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Posts posted by Welshman

  1. On 5/17/2024 at 10:23 AM, Just Chuck said:

    See the FBI and DHS Warning here.


    The FBI and DHS are issuing this Public Service Announcement to provide awareness to the public of foreign terrorist organizations (FTOS) or their supporters potential targeting of LGBTQIA+-related events and venues. Foreign terrorist organizations or supporters may seek to exploit increased gatherings associated with the upcoming June 2024 Pride Month.

    I'm not going to avoid doing anything that I want to do.  But, I'm going to keep my eyes open.

    Do you happen to know if this alert is valid in Europe as well?

  2. Coming from the depths of rural Wales, it is not easy to meet anyone at all (let along muscular) therefore when I made friends with a bodybuilder who lived in Suffolk, I took it. The fact that I was 33 and he was 60 had no bearing on the subject at all.

    I am still friends with him now, even more so since it was announced last year he is suffering from Alzheimer's

  3. Here in the United Kingdom, the Prime Minister came to office after the disaster of the Liz Truss mini budget (that saw Uk gilts increase from a 3.1% yield to a 5.1% yield in less than 24 hours) and as one of his priorities he announced that he would halve inflation within a year of coming to office.

    UK inflation was 11.1% in October 2022, therefore to meet his target inflation needed to be 5.6% or lower by October 2023. That month's inflation figure was 4.6%, more than meeting that requirement, however most people in the UK do not believe it was due to the Prime Minister coming to office.

  4. Well, I try and contribute when I can, however a) I cannot comment on that much because I have only just realised that I am geristhenolagnic and b) there are a number of threads I can read, but cannot contribute to

  5. At the start of the century, I spoke online to a person from Gettysburg who was involved in the recreation of the battle every year (starting off in 2002 as a private and when I last spoke to him in 2011, he was a general) who during that time went to Penn State where he was enrolled in the wrestling programme.

    These pictures are from before he entered college, when he entered college and when he graduated with a masters in electrical engineering.

    Sadly after he left college, allegations started to appear that he was a catfish, therefore I can no longer verify if these pictures are of him.

    18 years old.jpg


    Tim at 21.jpg

  6. The United Kingdom phased out the unbarcoded stamps over a period of two years starting at the end of 2021, stating that all stamps would be redeemed for new stamps at market value, however since the change over news has emerged that the new barcoded stamps are being faked


    People are unknowingly buying fakes from Chinese firms through online marketplaces, reports suggest.


  7. When the story was reported in the United Kingdom, it was handled by the BBC's entertainment reporter (as he was best known in the UK for the Naked Gun series of films) but the main focus was the criminal trial where the BBC reported he was found not gulity in the main trial, but guility in a civil lawsuit.

  8. If you have now developed the bug for seeing solar eclipses (which according to surveys 86% of people who see a total solar eclipse suddenly want to see the next one), there are two options open to you

    1) Wait for the next partial eclipse in 2029 or the next total eclipse in 2044

    2) Travel to the next total eclipse which will be over Greenland, Iceland and Spain on August 12th 2026

  9. On 3/12/2024 at 8:49 PM, Charlie said:

    James I (he was also JamesVI of Scotland) was the son of Mary Queen of Scots, and he was notorious for his fondness for pretty young men: George Villiers was not his first favorite to be showered with titles and wealth. However, he was not just a pretty face--he eventually became Duke of Buckingham, and one of the most important figures in early 17th century European politics. He also became a close confederate of James's son, Charles I, who didn't mind his relationship with Charles's father; George was murdered just before his 36th birthday, while on his way to a military mission for Charles in France.

    As the young Duke of Buckingham, George acquired land in Buckinghamshire, where he built a huge country house called Cliveden. At one point much of the original house was burned down and then rebuilt. Over the years it passed through many owners, including other noblemen, even the Prince of Wales, and the American millionaire William Astor, who passed it on to his son and his wife, the famed British political figure Nancy Astor, before it was finally acquired by the National Trust. In the 1970s, it was used by Stanford University as their international residential campus. A close friend of mine was teaching there at the time, and I went to visit him there for a few days. I was given Nancy Astor's bedroom for my stay.  True to tradition, my gay friend had a favorite pupil, who was a very pretty boy indeed. It is now a hotel, and if you want to lay out a lot of money for a room in the country for the night, you can make your own connection to George Villiers.


    Plus, it didn't just stop in 1605, either because King Charles I appointed him First Minister of England (in effect Prime Minister) which means that the lead character in my Musketeer retellings meets him a lot, with the following taking place on top of a mountain in the Himalays during the lead characters journey around the known world in 800 days

    "Please, Henry I beg you" moaned the Duke, "you know that I am in love with my fellow man, the bigger, the stronger, the better. Henry, you are the strongest man I have ever met, and...I wish I could have seen you become even larger"

    "But your Grace, my manservant is also dying on that mountain and if as you say is true that I am dying as well, I...I cannot accept your offer of becoming your man, but, I promise this, allow me and my manservant to live and when I return to Paris I shall ask Aramis, to bind the soul of Porthos to yours, so that when he dies, not a while yet, you will have a manservant who is able to fulfil your desires, just please, allow me and my manservant to live your Grace!"

  10. 8 hours ago, Sinclaire said:

    Hi there, I'm looking to eventually hire a provider for service in the DMV area, I'm also willing to extending my search to Philly as well. This would be my first time hiring and was wondering if anyone had any recommendations for providers who had bodybuilder style physiques. I know that isn't as common as it once was and I don't see many options listed in the area for providers with that physique I'm not looking for just muscle worship, I'm looking for a full service provider if that makes a difference.  Any input would be greatly appreciated.  

