cranky to give two shits about what anybody thinks anymore- been the subject of idle gossip my whole life and it ain't gonna stop now!
  5. Like
    BigAppleJay reacted to dutchal in 411 on NICOLASPRADO_XXL in NYC   
    You mean more recent than 3 weeks ago???
  6. Like
    BigAppleJay reacted to allyouknow in Masseur safety   
    If this is a concern then I would suggest only going for massages with purely therapeutic and keeping undergarments on. The responsibility is on you not them regarding YOUR safety.
  7. Like
    BigAppleJay reacted to Gymowner in What would make you a disgruntled client?   
    You can thank social media for the lack of well.... being social. Instagram, facebook, twitter are nothing but "filters" that one can control what that person wants others to know about himself. It makes people feel more superior and more special than they really are in life. More more and more "it's all about me". no wonder escorts are late, no shows or dont provide as promised. Remember.... it's all about them silly!!
  8. Like
    BigAppleJay reacted to big dale in Please, please, please STAY HOME - that massage is STILL not worth your life   
    You are truly selfish, and I feel deeply worried for the people around you.
  9. Like
    BigAppleJay reacted to OCClient in Advice on a new talk show   
    TV talk show hosts rarely dwell on themselves and blow their own horn, except in self deprecating ways. Yet gay bloggers on YouTube frequently fail to follow that model. It gets tiring except that in our narcissistic world, might be admired by some. They also look good in a tank top.
  10. Like
    BigAppleJay reacted to CuriousByNature in Please, please, please STAY HOME - that massage is STILL not worth your life   
    Your words sound to me like a conspiracy theory, not unlike the allegegations of voter fraud. Many people die OF covid, and many others die WITH covid. But this distinction does not alter the facts. Without covid 400,000 people in the USA would likely still be alive and many thousands more would not be suffering permanent damage. For many with underlying health issues, covid has tipped the balance - even if covid is not what they died 'from' it has certainly hastened their demise by destabilizing their health further.
  11. Like
    BigAppleJay reacted to relax man in Please, please, please STAY HOME - that massage is STILL not worth your life   
    How do you expect to be taken seriously when you say something this ridiculous, not to mention stunningly offensive to the dead and survivors alike?
    Spare us the gaslighting and just say you don't give a shit what happens to anyone else and that you're going to do whatever you feel like doing.
  12. Like
    BigAppleJay reacted to CuriousByNature in Please, please, please STAY HOME - that massage is STILL not worth your life   
    I would be wary of advocating the Swedish approach. Even their lead epidemiologist has now admitted that trying for herd immunity by encouraging exposure has been a failure. A failure that cost thousands of lives, many of them elderly. Many, many more deaths than other Scandinavian countries. It was a big and very risky gamble that ultimately backfired, and now Sweden has been having to institute restrictions after all. Mask wearing and lockdowns do not eliminate the risk entirely, but they make the trajectory of infection and rate of hospitalization easier to manage if people comply, allowing those who need treatment to receive it effectively. And even more, it buys additional time for herd immunity to be achieved via vaccinations. No one wants to be limited in their life choices, but sometimes we need to consider the long game, and which actions we can support to bring the majority of people through this pandemic succesfully - with the least possible number of casualties. But that requires us to lay our personal selfishness aside for the benefit of the larger community - and there are those who refuse to do that.
  13. Like
    BigAppleJay reacted to orville in “RentMen User” Videos   

    There, I fixed for you.

    Too late honey.