    I believe the reference is to District of Columbia, Maryland and Virgnia

  11. I have spoken to the moderators about this and gained their permission

    Over the last few days reports have appeared in the British media with regard to a honey trap that was aimed at members of the British Parliament, with up to 13 men all connected to British politics, either through being MP's, members of Parliamentary staffs or journalists, had recieved messages on WhatsApp from two unknown telephone numbers where the sender was sending explicit images


    At least six men working in the UK Parliament received unsolicited messages — and the exchanges quickly turned sexual.

    On Thursday it was revealed that William Wragg MP (Con, Hazel Grove) admitted that he had been the one to send the numbers of the group to the unknown person 


    MP William Wragg tells The Times he was "scared" a man he met on Grindr had "compromising things on me".


    Which prompted Luke Evans MP (Con, Bosworth) to announce that he had been a victim 


    Luke Evans says he was a victim of cyber-flashing in a suspected honeytrap plot targeting Westminster.


    and this is where we are at the moment and I believed it would prove that there are always people who are looking to cause trouble.

  12. I am pleased to report we have some actual data on this from sources of information who I believe can be trusted

    In the context of the United States the average male penis, when erect, is 5.36 inches (around 14 cm). 


    Most men believe that the average length of an erect penis is greater than 6 inches (15.24 cm). This belief is due, in part, to several often-cited studies that relied on self-reported...


    Across the continent of Europe, WorldData.com seem to suggest a figure of between 12 to 15cm (around 5 inches to 6 inches) 


    From 10 to 18 cm: The penis size in a country comparison. Are you average?


    Therefore answering the question, there is really not that much difference on average

  13. Chance would be a fine thing in this neck of the woods. On average between January and March, this part of the United Kingdom is supposed to get no more than ten inches of rain. In that same period this year we have recieved 13 inches of rain and as such the ground is so sodden everytime it rains thereafter, flooding happens in people's gardens

  14. 11 hours ago, pubic_assistance said:

    Well...not a third world country...so I assume you grow all your own fruits and vegetables and don't eat meat.

    It is true that I do not eat meat (as in put a turkey or chicken on my plate and I will baulk at the idea, but sliced meat in thin slices, not a problem at all), as for growing all my own fruit and veg, hardly.

  15. 4 hours ago, ShortCutie7 said:

    Congrats on the recent weight loss!  But that’s amazing, $201 a month wouldn’t even get you “dollar pizza” (which is now usually $1.50 for a small slice) in NYC.  

    I shall bear that in mind I say, I would like to attend a meeting in the United States next year and therefore may experience a culture shock with regard to prices.

  16. 2 hours ago, MscleLovr said:

    I congratulate you on being thrifty @Welshman. If you’ll permit me an observation, how is it that you spend so little on food? Do you follow quite a strict diet? I’m fit and healthy, but I spend far more on food as I regard good nutrition as very important. 

    Two reasons, firstly I am around 80lbs overweight (based on the discredited BMI scale which is the only scale that the British health service use), although that I as was 93lbs overweight before Christmas and secondly, as I suffer / have ASD my diet is restricted anyway (for instance don't mind vegetables if chopped into very small pieces and hidden inside things that vegetable burgers but cannot stand the vegetable myself) 

  17. On 2/26/2024 at 2:39 PM, Luv2play said:

    It might have been the average but in those days the average person was poorly nourished, hence the Revolution. The aristocracy tended to be taller. The beheaded king, Louis XVI, was 6’1” before he lost his head. 
    The Duke of Wellington, who defeated Napoleon, was 5’9”, not that tall but taller than the average Englishman. 
    On the other side of the ocean, Sir Isaac Brock, the fallen hero of the defenders of Canada against the US in the War of 1812, was 6’2”. It made him a big target on the battlefield in his colourful jacket. And a bullet pierced that jacket, in the heart. 

    Indeed, Napoleon was indeed of average height, it is was the British illustrated nerwspapers of the time that protrayed him as small (and as we all know "to the victor belongs the spoils")

  18. With AI these days, you can still be fairly descriptive in just 500 characters (for instance):

    Prompt: Write an introduction for the website Rentmen.com in just 500 characters


    Welcome to my profile on Rentmen.com! With a sculpted physique honed through dedication and passion, I offer an experience of unparalleled sensuality and physical prowess. Explore every curve and contour as we embark on a journey of mutual satisfaction and indulgence. Discover the embodiment of desire.

    See, an absolute doddle!

  19. On 4/25/2023 at 2:55 AM, jessmapex said:

    I am trying to gauge if at 52 my annual income is enough to hire providers ( $1000 per month or so). Obviously I can't ask fellow forum participants their net worth, but want to ask what percentage of your annual income you spend on hiring providers. As inflation went up I feel like I have been pushed down to a lower income stratum (eg I find decent hotels too expensive now,) and I want to make sure I am not splurging beyond my means. 

    As of today, this is how my monthy expenditure breaks down (in US dollars)

    Income: $1,953

    Known Expenditure (Bills that are pre determined): $685

    Unknown expenditure (Bills that are determined by use of materials): $189 as an average

    Food Bills: $201

    Overall monthly increase in savings: $878 (which is then used for things such as trying to get to events, if the train network is collapsed by idiots trespassing)

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