  14. Like
    BigAppleJay reacted to jeezifonly in “RentMen User” Videos   
    Couldn’t the same method of digital tracing from RM to you, be applied with posts about the topic here?
  15. Like
    BigAppleJay reacted to cokimstr61 in Hottest Massage Video Ever?   
    Taoist Massage - Griffin Barrows
  16. Like
    BigAppleJay reacted to Terpmaniac in 411 on Dave NYC   
    Not my experience at all. At all.
  17. Like
    BigAppleJay reacted to NJ_hiker in How to confront your masseur?   
    Wow! I'm sorry to point out that you have been enabling his bad behavior. This guy is taking advantage of your timidness - I want to whip your ass into growing a backbone to stand up to this asshole. Without inviting to a therapy session on Dealing with Masseurs 101, you have two options - man up and text him before your next session on your expectations - don't worry about how he feels as long as your message is diplomatic. If the subsequent session is no different, dump him and move on. Alternatively, find another masseur who is professional, gives you the full 60 min and panders to your idiosyncratic sensual cravings. This forum affords you the benefits of selecting a massuer who is tried and tested, so go through the information on here and take some risk.
  18. Like
    BigAppleJay reacted to + sniper in Hung Speed Dating   
    When I was in HS in the 80s, 6 inches was regarded as hung. I mean, people weren't whipping them out and comparing, that was just the measure stated as big. People watch too much porn and are unrealistic about the state of the typical male.
  19. Like
    BigAppleJay reacted to Pepper Young in Is it just me?   
    I've noticed the decline in escort quality too. OF certainly has something to do with it. Why bother putting up with flakes and idiots, when you can just post of video of yourself jacking off and watch the money roll in? Reno Gold is a good example of this phenomenon. Personally, I wouldn't give anyone on OF a dime. I'm after an in-person experience. If I wanted porn (and I do), I can get it for free on Porn Hub. So technology kills off another industry. Street walking gave way to the internet "dating" sites, now they are giving way to virtual "dating" sites. One day a whole generation of gay guys won't know the pleasure of another man's skin against their own.
  20. Like
    BigAppleJay reacted to orville in Is it just me?   
    I have a hard time trying to understand some clients.
    Statistically, gays make up to 5-10% of the population at most. So by default, we are already a reduced group where to find a sex partner.
    Dating is already difficult: ageism, finding a mutual match, time and money invested, ghosting, scarcity of tops, etc.
    We all have experienced the inconveniences above on Tinder, Grinder, Scruff, etc. so we move to hire escorts.
    Most escorts, despite disparities, are on average better looking than most of us, clients.
    So, a client who comes with that attitude of "I'm way better than you" or "You're not good enough for me" doesn't make any sense to me.
    If you dislike most products in a store, do you stand in the middle of the floor and say "I don't like anything here!" before leaving?
    Don't even look anymore, don't even complain or spread negative comments. MOVE ON somewhere else where you can find what you like.
    I completely agree: If those clients are incapable of finding a man attractive enough or a good f*ck in NYC or SFO, they're probably just Full of it.
  21. Like
    BigAppleJay reacted to caramelsub in Is it just me?   
    If someone can’t find an attractive escort in nyc or San Francisco, they won’t find one anywhere else. I can think of several guys in nyc that I would like to hire, but can’t since I don’t live in that area. One should be grateful they don’t live in a boring city like I do with only one page of escorts to choose from.
  22. Like
    BigAppleJay reacted to marylander1940 in Is it just me?   
    Thank you! Great post, honest and direct as usual
  23. Like
    BigAppleJay reacted to + FrankR in 411 on Midwest muscle NYC   
    New rule: on the 3rd bump you have to take one for the team and meet him!
  24. Like
    BigAppleJay reacted to RandyVue in Do I Need to Disclose My Race?   
    I don't think anyone should be shamed for having preferences. However, preferences are not the same as being discriminatory. I'm mostly into good looking, well dressed, muscular, masculine, black men with smooth skin and nice smiles. That said I generally am not drawn to Asian men, but I've seen some Asian men that I thought were very attractive. I'm generally not into white guys, but I've seen some white guys that I think are attractive. Generally not into Latin guys but I've come across some Latin dudes that I wouldn't turn away. So I would say my preference is Black men but I would never rule out an entire group and I think that makes the difference. As long as your preference isn't rooted in something nefarious like prejudices, stereotypes, or racism and it is purely based on attraction, then I see no problem.
    With that being said, It does make you wonder when someone does rule out an entire group if there isn’t something nefarious at play. I’m not saying that there is, but I’m just saying that it does make you wonder.
  25. Like
    BigAppleJay reacted to Spursy in Hiring in a time of Corona   
    My general practitioner told me not to waste any money or time on an antibody test given (a) the unreliability of the test (apparently false positives are a problem, one that might be mitigated by repeated tests), and (b) the current medical uncertainty over how long the antibodies provide protection. This is consistent with what I've read in reputable sources about the antibody tests. Assuming the masseur's representation is accurate, I would still give it little to no weight. But maybe one of the docs around these parts can weigh in with a more informed opinion than mine.
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